Do you plan to stay in your home until the end of your life? 

For many homeowners, the answer is no. As per the typical property ladder strategy, most of us are dreaming of a bigger and more comfortable home. But it is unclear what your next home should be. After all, it’s fair to say that your dream home has probably evolved as you’ve gained in experience. The idyllic countryside cottage you hoped to retire to in your old age has perhaps shifted into a modern structure that would require less maintenance. Ultimately, the question you want to ask yourself is, how do you imagine your future home would be? When we’ve asked Millennials and Gen X, they both agreed that their perfect home is nothing like a Beverly Hills mansion. 

Solar panels on the roof 

Choose modern structures

Homeowners are hyper-aware of the way a property structure can affect its energy consumption. As a result, more and more households are getting in touch with builders to design their perfect home. They focus not only on the design of the rooms and the aesthetic appearance of the house but also on the best solutions to keep the house warm in winter and cool in summer. Modern builds tend to have strong ratings in energy efficiency, in convenient and appealing locations. Additionally, materials should be chosen for their safety and climate-appropriate features. 

Bring technology at the heart of the home

Who’s got time to keep up with their chores? Because homeowners are busy with their everyday life, they imagine their future home as a smart and practically self-managing entity that maximized the Internet of Things. The intelligent fridge in the kitchen connects to the grocery shop to plan deliveries. More importantly, by keeping track of how your home schedules orders and management appointments, the IoT can provide knowledge to modern cities, helping them to create more jobs, manage trash, traffic, and energy in town. 

Smart fridge 

Boost up the self-sufficient design

A house that thinks for itself would be advantageous. But a house that can run itself without relying on any providers is even better. Today’s homeowners’ dream of a sustainable place that can produce its energy. Such homes already exist; it’s only a matter of time until they become mainstream architecture and building projects. Solar-assisted heat pumps, rainwater harvesting system, photovoltaic cells, passive heating, and cooling solutions, improved air quality, and much more, the possibilities appear already endless. 

An important question: Does it have to be big?

Do you remember being a child and hoping that your future house would be as big as a Disney’s castle? In the meantime, you’ve become older, and you’ve discovered, and big doesn’t always mean better. In fact, when it comes to the housing industry, living better is not synonymous with living in a bigger property. Large houses are a substantial investment in time and money to maintain. While not everyone can afford an army of cleaners and maids, homeowners need to scale down, to survive both financially and nervously. 

How do you imagine your next home? Efficient is the word experts use to describe the American Dream of the perfect home. It’s a place that saves you time and money by looking after itself, your family, and the environment.

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