All Or Nothing: Finding Activities Which Force You To Be Confident

(Image Source) Confidence can be a challenging thing for a lot of people. While most don’t have much to be anxious about, it can be all too easy to find yourself worrying about the conversations you have and the situations you might find yourself in. You need...

Awesome Activities in Orchard Park, NY This Fall

Whether you’re a long time resident of New York state or a recent visitor, you’ll quickly learn that there’s a lot more to the great state than the glitzy allure of Manhattan. In fact, newcomers to New York who might only be familiar with the tourist traps of the city...

Tips For Getting Into A New Hobby

Sometimes life can get in the way of the fun things; other times we have the time and wish we had something to keep us amused. Well, it is never too late to take up a brand new hobby.  Today we are going to look at some incredible options when it comes to...

3 Steps to Character Development

You have always dreamed of being a writer, of sharing a story with the world. You have a brilliant story taking shape in your mind and now seems to be the right time to start getting it out and onto paper. With so so many people self publishing their first books, now...

Why Lifelong Learning Should Be Applauded

It doesn’t matter whether you are fresh out of college, whether you have recently been made redundant, or whether you have had a high flying career for the past two decades, you should never stop learning. The quest for knowledge and renewing your skills is vital if...
Autonomy, Creativity, and Money

Autonomy, Creativity, and Money

Doesn’t everyone dream of being their own business, using their creativity, and also bringing home the bacon? You bet they do. During those long commutes to and from the office, whose mind hasn’t wandered to a simpler life where their destiny is in their own hands?...

What Courtroom Etiquette Says About Human Nature

What Courtroom Etiquette Says About Human Nature

Etiquette is one of those essential things in life that separate people. Funnily enough, even the most rugged and horribly dressed person could present themselves in a formal manner if given the correct training and a fresh set of clothing. There aren’t many occasions...

When Winning on Valentine’s Day Equaled a Big Loss

When Winning on Valentine’s Day Equaled a Big Loss

When Jerry opted for a low-key hang with his girlfriend, he thought he was winning on Valentine’s Day. Until an unexpected “grand prize” ruined everything. I want to start this story by clearly stating that I have no illusions about my level of maturity when these...

Happiness Is The Path, but…

Happiness Is The Path, but…

There is a secret within us that typically takes a great deal of unraveling to discover. I’ll just blurt it out though, not that anybody will listen, but here it is. Happiness is the only achievement. Money, fame and power are attempts to acquire happiness, but their ironic result is generally the opposite: misery. Why is this? Because we confuse desire with happiness and expect that fulfilling our desires will make us happy. But, there is no path to happiness, happiness is the path.

My Ramen Evolution

My Ramen Evolution

When I went to college, the earth was still flat, the internet was called a library and fossil fuels were leafy greens you fed your pet brontosaurus. In addition to living during this curious time, I was poor. Not like, I had no shoes poor, more like, stealing from the take-a-penny tray at the convenience store to pay for my emergency Tootsie Roll poor, but poor nonetheless and definitely one of the 14.5% percent under the federal poverty threshold.

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