Jul 26, 2017
By Nigel Hilton
Are you in the process of launching a manufacturing business? What it’s important to understand is that like with any business, setting up a manufacturing business is no easy task – it comes with a lot of stress, hard work, and costs that need covering. However, the rewards and satisfaction that come with success will make every second of hard work worth it. It may take time for your business to get to where you want it to, but if you are willing to work hard and put in the effort, it is possible to make a success of your venture. To make the process a little easier, here are some hacks to take note of.

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A good support system is a must
When you first launch a business – any business – you are so full of excitement, you feel as if you could single-handedly take over the world. However, the fact is that you can’t do everything, no matter how much you might want to. Don’t wait until you are struggling to put a support system in place, get a system in place now so that you know it’s there and that you have it to fall back on, should you need it. It could also be worth looking for a business coach or mentor so that when you need help and advice with running your business, you have someone on hand to help.
The right factory is vital
For any business, the right premises is key. You can’t open a business and expect it to do well if you don’t have a premise that is well suited to your venture and the products or services that you plan on offering. If you opt to buy a factory that’s already been built, you will need to be willing to revamp the space, customizing it to make it your own. You need to think about the size and space that a venue offers, what machinery will need to be fitted, and how much power will be required. You also need to think about warehouse space as well, to ensure that you will have plenty of storage space.
You need a supply network that you can rely on
The manufacturing industry is all about being able to meet tight deadlines. So with that in mind, it’s vital that you have a supply network that you can rely on. What you want to do is choose a reputable company like www.varnerpipe.com, discuss your needs with them, and then trial them for a few months to see whether they are able to meet your requirements. As a manufacturing company, your supply network is vital, as if you are not able to get the materials that you need, like steel piping, for instance, you will be unable to meet your customers needs and will lose business because of it. So take your time thinking about which company to choose for your supply needs.
A skilled and experienced team will help
One of the most important considerations of all when it comes to running a successful manufacturing business (or any business for that matter) is the team that you have on hand to work with. Ideally, you want to make your team up of skilled and experienced individuals, who are hard working, motivated, and team players. Don’t rush the process of hiring team members, take it slowly and ensure that you make good choices. Otherwise, you may live to regret it.
To ensure that your manufacturing venture is a soaring success, take note of the advice above and implement it.

Jul 26, 2017
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By Nigel Hilton
In a Utopian world, getting a bank loan would entail nothing more than walking into the local branch of your bank, high-fiving the manager, asking how his kids are, filling out a short form and then walking out with more cash than you went in there to ask for. Unfortunately, we don’t live in a Utopian world, not by any standard of imagination. No, we live in a world where getting a business loan is more challenging than learning how to walk a high wire tightrope in Danish clogs.
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We know this sucks somewhat, but it is what it is. Luckily for you, we have spoken to a few friendly bank managers and got their top tips on how you can give yourself the best chance possible of landing that business loan. From there, well, your idea can become the reality you always dreamed of.
But it all starts here, with these tips.
Get The Ball Rolling
It doesn’t matter that you are not fully prepared, or not ready to launch your business just yet. By the time your application has been through the approval process you could have a beard like Gandalf, so it is better to start right now. If you don’t – if you wait until you need the money – then you could find yourself in the most uncomfortable and uncompromising situation you’ve been in since that time you went to Berlin on a Stag Do.
Sort Your Credit Rating
Lenders are going to want to know about your personal credit rating whether you like it or not. That is just how they deem whether you are a risk or not. We know that isn’t the easiest pill to swallow dry, but swallow you must. The good news is, there are ways in which you can improve your credit score, it is just knowing what is going to have the most weight with your lender. To help you out a little, seventy-five percent of the score is made up of payment history, credit utilization and the age of your credit. That’s where you want to start.
It’s All In The Detail
A lender is going to want to know exactly how you are going to spend the money. That is a fact as cemented in truth as the one about Trump being a terrible President. It is not good enough to say you are going to maybe do something with metal. You need to tell them you are going to specialize in custom sheet metal fabrication primarily using stainless steel, aluminium, and copper. Vague and general responses are not going to tick any boxes. Instead, make sure you are giving specific details so that they can determine just how feasible your application is and how seriously you are taking your business.
Take Control Of The Situation
Organization is going to be your best friend in this process and play a key role in whether you get the money or have to resort to a Plan B. That is why you need to over-prepare for any meetings you have with your potential lender. Read every piece of information you can, speak to financial advisors and get their take on the figures, and bring any supporting evidence you can with you. That way you wow whoever is sitting on the other side of the table, and that is exactly what you need to do.

Jul 26, 2017
By Sharon Jones
It’s something we’ve all been accused of being at one time or another but being ignorant of current social issues is a mixed blessing in a few different ways. As the saying goes, ignorance is bliss, but with the generation of social media users trying to make the internet a movement for change, there are many “keyboard warriors” trolling the social media stratosphere, some using the Internet for good some people not. Thanks to the Internet, we are much more in touch with contemporary issues than we have been before as this information is accessible at our fingertips. The amount of information we consume on a daily basis means that we are undoubtedly going to see a high amount of facts and figures on issues that affect the world as well as the state of affairs in an environmental capacity. But the one thing we can use to communicate the best practice to save the world is also the one thing we can use to hide behind. It’s a common thought for a lot of people but can one person change the world? In no uncertain terms, the answer is yes, but we need to start with ourselves.
Starting Small

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It’s a much more organic approach to changing the world bit by bit, and this is where all the politicians, campaigners, and activists start, with something that affects them in their immediate surroundings. So if you have a burning issue in your community, then this is the best place to begin. Nobody set out starting to change the world by going straight for the power houses of the UN, they started in a more modest setting. For example, if you have a burning desire to communicate the effects of climate change, the best way for you to make an immediate difference would be to speak to your neighbours and people in your community by extending the olive branch. Not by using facts and figures, but by giving them methods to reduce their own environmental impact, like giving them plants. It’s a simple yet kind act.
Make It Part Of Your Life

The burning desire to make a change in the world can be reflected in your choice of career. While a lot of people are part-time activists while working a steady 9 to 5 office job, if you’ve got the means to make it part of your life then why don’t you? Environmental lawyers, for example, are combining working in the judicial system with the straightforward idea of making the planet a better place to live. Lawyers who represent doctors and nurses in tribunal hearings are working to make the health care profession a safer one for medical professionals to work securely and to also provide the peace of mind for the general public who uses these facilities. And for those people who feel so strongly about an issue, the one way to make a difference is to infiltrate that structure. For something like the law, the first step towards making a difference would be to get schooled in the background of the justice system, so this could mean getting a criminal justice education diploma or embarking on a criminology degree or in a related field. It’s a natural step if you want to make a change for good in certain fields, you need to know the ins and out of it first, before you can make those changes, which is why an education in those fields is vital.
Authenticity Is The Key

The maxim to thine own self-be true is something that we tend to forget about in the modern world and while we can use something like social media as a way to bring about a change we are becoming more preoccupied with more trivial matters and getting those all-important likes rather than anything else. But this is something you can address within yourself and actually ask yourself if you are authentic in every single thing that you do. After all, there’s only one you, with your own unique perspective on the world, so really drill down with what is important to you in life as we do tend to paper over these things. So where do you begin? You need to ask yourself what you deem important, and this is where you will find your true passions and begin to align your thoughts and actions together which will not just make more authenticity, but give you a deeper meaning to life and finally avoid that sense of ignorance that plagues us all.
Changing the world isn’t about making a seismic impact, it’s about setting off a chain reaction from something small. And while we all may think that one person can’t bring about change, is it necessary to point out Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Mandela, etc?

Jul 26, 2017
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By Lina Martinez
When you run your own business, there are always going to be areas that you’re not keen on taking care of yourself. It’s always the way. You often started your business because you’re good at the product or service that you sell. So, when it comes to certain areas like finance, you can find it hard to keep things on track. Especially when you’re running your business online, it’s often hard to come away from everything you’re doing to make things work in the physical world. But, what it you didn’t have to? There are a lot of online solutions that you can use to make the finance department run smoothly, here are some below.
Use Software
First of all, if you do look after the financial side of the business yourself and you’re struggling to keep track of things, you may want to think about using a clever piece of software. Doing things on paper, or keeping track using a spreadsheet just can’t cut it sometimes. So, you need to consider some of the best pieces of accounting software like these http://www.businessnewsdaily.com/7543-best-accounting-software.html that you can download or operate online. Then, you may find it easier to keep up with the numbers.
Outsource Admin To A VA
Then, you may want to think about outsourcing some of the work that you have. If you find yourself bogged down with too much financial administration each month, hire a virtual assistant to help you do it. From taxes to payroll to monthly accounts, you may find that choosing the right virtual assistant with financial experience can save you a lot of time and stress.
Accept Automated Payments
Another idea will involve your payments. You may find that you’re getting payments each month in so many different ways – some of which just feel like they take ages to arrive. So why not help your customers and clients out by making sure that your payment systems are automated. If you’re selling products online, an online payment system or PayPal could really speed up the process of getting paid, meaning that your cash flow feels a lot smoother.
Get Guaranteed Payments
However, if you don’t sell products online, then you may find that you don’t have an option to add in an instant or automated payment feature. This can mean if often takes you ages to receive money that you’re due for completing a job – especially if you provide a service. So, you may want to work with a guaranteed payment system like this https://www.interstatecapital.com/purchase-order-financing/ that will allow you to receive money on time. Again, this should mean that your cash flow is smoother too.
Hire An Accountant
Finally, another option would be to outsource all of your financial work to a skilled freelance contractor that can take care of it for you. Because these days, you don’t actually have to go to a physical office to hire an accountant. You can deal with them entirely online and still get a great level of service and make sure that you finances are in experienced hands.

Jul 25, 2017
By Lina Martinez
If you’re somebody who enjoys staying fit, or somebody who wants to, you may have considered getting an activity tracker at some point or another. There are so many different types of trackers out there. There are trackers with screens, trackers that send information to your phone, and trackers that look like stylish bracelets. However, it’s important to know whether getting one of these will help you or hinder you.
If you’re somebody who has been into fitness for a while, chances are, getting a fitness tracker could help you to improve and break out of any plateaus. They can measure your sleep, steps, heart rate, and many other useful things to give you an indication of where you can improve.
However, if you’re somebody who simply wants to get fit, a fitness tracker could hinder you. It’s easy to get too overwhelmed with all of the information when you’re just starting out. It can also be a false start for many people, who think purchasing this tracker will automatically send them off to the gym. It won’t. Instead, it’s probably best to get into a good routine first, and then get a tracker when you know it’s something you’ll keep up with.
Trackers definitely do work, but they’re best for fitness enthusiasts and athletes. Chances are, if you drop a ton of money on a tracker before you’ve even joined a gym, you won’t enjoy using it and it could even demotivate you. Want to learn more about the future of sports? Look at this infographic!

credit to Adelphi Sports Management Online

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