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When you hear people talk about visualisation – especially “visualisation for success” – what comes to mind?
For a lot of people, the images that swim up are not too flattering, and often involve some pretty dubious New-Age gurus and the like.
The thing is, positive visualisation for success doesn’t have to be something “mystical,” or “naïve.” In fact, many of the most successful businessmen throughout history have endorsed the practice in one form or another, not to mention professional athletes who often have “mind coaches.”
The thing is, effective visualisation isn’t just a matter of “asking the universe for what you want, and waiting for it to arrive.” It requires a more pragmatic approach.
Here are just a few rules for effective visualisation for success.
- Visualise the bad potential outcomes, as well as the good
If you listen to “Law of Attraction” teachers and writers, you’ll often come across the idea that imagining anything negative, undesirable, or harmful, is deadly – because it will cause those things to become manifest in your life.
The key, they say, is to only visualise the positive and desirable.
For one thing, this is a bit like telling people not to imagine a pink elephant. Simply by trying to avoid negative thinking, people are likely to have some negative thoughts.
For another thing, though, there can actually be some real benefits to visualising the “bad stuff,” too.
Only in a specific context, though.
Specifically, you should visualise achieving your dreams, and all the benefits that come with doing so. But then, you should also visualise what it will be like if you fail to put in the work, and fail to achieve your dreams.
In the first case, maybe you’ll imagine living in a Mark Saunders Brunswick County luxury home. In the second case, in a dismal apartment.
You need a positive vision to draw you forward, and a negative vision to drive you away from taking the wrong path.
- Visualise in a way that really engages you emotionally
The entire point of visualising things, is that by doing so, you should be getting yourself deeply emotionally invested in what it is you’re visualising.
This, in turn, will then provide motivation for you to push forward despite uncertainty and setbacks, and also keep you enthusiastic about the promise of the future.
So, visualise in a way that really engages you emotionally – and only visualise things that you actually care about achieving.
If your visualisation exercises leave you cold, that’s a sign that you need to take a different approach.
- Be consistent with your visualisation and affirmation exercises
With visualisation and affirmation exercises, you should be trying to reset the way your mind works – especially on a subconscious basis.
Specifically, you should be opening yourself up to the possibility of success, and driving yourself forward accordingly.
For this to work, you’ve got to be consistent with your visualisation and affirmation exercises. Do them daily, preferably at set times. There’s not much point in only doing them once every few weeks, when you remember to.

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