Mar 31, 2017
A lot of people are obsessed with sports. Some like any kind of competition they can find, while others prefer to focus on a particular sport or type of sport. Your love for sports can bring you a lot of fun, and often means you’re brimming with facts and knowledge. But still, you can feel like your obsession might be bordering on useless. Luckily, you can use it to your advantage.
Find New Friends
Whenever you have a subject you’re very passionate about, it can be a great way to make friends. Although, it can occasionally be a good way to lose them too. If you want to expand your social circle, joining clubs and groups offline or forums online can help you find your sporting soulmates.
Develop a New Hobby
A love for sports could lead you to a new hobby. Firstly, perhaps you mostly enjoy being a spectator. But if you love watching a sport, why not give it a try and actually play it? You might also enjoy participating in fantasy leagues or maybe doing sports quizzes.
Make Money
Having a skill that can make you money isn’t something to be sniffed at. There’s your job, of course, but it’s not as fun as making money from your passion. If you’re a sports geek, maybe with a great memory for stats, you could put your knowledge to use. For example, you might be able to start making some smart bets. While nothing is ever completely predictable, it helps if you know what you’re doing.

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Mar 31, 2017
Things move at an alarming rate. Business change as new tech is developed and industries morph and adapt. But if you are a trucker, whether in business for yourself or working for someone else it may not be time to adapt and change, because in the next few years the changes to the industry may just cost you your job. Perhaps this is what you needed to find a job closer to your family. Look at the benefits too, otherwise you won’t be able to take anything from the situation. Or you could start learning the skills you always wanted to learn to change your career. If you work for something, then you will have rights. It is those who are subcontracted that need to be careful.
The changes are surges in driverless technology. It means that in the next few years trucks could be driving without input from the drivers. This means many drivers won’t have jobs. If it happens sooner than later then there are going to be loads of people needing a different skill set. Get ahead of the curve, if you are a trucker, think about what you enjoy and start to learn. Change, adapt. Find something else you can enjoy. If you want to stay in trucking then look into this technology and become proficient with it. Perhaps you can be an attractive proposition if driverless becomes mainstream and you find yourself being able to work on the driverless trucks. It is popular with large companies because it means there will be less accidents down to trucker error which costs companies lots of money, for more information you can learn about this incident, which highlights some harrowing crash statistics. Company owners are going to do everything that benefits them, which is fair enough. They will be paying less out in compensation, and also less out in wages.

The industry as a whole is becoming harder to find work in. This is due to companies now demanding certain qualifications and medical checks that not all meet. It is getting harder and harder to be employed as a trucker because there are less jobs and better skilled people. You can get around this by investing some time in the right training which will make you more attractive to recruiters but even then it is going to be competitive.
If you own your own truck you could soon become redundant. There are many new laws coming in regarding green trucking. This means your vehicle needs to meet certain emissions tests. If it doesn’t then you are going to be less attractive to potential employers who are looking to appear environmentally friendly to protect their image. You may invest in a different truck but it will cost you thousands. Think about getting rid of your current truck when you still can and perhaps seeking a job instead of using your own truck. It may not be an attractive proposition but it really can make the difference in you being able to continue working through these diverse and far reaching changes.


Mar 31, 2017
If you enjoy spending most of your time on the open road, you’ll naturally want a career that fits in with that interest. There are many occupations that you could pursue where you get to spend a lot of time driving, and one of them is a delivery driver. As the job title suggests, your days involve loading up consignments from the hub of a logistics company and delivering them to residents and businesses.
Admittedly, being a delivery driver has its pros and cons, and it’s not an occupation that everyone would want to consider. Still, if you have your heart set on it, forging a career as a self-employed delivery driver can be quite a rewarding experience. Here’s an insight into what it’s like.
You are the boss
Okay, so your “client” is actually the person that gives you the work. But, you have the power to decide when you want to work and how much you do in your day. You can elect to undertake routes that have a few or many drops in a day, depending on how much you want to earn. Most freelancers get paid per package they deliver, and so there’s an opportunity to make a lot of cash each day!

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Of course, the flip side of that is delivering more than one hundred packages a day can be a stressful experience. You will usually get asked to do your deliveries within a particular timeslot, especially if senders pay extra for pre-10 am services.
You’re likely to have an accident
Unfortunately, there’s no getting around the fact that you’re most likely to have a collision with another vehicle. Because you spend so much time on the road, the chances are high that you’ll get involved in some kind of RTA.
It stands to reason that you need to have plenty of legal protection in case things go wrong. For example, you’ll need an attorney following a truck crash so that the trucker’s employer doesn’t get out of paying you compensation. And it’s important to record video evidence from a dashcam while you’re on the road to cover your back, so to speak.
No two days are ever the same
Do you hate the idea of going to a job where you can almost time everything you do with military precision? And does the thought of sitting behind a computer screen or a desk all day bore you to tears?
The good news is that the road is your office. Plus, you’ll end up making deliveries to all kinds of weird and wonderful places!
You might get fat
Unless you are super strict with your diet and exercise routines, you could end up piling on the pounds as a self-employed delivery driver! Sure, there is an element of physical work to your job each day. But, if you don’t have to do any heavy lifting, you may not resist the temptation to eat snacks between each drop!
So, now you know what it’s like to be a self-employed delivery driver. If you still wish to follow this career path, there are plenty of opportunities out there for you to earn a healthy living. Good luck!

Troy Lamber
Mar 31, 2017
We’re in another great age of fighting for rights, it seems. Internet privacy, transgender rights, and religious freedom seem to be some of those coming under fire. You would hope a college student wouldn’t have to worry as much about that. What with living off ramen and fighting to get good grades, they have enough on their plate. But college campuses are some of the places where the discussions on rights are getting more and more heated.

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Free expression
It’s a controversial idea to some. When the line between free expression and hate speech seems blurred, which side is safest to land on? It’s a question that requires a look at the context to really judge. In the context of college, however, there’s a fear that we’re coddling the mind of the average student. Though it should be a place of safe education for all, it should be a place where ideas can be exchanged and explored. This includes those ideas that should be rightfully torn to pieces. What we shouldn’t do is pretend they don’t exist.

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Equal opportunity
There are no blurred lines about this right. While it seems like the people in power at the moment are all-too-happy to backpedal on rights for women and transgendered people, colleges are where that can be of most harm. We need to protect things like Title IX athletics and enrollment rights and ensure they’re enforced wherever they need to be. Otherwise, we’re leaving people vulnerable to harassment and groups like transgendered people cut off from the opportunities they should have every access to.

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Personal safety
A lot of campuses have been making moves in the right direction in terms of guaranteeing the safety of their students. Landmark cases like that of Angie Epifano saw Amherst College investigating and updating its own sexual assault policies. But even still, even in low-crime areas, students have a higher risk of coming in contact with violence and unsafe situations. Pressure needs to keep being applied on colleges to put aside their public relations for the sake of being able to guarantee student safety.

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Peace of mind
It’s a problem that’s growing in every kind of environment. At home, in the workplace, and in the lecture hall, stress is a growing concern. Fewer students feel like they’re able to cope with the stress they feel in the academic environment. One of the greatest concerns, still, is the state of the economy and dealing with a heavy student debt with no guaranteed career prospects. Student loans really can ruin a life financially if they’re left unchecked, which is why so many are still getting public momentum behind the idea of student loan forgiveness pushed by people like Bernie Sanders during the primaries.
Advocating to protect rights isn’t always an easy thing, especially when it seems like protecting one right might infringe on another. However, in today’s political landscape, it’s becoming clear that said campuses are now the breeding grounds for many a political movement, so it pays to get involved and make a difference early.

Sharon Jones
Mar 31, 2017
Has life got a little boring? If it feels like all you do is sleep and work, it’s time to find a new hobby. Not only will you learn new skills, but you’ll improve your confidence and have something fun and productive to do with your time. And what better than something creative. There are tons of creative hobbies for women- that’s not to say men can’t enjoy knitting, cross stitch or baking too but if that’s not your kind of thing, here are some hobbies you could try out instead.
Gardening is one of the most fulfilling hobbies you can do. There’s something incredible watching something grow from seemingly nothing. It’s hard work and definitely one to get your hands dirty, but you can enjoy the fruits of your labor and might even save yourself some money on your food shopping too. Invest in a good greenhouse which will allow you to extend the growing season. If you only have a small garden, consider hiring out an allotment. It’s something you can tend to each weekend and watch your produce spring to life, you’ll probably meet some likeminded people in the process too. If growing fruit and vegetables isn’t for you, how about landscape gardening? You could install a pond or water feature, add decking or slabs to your garden. You could even set up a side business working on other people’s gardens at the weekend. Gardening is hard work, so you’ll get a good bit of exercise in there too!

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Wood Turning
Wood turning is incredibly satisfying, and you can create some amazing pieces out of simple blocks of wood. You could check out something like CNC lathes to get your main equipment, and from there source various pieces of wood for different projects. There are loads of tutorials on Youtube to give you ideas for things to create. Again this could easily become a side business if it’s something you enjoy and you’re making a lot of pieces. If you like working with wood, how about brushing up your carpentry skills and making some items from scratch? You could even try whittling with the leftover pieces of wood.

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Beer Brewing
Brewing beer needs surprisingly few pieces of equipment meaning it’s cheap and easy to get started. If you’re a fan of drinking beer, making your own to enjoy with friends can be a fun hobby to start. You’ll need to purchase some basic homebrewing equipment and the ingredients and then carefully follow the instructions. If you have a large garden shed it’s the perfect place to set all of this up. Otherwise, a well ventilated spare bedroom will do the trick. While brewing beer doesn’t usually smell bad, some lagers can produce sulfur compounds which can be a bit whiffy. While anyone can of course brew beer, it’s definitely quite a manly hobby and you get to be creative and produce your own blends in the process.

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Do you take part in any creative hobbies? Have you tried any of these?

Jerry Mooney
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