Is Your Job Safe From The Robot Invasion?
(image) Is your job safe from the robot invasion? No, we aren't talking about Daleks, Replicants, and Terminators invading your workspace! Rather, we are referring to computers and automated machines that are replacing much of our workforce around the world. According...
These Two Companies Want Their Employees To Ditch Their Cars
A lot of big companies are starting to get worried about the environment, particularly climate change. Why? Because climate change threatens their business model and profits in the future. If people can’t work as productively, or the planet’s resources can’t support...
Tech Highlights of 2018
A new year has started and with that comes the anticipation of new tech and a reflection of all those gadgets that made our lives more comfortable and more enjoyable. Here is a quick rundown of those tech gadgets and other technological advances you couldn’t do...
The future of drug testing
Photo by Martin Lopez from Pexels The future of drug testing is one to keep an eye on as more reliable drug testing, an increase in sensitive tests, tamper-proofing and keeping up with new designer drugs are often the topics discussed when it comes to this issue....
Why You Should Think Twice Before Speeding
Hey, we’ve all been there. Stuck behind traffic, and even though you got up early to go to work here you are, a mere 5 minutes away from being late. Finally, you get a clear opening and brief stretch of road that is completely empty. It's tempting to put your foot...
When Innovating, Technical Prowess Is Key
Pexels All businesses that craft and sell products must adhere to a strict design, testing, legal acquiescence, and marketing process. This is to put things in the simplest possible terms, but overall this is the routine that is followed. All businesses follow this,...
Materials That Changed the World Forever
Image source Since men first roamed the earth, they have used whatever nature has provided to survive. If wild animals did not eat them they had to be able to feed themselves and stay warm in the winter months. As they progressed, some of them decided that they would...
The Science Behind Who We Are
Our bodies are just so complex, that simply one article talking about them just isn’t going to be enough. But at this moment in time, we now know more about our bodies than humans could have ever imagined before. We now know the complex systems that make us who we...
SEO Matters To All Industries
Photo Despite the omnipresence of the internet and our persistent use of this almost limitless resource, certain people and industries have been reluctant to fully take advantage of the power of the internet regarding their businesses. The internet can help a business...