Future Thread: Weaving Fashion and Technology

While our choice of everyday garments says a lot about our preferences in style, it also shows how conscious we are of our garments’ origin.

Outdoor Tech Gadgets That Everyone Should Own

If you’re a lover of technology, that’s something that’ll probably extend beyond the context of your home. There are so many great examples of outdoor tech gadgets that can offer all sorts of things. For people who love exploring outdoors, making the most of the...

4 Ways To Reduce Electronic Waste In Your Business

Image Source - Pixabay CCO License As a business owner, it’s important that you make an effort to reduce your impact on the environment. There are so many ways that you can do that, but reducing waste is one of the most important things that you need to consider. Most...

Making Protection A Priority: Advice For Business Owners

Business owners face an array of threats. While it may not be possible to secure and protect your company against every attack, breach or disaster, there are steps you can take to minimize risks. Here is some useful advice for business owners keen to make protection a...

Technology in Healthcare: Where to Next?

A number of small businesses are looking at developing some new technology that can help aspects of healthcare, and the provision that healthcare providers will be able to offer. With a population that isn’t getting any younger, the current global COVID-19 health...
Why is Driving Getting More Dangerous?

Why is Driving Getting More Dangerous?

Image Credit: Unsplash Though cars are now designed specifically to keep us as safe as possible should a collision occur, it often feels like the roads are getting more and more dangerous. Part of this is simply that more people are driving - and driving regularly -...

How You Can Get Involved in Engineering

How You Can Get Involved in Engineering

Everyone has a dream job that they aim for even when it seems like it’s a million miles away from their present reality. There is nothing at all wrong with having aims and ambitions in your career, so don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. No matter how old or young you...

5 Ways You Can Make Your App Better

5 Ways You Can Make Your App Better

Does your business have a mobile app? How’s that going for you? Most businesses are jumping on the app bandwagon because it’s seen as the right thing to do - but is your app performing as well as you expected it to? Image: Pxhere If your app needs improving, then you...

The Future of Robots

The Future of Robots

Image Credit Robots.  They are coming, whether you like it or not.  In fact, in reality, they are already here. The majority of factories today employ robots to do the lion’s share of work and have done for many years if not decades.  Robots are nothing new, yet, we...

The Daily Commute: 7 Ways To Stay Safe Driving To Work

The Daily Commute: 7 Ways To Stay Safe Driving To Work

Picture If you’re one of the millions of people that drive to and from work every single day, then you’ll know just how terrible it can get at times. The traffic is often awful, the drive itself is tedious, and you’ll encounter more bad drivers than you can shake a...

Should You Text Your Customers?

Should You Text Your Customers?

Image If you are looking for a new way to communicate with your audience this year, there is one method which stands out from all the rest and can be of great benefit to your business. Texting is often seen as something which you only do with your friends, but it can...



There are certain things you can control when it comes to driving. You can make sure that you have a proper license so that you don’t get issued a Notice of Compromised ID. You can make sure your vehicle is properly taxed. You can make sure to drive safely. But there...

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