There’s a time in your business growth when you might need to consider the purchase of a vehicle. Whether you want to launch a mobile business such as a food truck or a courier service, taking your business on the road affects your brand strategy dramatically. Indeed, your vehicle acts not only as an extension of the office, but it also is a crucial part of your delivery service, regardless of whether you deliver parcels or speeches. As such, there’s a lot more to think about than the choice of vehicle. You need to prepare your business to use the vehicle as safely, effectively, and successfully as possible in any situation. Are you ready to handle the challenges of taking your business on the road? 

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#1. It’s not a vehicle it’s mobile marketing

When you acquire a business fleet, you have to treat your vehicle as a business asset. Therefore, if you’re taking the vehicle for a drive, other car users and pedestrians around need to know about it. Your vehicle becomes a promotional tool. It’s a good idea to consider wrapping your car or your van to showcase your logo and your brand culture, for instance. Additionally, car wraps can be detrimental to attract your audience’s attention. Food trucks or other mobile service vehicles can also use their social media platforms to keep their customers in the loop. It’s especially useful to update your location if you travel a lot. For instance, a pizza truck that parks in different spots in town can use their social media profile to keep followers informed. Making your vehicle as visible and noticeable as possible can make sure people easily know where you are. 

#2. Be prepared for any driving conditions

When you’re on the go, you need to be able to tackle challenging road conditions. While it doesn’t mean you should take unnecessary risks, you need to make sure you’ve got people on your team who can maneuver your vehicle by rain, wind or snow, and or steep or narrow lanes. If you haven’t already, now’s the perfect time to brush up your driving skills with truck driving in winter safety tips or van three-point turn in a dead-end street. Ultimately, if your vehicle gets stuck, your business is wasting time and money in the process. 

#3. Have the right insurance plan

Solo entrepreneurs and small business owners sometimes find it hard to figure out the best car insurance for their business vehicles. More often than not, the confusion arises from the way you use the vehicle. For instance, a white van man could use his van for both professional and social trips. In other words, your vehicle doesn’t entirely fall into the category of residential insurance. However, its multifunctional use can make it tricky to find affordable car insurance companies. Don’t be afraid to spend time selecting the best solution for your specific needs. You are more likely to receive a better service if you explore the different types of companies available, as well as their features. 

#4. You need a reliable tracking system

Ideally, every business car or truck should be equipped with a tracker. Indeed, trackers can prove highly effective in finding the vehicle in real-time, which is precisely what you need when your driver calls for assistance or when your customers want to know where their parcel is. A reliable tracker can be a valuable source of information, and it doesn’ have to break the bank. Ideally, delivery vehicles should be equipped in priority. You want customers to be able to refresh their apps and see where the truck is in real-time. For couriers, it can help customers to plan the delivery and reduce the amount of calls from people who are getting worried about missing their parcels. 

#5. An accident will harm your business reputation

Last but not least, driving safely on the road is a no brainer. As a business, your fleet represents your brand outside of the office. As a result, a truck caught speeding on camera or a van causing a collision is likely to have negative consequences. Your audience judges your reputation by your drivers’ behaviors on the road. Nowadays, a photo shared on social media can damage your business growth. In other words, you need not only to hire people you trust with your vehicles but also to build a caring culture. Many drivers involved in speeding or crash accidents suffer from high stress levels and exhaustion. Needless to say, many are pushed to make harsh decisions on the road because of the way the business treats them. 

Taking your business on the road can be a fantastic opportunity for growth. However, you need to make it your priority to address the many risks and challenges that come with a business fleet. If you’re going to make it a success, start with your vehicle strategy. 

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