Reputation is everything in business, and there is a direct link to how people perceive your company and the success you will achieve. For startup owners, this poses a dramatic issue: you haven’t been around long enough to have an image, let alone be in a position to improve it.

There are, however, a few things you can do if you want people to sit up and take notice of your new business, even if you have nothing to spend on marketing. And we’re going to go through a few different methods every startup founder should be employing to ensure that they take off on the strongest foot. Let’s take a closer look.


The basics

First of all, make sure that your business looks the part if you want to be treated with respect – it’s that simple. Find out more about the importance of having a professional address, and act on that advice – people will take you more seriously if you are working from an office rather than your bedroom. Create a website that works for the user, and is home to valuable, interesting, and intelligent information about your industry. And always dress well when meeting clients – many will make an instant judgement on your abilities and professionalism just on what you are wearing.

Lean on your past successes

If you are an entrepreneurial type and have a string of successful businesses in your armory, you are in a better position than most. It’s vital that you make a big noise about these successes, as it’s an excellent way to gain trust from your target audience. It breeds confidence in your abilities and your experience, and whether you are seeking investment or trying to drum up consumer interest, it’s a proven tactic.


Create a blog

But what if you have no experience of note? It doesn’t mean you are incapable – far from it – but it doesn’t mean that you have no discernible reputation. One of the best ways of starting to create a better image for your startup is to write about what you know. Start a blog on your website, and demonstrate your expertise. Talk about the significant problems in your industry and how you are going to solve them. Get in touch with industry bloggers, and local media outlets such as newspapers and offer them a good story.


We’ve already touched on networking, but it’s worth understanding the huge role it has to play in developing your business’s image. The simple truth is that you have to get out there and meet people, both from your industry and beyond. Try attending local business meetups, and look into online networking, too, on platforms such as Linkedin. Developing strong relationships with other members of the business community helps you build a strong platform and a healthy foundation for moving forwards.

Join in

Are there any industry organizations or associations you could join? Not only does it show you are serious about your work to your customers, but it also shows you are committed and professional. The small fees you pay for annual memberships are worth it when you consider how much business an association can bring your way.

Hope this helps – good luck with developing your reputation!

By Brian McKay

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