Future Thread: Weaving Fashion and Technology

While our choice of everyday garments says a lot about our preferences in style, it also shows how conscious we are of our garments’ origin.

Outdoor Tech Gadgets That Everyone Should Own

If you’re a lover of technology, that’s something that’ll probably extend beyond the context of your home. There are so many great examples of outdoor tech gadgets that can offer all sorts of things. For people who love exploring outdoors, making the most of the...

4 Ways To Reduce Electronic Waste In Your Business

Image Source - Pixabay CCO License As a business owner, it’s important that you make an effort to reduce your impact on the environment. There are so many ways that you can do that, but reducing waste is one of the most important things that you need to consider. Most...

Making Protection A Priority: Advice For Business Owners

Business owners face an array of threats. While it may not be possible to secure and protect your company against every attack, breach or disaster, there are steps you can take to minimize risks. Here is some useful advice for business owners keen to make protection a...

Technology in Healthcare: Where to Next?

A number of small businesses are looking at developing some new technology that can help aspects of healthcare, and the provision that healthcare providers will be able to offer. With a population that isn’t getting any younger, the current global COVID-19 health...
5 Things To Do If Your Business Is Hacked

5 Things To Do If Your Business Is Hacked

Every company worth its salt has an IT team that are on the ball. IT is a big part of any business now, especially as technology is evolving at such a rapid pace. The trouble with the rise of the digital world, is that cybercrime is also rising. Criminals are becoming...

Post-Car Accident Action Tips

Post-Car Accident Action Tips

Being involved in a car accident can be a shocking and frightening experience. Anyone unfortunate enough to have been involved in one will know it can be extremely confusing and difficult to know what to do. It is really important to know how to react in a situation...

What To Look For In A Car That Won’t Cost The Earth

What To Look For In A Car That Won’t Cost The Earth

Add to Flipboard Magazine. Whatever your reason may be for car shopping right now, you need to bear that in mind before you reach the dealership. It’s very easy to glaze over when you see some of the most beautiful models gleaming in the sunlight on the forecourt. The...

Don’t Let Your Ecommerce Startup Be a Non-Starter

Don’t Let Your Ecommerce Startup Be a Non-Starter

Flickr Add to Flipboard Magazine. The world of ecommerce is heavily competitive. Hopefully that isn’t a newsflash to you! You can’t really afford to make mistakes if you’re a newcomer to this industry. Some say that it’s not worth getting into this business simply...

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