By Nigel Hilton

Whether you have a small business or a large corporation, you’re going to need to think about how you hire people. When you start advertising for jobs, you need to consider the perks that you want to offer to the top talent who are going to click on your job adverts. By considering the perks that you want to give, you are considering what you feel that the top talent out there is worth. Deciding on those perks is not, however, easy!

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Perks that companies like Google and Starbucks offer: tuition programmes, free food etc, are well known because they are valuable and only the companies with the big bucks are able to offer them to a large portion of people. Firstly, to offer good perks you have to understand them. Looking at websites like will help you to understand what type of health you could possibly offer people in your organisation with the best value. The not-so-flush employers out there could still offer fantastic perks without breaking through their entire business budget, it’s just about looking for what you think people would be interested in. There are some things that you need to think about before you decide on the perks you want to offer people, and here they are:

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Understand The Value

There are perks out there that are majorly fun. Flexible schedules, fun rooms packed with games and even a company gym on offer are all brilliant things to offer people, but those you hire may not find much value in them. Instead, personal development and promotion promises could be a perk that is appreciated over a room full of treadmills. You don’t have to offer a lot of extra bonuses to get the attention of good employees, so look harder at what could attract the right talent while being unique.


The one way that you are going to learn what your employees want is to ask. The importance of communication here is vital, and if you are bringing people onto the team, ask your existing employees which perks they found the most valuable. This way, you can adapt and adjust as you need to so that you can bring in the best talent.


Perks of a job should be offered from day one, not just on the passing of a probation period. By having regular days in the month where set perks happen, you are keeping people motivated. Allowing a ‘free lunch Friday’ where you pay for your employees to get lunch as a group at a local restaurant is a great way to bond, get to know them personally and give back.

Consider perks to be an add on rather than something of a headache. You need good staff who are performing well and getting to know your employees, paying attention to what they like and what they are interested in and being the type of business owner who shows that they care is the way to achieve that.  


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