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A business identity is as important as the product it sells, sometimes more so. Explore some strategies to get it right, right from the get-go. 

Some businesses feel like they’ve been around forever, and that they’re going no-where. That’s because they have a strong business identity, carefully built up over many years. 

Although some businesses seem immovable the reality is they are just ineffable ideas thought up by people like us. The difference is they have been turned into concrete, tangible ideas, that we believe are real – like mountains. 

How is this achieved? 

It’s a combination of clever marketing, advertising, and simple brand identity. Some of the most iconic brands in the world are also the simplest, think of Nike, McDonalds, and Mercedes. 

As small businesses and start-ups we may not be looking to emulate the success of these multinational corporations, but if we’re smart about our business we should at least be looking to learn a thing or two about the successful strategies pioneered by these companies. 

Of course there are other demands on your time, especially if you’re just starting up. You’ve got the nuts and bolts of running the day-to-day business and getting the product or service to market, for instance.

But one thing you shouldn’t overlook is your brand identity, right from the start. This identity is what makes your business or service ‘real’ in the mind of your customers. 

Don’t settle for a free logo from the internet, implement some intentional strategies from the beginning and make the foundations of your business as solid as rock. 

Brand Standards 

The coca-cola brand has one of the strongest brand standards in the world. That’s because it’s not only globally recognized but no one could imagine it any other way. If it were green for instance you might think you had somehow switched dimensions. Everything associated with the brand uses the same colours and fonts and reassures us of the product and its quality. Get savvy with your brand standard, keep it simple and keep it consistent. 


These days consumers don’t respond to faceless corporations. So if you’re just starting a business it’s a good idea to show the people who are behind it, pulling the strings. This could be through a personalized About page on your website, or a portrait painting of the CEO or founding member. Portrait painting might seem like an archaic form of expression, at first, but they have modernized significantly drawing on the power of personal image that worked so well in the past. To learn more about how portrait paintings became famous, click the link. 


On the subject of harnessing the power of the past, storytelling, also known today as digital storytelling, is an excellent engagement tool to access new audiences. Companies make short videos that unfold like movies. They have a narrator, moral lesson, and twist. They are short and shareable, and don’t have to cost the earth to make. Don’t miss out on the opportunities offered by video to build up your business. 

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