By Vicki Haskett

Accidents don’t choose anyone. This means another person, or even yourself, can be involved in an accident and there may be no way to prevent it. However, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t prepare for such an eventuality. There are many aspects and dimensions of accidents that should be considered when assessing them, but preparing for them carefully can have particular benefits. In this instance, tackling the risks of high speed collisions to the body can help you create a plan of action should this happen to you. At this point you may be wondering, what exactly does happen in your body when you’re in a high speed collision?

Understanding these effects on your body cannot happen in a single reading, however, and it’s still important to at least consider talking with a professional such as a doctor in order to know the full extent of a high speed collision to your body. After all, there are particular conditions in your body that might not be present in others. If you are unsure as to the legal repercussions of collisions such as high-speed collision to your rights and the rights of others, perhaps a lawyer found in a service like this could be of assistance.

According to Ranker, the idea of an accident itself can be horrifying. However, when a high speed collision is in question, a lot of things can happen inside your body. The internal organs have different responses to such an experience, and they tend to be unpleasant.

Chances Are: Bowels May Leak Into Your Chest

When you are affected by a high speed collision, damage such as swollen and bruised organs, a punctured chest, or broken ribs are actually things to expect. Damage and rupture to the lungs, hearts, and the spleen are also possible. What’s worrisome however is that human waste and bile can actually push themselves out of the stomach and into the chest.

  • This is extremely deadly, as this is one of the easiest ways to generate sepsis, or the deadly condition of a severe infection. Unfortunately, this is just as hard to heal, as bowels can damage numerous parts of the body.

Chances Are: You May Have Delayed Internal Bleeding

If you’re in a car accident or a high speed collision, the body tends to release adrenaline because of stress and duress. However, the body also releases something called endorphins, commonly known as the hormones that regulate happy feelings. This can dampen the feeling of pain and help lessen the risk of fainting.

  • Unfortunately, this may also mean you don’t exactly get to feel internal bleeding. As what you’ve read the above, broken ribs, a busted chest cavity, and bruised organs can actually cause a lot of damage to the body. Emergency personnel can at least help determine the cause of your problems if you know where pain is, but if you have dampened pain receptors, it can be just as hard to know just where internal damage may be located.
  • This can be solved by going to the hospital for immediate treatment, but if this isn’t treated immediately, this can actually be extremely lethal for you.

Chances Are: Organs May Hit Bones And Your Skeleton

When your body stops moving from a collision, everything that sloshes will stop. Since the body is made of a lot of liquid and soft organs, the impact the collision causes can move them around the body as it will take time for them to adjust to the speed of the car.

  • Unfortunately, there are chances that your organs can actually be crushed depending on the part of the body they are sent to. The front abdominal wall can actually destroy and damage these organs, and this can cause internal bleeding.
  • Not only that, but this is particularly deadly for your lungs, as they may hit a punctured chest wall. This means that if your ribs end up puncturing the cavity surrounding the lungs, the lungs won’t be able to expand like they normally do. Air that will enter the lungs will instead be in your ribcage, which can be costly in terms of your survival.

Chances Are: Your Collarbone, Ribs May Fall Apart

Just like how sensitive your other organs are, your ribs and collarbone may actually fall apart as a result of a high speed collision. The collarbone isn’t exactly the strongest bone out there, so the collision may cause it to break and snap apart. This also happens to your ribcage, as it not exactly as durable as it should be to leave a high speed collision unscathed.

  • Remember, the faster the vehicle, the more dangerous the collision will be for your system. Your body will try to stay in motion as long as possible, which means the damage to your body can actually get worse. If you end up in a high speed collision, try to get immediate medical help, even if you feel safe and sound. The sooner you get to be checked by a doctor, the safer you’ll be.


Vehicular accidents that result in injuries tend to have these injuries show outright, as impact from these collisions often have drastic effects on the body. This is why, if you’ve noticed, advice for those who are involved in car accidents is to make sure not to move injured people and to always call medical professionals for help. In the same token, it might be of use to be aware of what happens in your body when you’re in a high speed collision to understand just how potentially serious these injuries could get when left unchecked.

Vicki Haskett

Vicki is a law writing enthusiast who’s had over 25 years of experience in her field. She enjoys sharing her experiences with those who want to learn more about the legal world. In her spare time she spends quality time with her family and friends.

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