Safety Standards To Employ In Your Business

Safety Standards To Employ In Your Business

How safe would you say your company was? Maybe you’ve got plenty of customers on the books, and you know they’ll keep coming back for more and more? Maybe you’ve got a great contact network set up around you, so you’ve always got some experienced to reach out? Maybe you’ve just invested in a new line of technology, and you know it’s going to do wonders for your business? But apart from all these external motivations, do you feel like you’re working in a safe and secure environment?

Your business needs to have safety standards to it, of course. It’s the law, and you wouldn’t even dream of allowing your employees to walk into a working environment that put them at risk. But there are some more understated rules of the security world you might be missing out on; ones that keep your business on the up and up, and have the best success rate at keeping emergencies at bay. So whether you’re a bit worried over your company finances right now, or you’ve had one too many trips and falls in the past 6 months or so, here’s a few tips for you.


Focus on the Floor

The floor you walk over can be a dangerous place, and tripping over something carelessly strewn across it can lead to some very serious consequences for both the victim and the owner of the company where the accident happened. So always have one eye on the floor as you go about your business.

At the very least, make sure it’s clear, and there’s always a clear and obvious walkway for people to use as they naturally navigate around their workstations. Make sure the material the floor is made out of has a lot of wear and tear resistance, and there’s no bumps or dips for anyone to potentially break their ankle over – investing in epoxy floor coating systems could be quick solution for this possibility.

Stock Up on Supplies

And make sure they’re visible! You want to be sure that the environment you’re working in, whether it be an office or a warehouse, has plenty of safety supplies around and in plain view. You want to know there’s a fire extinguisher on the east wall, and you want to know you can get to it easily if a fire ever breaks out on the west side. And if you’re the boss in this situation, you’re the one who puts these questions at rest in your employees’ minds.

Make sure the first aid kits are always stocked up, and have plenty of bandages and antiseptics in them  – make sure they’re color coded as well, so people can spot them a mile off, even without glasses on! As well as this, list the emergency numbers next to the kits, to make sure this crucial information is all in the same place whenever someone may be in need of it.

Staying safe whilst at work is a concern millions of people hold, so pioneer it.

Tweaking Your Walking Routine During Cold Seasons

Tweaking Your Walking Routine During Cold Seasons


By Ethan Clark

Maintaining strong fitness levels is excellent for your health and wellbeing. Fitness can be achieved by working out regularly and consuming healthy meals. Most importantly, you should maintain an active lifestyle.

Embracing an active lifestyle has many health benefits. It helps improve your cardiovascular health, keeping your blood pressure at optimum levels. Secondly, it boosts your strength and stability, allowing you to perform physical tasks with greater ease.

Last but not least, working out keeps you safer from chronic heart disease, obesity, while at the same time helping prevent stress which is essential for a healthy brain.

Your Walking Routine During Cold Seasons

Walking is probably the most basic and straightforward type of exercise. However, many people ditch their walking routine during cold seasons, due to the freezing temperatures making it more difficult.

However, you can use snow and ice to boost your routine. Here are some of the healthy physical activities you can perform during winter.


Sledding, otherwise known as tobogganing, is a common sport in Canada. I know you’re probably wondering how sledding can be a workout. For you to enjoy tobogganing, you need to walk to the peak.

Walking up a hill covered with snow offers the perfect resistance that will work your legs, glutes, and core muscles. You can even add extra resistance by walking uphill while pulling your friend/kids on the sled.

Ice Skating

Skating is always an enjoyable and fun activity. Skating helps exercise your legs alongside building strong core muscles. If you’re a beginner, you can visit a local ice-skating park in your area to learn correct form.

Purchase a pair of fitting skates that will enable you to move comfortably without putting excess pressure on your joints.

Workout Enhancement Products

Workout supplements can help you improve your form, especially when you’re working out in not so familiar conditions. You can check out for quality workout products.

Snow Hiking

Snow hiking is almost similar to traditional, only that in this case you are doing it on snow and you’re wearing snowshoes. To start with, you will need a pair of comfortable and well-fitting snowshoes.

When snow hiking, broaden your standpoint a little to avoid stepping on the frames. Besides that, for proper technique, ensure your toes point forward.


Skiing can be intimidating to newbies. You can start by signing up for training or practicing your moves on hills with gentle slopes to get used to it. Aside from enjoying yourself and interacting with nature, skiing also offers an excellent form of cardio workout.

Safety Precautions

You need to invest in the proper gear to ensure your snow/ice activity is productive and injury free. Aside from those mentioned earlier such as skating shoes, you’ll also require a pair of gloves to keep your hands warm during your training session.Next, you will need goggles to protect your eyes, especially when you are moving at top speed.

Another essential tip is to avoid keeping your hands in your pockets when walking on snow to help improve your stability.

Organizing a Worthwhile Networking Event

Organizing a Worthwhile Networking Event


Networking is a crucial part of business. Whether you started your company a long time ago, or you are just starting out, networking can be a powerful tool when it comes to learning, growing and setting up plans for the future. It’s a great way to meet new clients and suppliers, as well as people that could become a support network and boost your business in other ways. It’s a great chance to learn more about emerging and existing methods and tools and to learn from other people in your industry. If nothing else, it’s an excellent chance to make new friends and to speak to people who truly understand what you do.

Planned networking events are the ideal places to make these connections. But, they aren’t all equal. Sometimes, we come home from supposed networking events feeling as though we’ve wasted a day, we’ve lost money, we’ve learned nothing and met no-one that will have any impact on our businesses or our lives. These events can make you wonder if it’s worth attending in the future. Sometimes, the best way to ensure an event is worthwhile is to organize it yourself. Here are some tips to help you to make sure any event that you plan is worthwhile and helpful to everyone that attends.

Find the Right Venue

The venue can make or break an event. Do you want dinner? Drinks? A conference type feel? Will it be a formal sit down event, or do you want people to mingle as much as possible? The venue needs to be right to meet your requirements. But, it also needs to be in an easy to access location, and have parking and facilities. When you’ve found your venue, register for online event registration to make everything easier for you and your guests.

Invite the Right People

Remember, the whole purpose of a networking event is meeting new people. So, don’t make the mistake of only inviting people that you know, or that you have worked with in the past. LinkedIn connections are a great way to move outside of your direct circle. Or, ask your invitees to bring someone that will be interested along with them.

State the Events Purpose

The very best networking events, the ones that you come out of with new connections, new knowledge and new ideas, that leave you feeling excited and eager to get back to work, are the ones with purpose. They aren’t just general business dinners or meetings. They are events with a focus, where the guests share what they want to get out of the experience. Or, they fit a tight niche. Everyone attending is involved in a specific field or area. Think about what you want from the event, and make sure you advertise the purpose when you invite people.

Get Introducing

There’s nothing worse than an event where no one talks. Where everyone sits or stands nursing a drink, making small talk with people that they already know. As the host, it’s your job to introduce people. Even those you don’t know. You invited them. You need to make the first move and facilitate introductions between guests.

Interconnected Lives

Interconnected Lives

From smart speakers to self-drive cars, there’s a growing push towards even greater connectivity in our homes, offices and our transport systems. This so-called Internet of Things only looks set to develop as technology allows us to sync our phones with our cars, our heating and our lighting systems allowing us full remote access from anywhere in the world with a 4G or Wifi connection.

There area clearly many plus points in favour of inter-connectivity but some more serious downsides too. In this blog, we take a look at how the Internet of Things is changing lives, for the better and for the worse.

Advantages of interconnected lives

When you reach old age staying in your own home would be the ideal scenario for as long as possible would be the ideal scenario for most of us. No one really wants to lose their independence or be moved against their will into unfamiliar surroundings. This is where the IoT really comes into its own.

With smart speakers that can control lighting, tell you what the room temperature is and set timers for medication, the IoT can play an active role in maintaining independence. But more than that, there are devices out there that can be placed in fridges to check how many times a day they’re opened and ensuring that the resident is eating enough and regularly. Doorbells that allow not only the caller to gain access but feature video and audio capabilities to screen unwanted visitors.

Many older and vulnerable people will appreciate having a console that can be turned on by a voice command and summon help at a shout or one-word response. These devices, no bigger than a tablet, can also be used to video call friends and family and get in touch with a central agency, monitoring the home and well being of the resident in a hands-off, unseen and remote location.

Image from Pexels

The downsides

Security will always remain the number one issue with the threat of a virus of hacker able to take down the system and infect those inter-connected paths. One of the issues yet to be addressed is that of devices that stand-alone, a smart light bulb for example, while it can be told to switch on and off, it doesn’t necessarily have its own operating system and therefore doesn’t have any software that can be updated against a cyber-attack. It is, therefore, vulnerable as an independent piece of technology.

With companies such as Sylvania Connected Solutions working towards even greater connectivity on an even larger, urbanised level it seems clear that in the not-so-distant-future we will be part of the IoT. There are so many reasons why this is a great thing to look forward to, with more control over the running of our homes, the chance for more and more people to live independent lives and entertainment systems that know instinctively what music we’re in the mood for. For now, we watch and wait as the tech giants figure out how to make this as safe as possible for our connected future.

Why Is The “Right” Employee Hard To Come By?

Why Is The “Right” Employee Hard To Come By?


When we are starting out and working at making a fully-functioning office environment, we know how important it is to get the right people on board. But these days, with overqualified people applying for low-level jobs, and underqualified people applying for roles above their remit, we can struggle to find the right person quickly. Ultimately, this is the goal. But why is the right employee hard to come by and what can we do to make this an easier process for us?

Is It About Education?

Education appears to be something that’s almost irrelevant now. And if we look at the numerous organizations that thrive on apprenticeships and internships, we can take a leaf out of their book and have people come on board that is willing to learn the ropes, and at the fraction of the cost. Education is something that can be done on the job now. And if we’re looking for the right employee right away, perhaps it’s not about having someone that has all the skills, but rather having someone who wants to learn and has the dedication. Because people that have a comprehensive education may come with certain expectations, it can take some time to change their way of thinking.

Are We Going About It The Wrong Way During The Hiring Process?

We want the right person for the job, but we might not have the best methods in place. Of course, we need to make sure that they are able to do the job, but also need to make sure that they are right for the company. As far as criteria are concerned, it becomes a long-standing challenge now. It’s even more difficult due to the number of people that apply for one role. But this is where the right recruitment software can come in handy. ELMO recruitment software is one of many organizational tools that could benefit you, especially if you’ve got a lot of applicants to wade through. Conversely, the hiring process doesn’t need to be complex, because we should think about finding the right person, not by a whole bunch of criteria, but perhaps, we need to trust our instincts?

People Don’t Get To The Interview Stage For The Wrong Reasons

We can look at someone’s resume and immediately throw it in the garbage because of a spelling or grammar error. Perhaps we need to reassess how we measure the abilities of potential employees. While a resume can be a good yardstick of what an employee can do, it’s not always a sufficient measure of a personality. You can argue that their resume needs to highlight their personality, and this is why video is increasingly being used as part of the application process. This is a very interesting approach because you are able to give a face to the resume, it’s giving us a more comprehensive a section of the potential employee, and it gives them a chance to show who they are.

Finding the right employee is a time-consuming process, but if the right employee is hard to come by, then perhaps we have to give a bit more thought into our hiring process. Is the right employee hard to come by? Or is it to do with our criteria? Maybe we need to relax the process a bit more?

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