Future Thread: Weaving Fashion and Technology

While our choice of everyday garments says a lot about our preferences in style, it also shows how conscious we are of our garments’ origin.

Outdoor Tech Gadgets That Everyone Should Own

If you’re a lover of technology, that’s something that’ll probably extend beyond the context of your home. There are so many great examples of outdoor tech gadgets that can offer all sorts of things. For people who love exploring outdoors, making the most of the...

4 Ways To Reduce Electronic Waste In Your Business

Image Source - Pixabay CCO License As a business owner, it’s important that you make an effort to reduce your impact on the environment. There are so many ways that you can do that, but reducing waste is one of the most important things that you need to consider. Most...

Making Protection A Priority: Advice For Business Owners

Business owners face an array of threats. While it may not be possible to secure and protect your company against every attack, breach or disaster, there are steps you can take to minimize risks. Here is some useful advice for business owners keen to make protection a...

Technology in Healthcare: Where to Next?

A number of small businesses are looking at developing some new technology that can help aspects of healthcare, and the provision that healthcare providers will be able to offer. With a population that isn’t getting any younger, the current global COVID-19 health...


By Angela Hall With the continuous development of science and technology particularly evident in the medical field, it is a surprise that many of us are still uneducated or ignorant of the truth behind some myths about Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs). As implied...

9 Ways Tech Can Help Your Small Business

9 Ways Tech Can Help Your Small Business

Photo Credit By Lina Martinez When you run a small business, it can be very challenging to know exactly where you should be channelling your funds. After all, you want to invest in the best possible areas to help increase your chances of running a successful...

3 Ways To Safeguard Your Precious Health

3 Ways To Safeguard Your Precious Health

By Sharon Jones Your health is something that is more precious than gold. After all, if you haven't got your health, you won't be able to enjoy all the material things in life. That is why it’s so important that you look after it in the best way possible. To help you...

How To Be Better Prepared For Technological Dilemmas

How To Be Better Prepared For Technological Dilemmas

These days we breathe technology (image: https://www.pexels.com/photo/apple-coffee-computer-desk-356056/) By Lina Martinez Technology is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as “the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.” If...

Five Small Details Entrepreneurs Often Forget About

Five Small Details Entrepreneurs Often Forget About

By Nigel Hilton When it comes to building a business from scratch, many entrepreneurs become overwhelmed with the tasks ahead and forget to pay attention to small details that make a huge difference in their reputation and branding. Below you can find out more about...

Tech Tools Every Startup Needs

Tech Tools Every Startup Needs

By Nigel Hilton If you’re starting out on your own, then like many entrepreneurs your new venture can be met with some trepidation. You are likely to also want to spend money sparingly and starting off things in the business small. No matter how small you want to...

Why You Shouldn’t Dismiss Mobile Gaming

Why You Shouldn’t Dismiss Mobile Gaming

Image source By Nigel Hilton The overwhelming opinion, especially in the gaming community, is that mobile gaming is a waste of time; the games are no good and many are so bad that they’re only played by bored housewives and little kids. Basically, its value is totally...

A Simple Pre-Launch Checklist For Software Startups

A Simple Pre-Launch Checklist For Software Startups

  Add to Flipboard Magazine. by Lina Martinez If you’re in the software startup game and are slowly creeping up to your launch date, the chances are you will be feeling a weird mix of incredible excitement and intense trepidation. All that work you have done in...

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