Mar 6, 2017
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When you start up a business, it completely consumes you. Chances are you spend every free moment working on it, and every night dreaming about it. It takes hard work and dedication to get things off the ground in today’s competitive market- that’s a given. But it doesn’t have to always be this way, and eventually, the aim for most entrepreneurs is for their business to essentially ‘run itself.’ This is a great stage to get to since you’re turning a healthy profit and can simply oversee tasks instead of battling through a huge pile of work yourself every evening. A good work/ life balance is also good for your health, and once you’re off the ground, everything should be a lot less stressful. But how do you get to this stage? What are the secrets to becoming a relaxed business owner? Read on to find out more.
Great Employees
First and foremost, you need the right people for the job when it comes to your business. These are the many hands that make light work. They will be performing the individual jobs what all work together so that your business runs like a finely tuned machine. Finding the right staff is crucial, the last thing you want is to be wasting time, money and resources on constantly replacing and retraining new staff, advertising jobs and everything else. But how do you find the right people? The trick is to create a working environment that people enjoy and where they feel valued, and give job security and benefits to both attract and keep good employees. Offering medical and dental care, for example, could be things to consider. If the job requires it, you could offer a company car, smartphone, tablet or laptop. You could put together regular fun team building activities so that staff get to know each other, trust each other and work well together. Another important thing to remember is being a good boss will improve employee satisfaction. Listen to what your workers have to say, follow up any complaint and be open to any advice they have. They’re the one performing the jobs not you, maybe they can suggest things that make everything more efficient that you have overlooked. If you are approachable the kind of boss staff feel as though they can speak to, it builds trust and means you will find out about problems early on.
A Well Thought Out Office
Another way to increase employee satisfaction, as well as impress customers and clients is by working from a good office. If yours is outdated and dingy, it might be time for a change. A modern space that feels clean, light and spacious is always going to be the most pleasant. The right lighting will prevent eye strain and can even boost mood. Consider investing in good quality, ergonomically designed furniture. This will reduce back, neck and wrist strain and will also look visually pleasing. Proper storage solutions will keep everything neat and tidy and allows you to efficiently store all of your paper documents. While most things are done online these days, there are always going to be some paper documents in the office, so it’s important to keep them tidy and easy to access. Another thing to consider in your office is the actual layout. It should be well thought out so that it’s easy for everyone to move around and perform the various tasks they need to do in the office. For example, you’d have one area for quieter tasks such as phone calls or liaising with customers and clients. You’d have a general working area, and preferably a social area too if your office is large enough. If your staff have a place to sit and socialize on breaks, it means they don’t have to leave the premises every day. It could be something as simple as a few comfy chairs and a coffee machine, but it makes all the difference. Remember that this is the place where your employees will be spending most of their time, so it’s highly beneficial for them especially.

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Good Quality Equipment
If you’re still in the stone ages with your equipment then it’s time to make a change. It’s a lot of money upfront to replace these things, but jobs will be quicker and easier, and you’ll minimize breakdowns and waiting around for slow and unreliable technology. Your staff needs good quality smartphones, computers, and company cars depending on their job. It means less messing around, less paying for repairs and allows everything to run much more smoothly. Your staff can get on with their job with less stress, which of course will equate to less stress for you as the boss too.
Third Party Services and Outsourcing
Outsourcing work can be a good option for some businesses, and can save you hassle as a business owner. Instead of hiring factories or equipment, or recruiting additional team members- some services can be managed by a third party. Managed service, for example, can include everything from storage to security to help desk services. Many companies will even give you the option to customize your own package meaning you get the exact services you need for your business. By outsourcing a firm, you are employing professionals whose job it is to keep on top of these functions. It can make things a lot easier for you, as a big chunk of the difficult jobs are all taken care of.
An Understanding of Social Media
Understanding and using social media well can be the difference between success and failure in business. And since it’s completely free (and has been shown to be twice as effective at getting sales than outbound marketing) why wouldn’t you be on board? When customers talk about and recommend your products on social media, you get free advertising for absolutely none of the work. Real reviews and social shares are incredibly valuable- when others can see reviews from satisfied customers, it can give them the push they need to make an order too. It gets the word out about your company without the expense of paying for advertising with Google or anywhere else. Social media shouldn’t be thought of as an added extra and is instead something that needs to be an integral part of the marketing approach of your company. On top of this, a good social following makes you look reliable and provides customers with another way to contact and interact with you. Using it right will build your relationship with customers and gives them another easy way to get in contact. Get a social media expert on board in your team, or again outsource this service to a company which specializing in social media outreach.
Effective Business Software and Automation
As well as having fast machines, you need to have the right software on them. Proper business software means that all tasks are performed far more quickly and efficiently. Way more than any person could do manually. Not only does this have the benefit of saving you time, but it also means that you don’t have to employ additional people. So you save on costs too. Basically, the right computer software will do all of the hard work for you! Online backup software for example protects the information on your network by encrypting the data and sending it to secure cloud servers. That way if anything happens to your computers (fire, flood, robbery, etc.), your information is safe. Another is business presentation software– this allows your sales staff to create an excellent pitch and hook in customers. Legal software is useful for when you need legal advice or documents, as it saves you the expense of having to consult a solicitor each time. While you can’t entirely replace the need for a qualified lawyer in certain situations, it can still give you valuable assistance with certain aspects of your business, For example, you can create contracts and legal forms, negotiate changes that require legally binding documents and sign using e-signatures.
Live chat is another software to consider for your business, it’s becoming more and more widespread on sites online and for a good reason. It’s an excellent feature for business, as it allows you to speak to customers in real time and address any issues they may have. It can help to free up your phone lines, and gain you more sales in the long. This is because customers who would never ordinarily pick up the phone have a way to get their questions answered, plus it makes you look more trustworthy and legitimate. Your business software is something not to overlook. Have the right people on board is essential but it’s just one piece of the puzzle. To keep everything running efficiently and create a great business, you also need to consider each of the above points.
What are your tips on running a business efficiently, with as little stress and hassle as possible?

Mar 6, 2017
When was the last time that your business had a complete overhaul of its look and style? If it’s been a long time, you might want to think about giving things a shake up. When your business is dull and stale, it can drag your business down and make it dull and stale as well. That’s not what you want to happen, so here are some things to keep in mind.
Every Office Has Its Own Energy and Character
This is the first thing to be aware of. Every single office you’ll find has its own particular character, energy and atmosphere. It’s up to you what kind of energy your workplace gives off. If the decor is past its sell by date, and there is not enough light in the space, the energy it gives off won’t be the best. But if you can make the energy more focused and vibrant, the energy and character of the workplace will be much more positive. That has to be a positive thing for your office, and the business on the whole.
Moving Into a New Office Can Provide Your Business with a New Lease of Life
If your business has been falling behind and not doing as well as you would want it to, a change of scenery might be all that it needs. When you make the switch to a new office, you can give your business and its employees the chance at a fresh start. It really can offer the business a new lease of life, so don’t underestimate how important and influential this could be. You might want to talk to a commercial mortgage broker if you want to make a move. Or even just freshening up your current workplace might do the trick.

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The Best Employees Will Want to Work in a Positive Environment
Businesses that find success are the ones that attract the best talent. If you want to attract top employees to your business, you’re going to have to have a workplace that is built to impress. When those people come to your office for a job interview, they’re not just there to impress you; they’re also there to judge your business and see if this is somewhere they might want to work. So, by creating a positive and visually appealing work environment for your employees, you will be able to attract new and better people to the business.
The Presentation of Your Workplace Could Help or Hinder You When Looking for Clients
The same kind of logic applies to impressing clients. If you want potential clients to do business with your company, you will need to impress them with your setup. You will also need to impress business partners and potential investors as your business grows and you branch out more. If the presentation is all wrong, attracting clients, investors and business partners will be more difficult for you. Keep this in mind and make sure that you get the look of the place right.

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Mar 6, 2017
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When you are starting out in the world of business, it is usually the case that you are keen for great things, right from the start. Nobody starts a business without the desire to see it achieve a great deal, and this is something that all entrepreneurs can appreciate. However, it is often much easier said than done to keep a business going until it reaches some kind of superiority in the industry. If you are just starting out with your business, then you are probably keen to know what it is that drives a business to greatness. In this article, we have put together a few of the essential ingredients behind making that happen for any company.
Much has been written on the subject of business vision, but it is something which is still commonly misunderstood. A business’ vision is really its mission, but more like a philosophy. You might wonder why a business needs a philosophy, but the truth is that it is hard to get very far in business without one. The stronger and more original your philosophy is, the more likely it is that your business is going to achieve great things. Vision is very often a matter of ensuring that you know exactly what your business is set to achieve, and how you are going to get it. You should be clear about your business’ morals, what it is intended to achieve – and what kind of a difference you want to make in the world. With these kinds of things pushing you onwards, your business is much more likely to experience great things and achieve plenty.
Positive Public Perception
The way that your business is perceived by the public is one of the most important things of all, for obvious reasons. A business’ brand needs to be as positive as possible. If people are able to look on your business with the right kind of focus, then it is likely that this will make a big difference to how successful your business is on the whole. Building a positive public perception requires that you take advantage of the best branding advice, and that you are keen to put into practice some of the sometimes more difficult promotional efforts. As long as you are doing everything in your power to keep the perception of the business as positive as possible, there is very little that your business cannot achieve.
Financial Strength
Of course, one of the goals of any business is financial success. But in order to get there, you need a certain amount of financial strength to begin with as well. To ensure that your business is in the best possible position in this regard, it pays to have a number of potential funding options available. This way, you can expect to be able to continue with your business venture, no matter what might happen to you financially. Ensuring financial strength means that your business is much more likely to succeed in the long run.

Mar 6, 2017
Doesn’t everyone dream of being their own business, using their creativity, and also bringing home the bacon? You bet they do. During those long commutes to and from the office, whose mind hasn’t wandered to a simpler life where their destiny is in their own hands? Well if that’s you, I’ve got some good news: it’s a lot closer than you think. If you get into the furnishing game, whereby you take old goods and restore them to a high quality, you can create a profitable business and have fun doing it! Sound intriguing? Here’s your step by step guide on how to do it.

Sourcing the Goods
You know how you always see advertisements for new furniture on TV? Well, they are there for a reason…people are always buying new furniture! And do you know what they do with the furniture they’re replacing? They sell it, often at a bargain price. That’s where you come in. Scour your classified listings in local newspapers and websites, take a search of online auction sites, and generally keep your eyes peeled when you’re out and about town to see if any furniture is being sold. And then buy it!
The Process
Once you’ve bought a piece of furniture, you’ll need to have a space large enough where you’ll be able to work on it. If you have a garage, then that’s perfect, but a spare room will do too. Then you get to work. Most of the time, a new paint spray will turn a beaten up piece of furniture into a must have item. Take a look at Nitrotherm Spray; you’ll be able to paint your furniture easily and quickly, increasing your output and thus your profits. If the furniture has handles, mix them up with a bright color that complements the paint job. Finally, wax the piece so it’s long lasting. You’ll be amazed at just how good a few hours of work can be for an old piece of furniture!
Selling On
Once everything’s dry and refined, you’ll be in a position to sell the furniture on. The piece is going to look good, so they’ll always be a market for it. Put it online and advertise in your local paper. Stay strong on your price, there’s no need to negotiate. The truth is that a piece of furniture that has been bought second hand and restored can attract a price three of four times what you paid for it.
The Next Steps
When you’ve sold your first one, you’ll find that selling after that will become easier. For starters, the person you sold to will tell their friends and you might just naturally get some orders. Otherwise, you’ll naturally hone your selling skills and get more ambitious with the furniture projects you take on. In time, you might just find that it’s worth renting a larger space away from your home just to cope with the demand. All in all, it’s an exciting journey that can bring plenty of fun – and, just as importantly, plenty of cash!

Mar 6, 2017
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The recent British referendum result to leave the EU came as a big blow to many businesses and companies who are established in the UK. Many people thought that the vote would surely go in favor of the EU and Brexit would not go through. Once the results came in, there were certainly many business owners watching their TV in absolute shock! Now this poses a big question for many international businesses – where next after Brexit? Here are some of the top choices for entrepreneurs and business owners who want to relocate from the UK.
Paris, France
Once the results were announced, it didn’t feel like the city of Paris wasted any time trying to attract London-based businesses over the English channel. The city even launched an advertising campaign last autumn! In fact, the city might not have needed to spend so much on their ad campaign, as it is believed that big banks have already been in talks about moving to the French capital. There will definitely be benefits with this move, as they will prosper from being directly in Continental Europe and can take advantage of the city’s cosmopolitan workforce.
The United States
Of course, there is always the option for businesses to leave the EU altogether. The EU already as many trading agreements and deals set up with the United States, so companies may start relocating across the pond to take advantage of these lucrative deals. Plus, after Trump became President of the United States this January, it looks like he may try to strike a very profitable trading deal with the UK. That means companies based in the US will be able to make the most of trading with the UK as well as EU nations.
Relocating to Australia was once almost impossible, and businesses were put off by the long distance. However, now that the Internet has brought the world closer, and modern shipping container modifications make it safer and easier to transport company equipment, lots more business owners are considering the move. Plus, there are now business and investment visas available for non-Australian nationals, helping them to set up and promote their new business. Even if you are already an established business owner, it’s worth considering expanding to an office down under to maximize on all of Australia’s trade deals that have been in place for decades.
Want to operate your business from the EU’s heartland? Then head to Germany. Angela Merkel puts so much money into the EU that Germany is one of the nations that benefits the most out of the institution. Not only that, though, but Germany’s friendly relations with its neighboring countries make importing and exporting extremely easy and efficient. Frankfurt am Main is Germany’s main financial city, but new businesses should consider moving to Berlin, which is one of the best start-up locations in the whole of Europe.
Don’t let Brexit get you down – as you can see, you have plenty of options when it comes to relocating!

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