Artifical Intelligence: Coming Soon to a Business Near You?
By Jerry Mooney Isn’t it strange that whenever anyone mentions the phrase ‘artificial intelligence’, it immediately makes you think of the future? You might picture robots, androids, and all kinds of Blade Runner-esque scenarios, that still seem like a wild fantasy....
Travel Tools to Manage Your Business On the Road
By Jerry Mooney Being a traveling business person is sometimes a choice, and sometimes a matter of necessity. You might need to travel to keep your business going, meeting with investors, making sales, and networking with collaborators. However, some people also...
High-Tech Manufacturing – Why It Isn’t Beyond The Startup Business Venture
By Jerry Mooney Anyone with a modicum of engineering or technological savvy knows that the world is changing rapidly. Jobs come and go quicker than ever before. And the digital age is threatening everything we know about manufacturing. But that doesn’t mean someone...
Life-Saving Car Tech Features
By Jerry Mooney There is no doubt that the world of automobiles is one of the fastest-advancing when it comes to technology. With so many manufacturers out there competing to attract the ever-increasing number of drivers on the road, updates are constantly being made...
Don’t Forget The Human Side Of Automation In Your Business
By Jerry Mooney Add to Flipboard Magazine. It’s part of the business common sense to know that automation can save you and your team a lot of precious time. No more manual filing, and more time for the actual work, these are the most obvious benefits you can get from...
When it Comes to Marketing, Results Are All That Matter
By Jerry Mooney Your business’s approach to marketing can be determined by many different things. But what you shouldn’t forget is that all that really matters is the outcomes. If your marketing approach is simply not producing results for your business, then you need...
Six Technologies that Could the Future of Organ Transplants Forever
Image source By Jerry Mooney As you are reading this, there are approximately 75,600 people waiting for a transplant and a new person is added to the list every 10 minutes. Not only that, but 20 people sadly lose their lives every day due to no donor being available...
Should You Soar Into The Clouds? Pros & Cons Of Cloud Computing
Post By Lina Martinez Cloud computing might have been born in 1999, but it's true birth was years later with the arrival of the cloud. Since then, storage has never been the same and businesses have never looked back, until now. Although cloud storage has held the...
Top 4 Highest Paying Careers In Healthcare Today
By Nigel Hilton As the old saying goes; money can’t buy happiness. I know this, you know this, everyone knows this. However, money can buy a sense of comfort in life. It can allow you to stop worrying about bills, be less stressed out, and give you the funds to...