Should You Text Your Customers?
If you are looking for a new way to communicate with your audience this year, there is one method which stands out from all the rest and can be of great benefit to your business. Texting is often seen as something which you only do with your friends, but it can actually be a very useful tool in your marketing campaign too. If you want to learn more about texting for business, read on.
People Read Their Texts
Take a look at your mobile phone right now and see how many emails you have which are unread. Now, do the same with your text messages. The beauty of text messages is that we see them as more personal and we therefore read them right away. You can get this company or any others to help you set up texting for your business and you will immediately notice a much larger reading rate than emails. The act of sending and reading a text is much less fuss than an email which is why they are so popular.
Customers Like To Connect
When you make a connection with a brand and start to buy their products on a regular basis, you want to feel closer to the company and form a trusting bond with them. Your customers want to connect with you on a more personal level and this is why brand social media accounts are so popular. By sending your audience a text rather than an email, you will form a more personal connection with them, due to the reason we stated above. Your audience will feel closer to you and your brand if they are able to send you a message directly rather than sending an email to an automated mailbox.
It’s Simple
These days every man and his dog has a mobile device to use and take around with them everywhere they go. Because of this, a text can be a much more convenient way of communicating than any other form. Most people will avoid phone calls during the day because they are either busy at work or hate answering the phone to strangers. A text message is less invasive and it allows you to get the message across to your audience much quicker than any other type of communication. I also find it easy to send images. So if you are selling woodworking tools you can send images, fast and easy, of areas that you normally don´t see online or on a catalog.
You’ll Reach More People
The beauty about text messages is that they allow you to tech a huge audience of people in a very short space of time. This is a way more effective way of talking to your customers than phoning them all individually, yet it still has that personal touch which you will not find with an email. If you want to make a lasting impression on your customer base within a few minutes, texting could be the best option you can ask for and will save you a huge chunk of time out of your working week. Plus, why spend the time creating an email with graphics that no one is going to read when you can send an SMS?
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