Is the Intent to Pay More Important Than the Ability to Pay the Loan?
What’s a more important consideration for a lender to make? The borrower’s intent or ability to pay? What should a lender put more weight on? Read on.
Making The Most Of This Quiet Time For Your Business
Many businesses all over the world are closing their doors, with many employees working from home or working limited hours. While it is a difficult period for many businesses, there is one thing this crisis is giving us - time. If you often feel as though you don’t...
Benefits of Targeting Local Communities for Small Businesses
Aiming to grow your business is a worthy goal, especially if you have a small business. Don’t forget to prepare local marketing strategies first.
You Don’t Need A Business Location In The City To Thrive: Here’s Why
When you start a business, often this is done from the comfort of your own home, and this can mean that you get to make some great savings in terms of business leases and overheads. However, when it comes to branching out and moving your business forward, a specific...
Making More Of Your Healthcare Business
It can be exciting to think about starting up your own clinic. You will be at the point where you will have a vision for what you want to achieve and how you want your clinic to work. Your own healthcare business can be a big venture to take on, and so you may not be...
Minimizing Downtime And Maximizing Efficiency: 3 Big Takeaways
Source - CC0 Licence Every business goes through a steep learning curve. While we all have lessons to learn one of the biggest is in minimizing downtime. Everybody talks about efficiency as this crucial component. And yes, they are correct, but to minimize business...
Temporary Medical Facilities: What to Consider for Their Setup
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals are reaching their full capacity. Know the elements to consider to set up temporary medical facilities.
The COVID-19 Wake Up Call. Do We REALLY Want To Go Back To Normal?
Wherever you’re reading this, there’s a good chance that your life, work and career have already been significantly affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. We’ve already discussed the myriad ways in which the coronavirus continues to change the face of business and...
Choosing The Best Company For Your A/C Requirements No matter whether you are looking for a business to provide air conditioning for your home or your business, you need to choose with care. There are many businesses out...
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