
Are you taking notice of your employee’s complaints?

You really should be, as failure to do so could result in a lack of employee morale, and that in turn will lead to a lower productivity level. There are other consequences too, and these are outlined below. If you haven’t been taking your employee’s complaints seriously then, you might want to reconsider your stance after reading this article.

Employee complaint #1: The workplace contains health and safety issues

If the building is in ill-repair; if office furniture is old and worn; if there hasn’t been sufficient instruction on how to use certain pieces of equipment, then you are putting your employee’s health at risk. Unless you want to be on the receiving end of a phone call from an injury lawyer, you need to prioritise staff training on both equipment and health and safety issues, and take steps to ensure risk assessments are made around your business premises.

Employee complaint #2: Your business hasn’t gone green

If you are wasting paper on a daily basis; if there are no green policies in place; and if you are sourcing equipment from unethical sources, then you might have an employee outcry on your hands. Many employees are keen to do their bit for the environment, especially amongst the Millennial workforce, so you need to be compliant. By doing simple things, such as migrating files to the cloud, operating a recycling policy, and reducing fuel, you have a better chance of keeping your employees, attracting new hires, and most importantly of all, saving the world!

Employee complaint #3: They have too much work to do

Your employees are only human after all, so there is only so much you can expect of them in a day. Should you overload their workload, they are going to get tired and stressed, and this might lead to time off work. And again, you will hurt their morale, as if they also become less productive as a result of having too much to do, their self-esteem might be affected by the quality of their work. Your business will suffer too, especially when those sick calls start coming in. Therefore, give your poor employees a break. Prioritize those 1:1 staff reviews to find out how they are coping with their workloads, and consider outsourcing certain tasks to alleviate their daily burdens.

Employee complaint #4: You have staff favorites

Sure, there will be some staff members you like more than others, but you should never show this in your business practices. You need to treat everybody fairly, ensuring they all have the same opportunities for such things as staff training and promotion as their colleagues. If you are shown to favor certain staff members, you may well have a mutiny on your hands, including walkouts by those people you should be taking better care of. Your employees might also take their complaints to a higher authority than you, so if you are part of the chain, your job might be in danger. Do the right thing then, and ensure you show equal rights within every facet of your business.

So, are you taking notice of your employee complaints? For your sake, and for that of your employees, you need to extend more than just a listening ear when your employees come to your door. Trouble awaits you if you don’t!

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