Dec 2, 2018
Moving can be exciting. A new house, perhaps in a new area, offers a wide range of reasons to be enthused. This is particularly true if you are upgrading or moving because of a career advancement. Even if you are downgrading to save money and reduce the responsibility of a larger home, you want to find local movers to keep the transition isn’t smooth. Whether you are moving from Phoenix, Arizona all the way to Tacoma or simply across town, you have issues to deal with. Either way, you’d want to find the best moving companies in Phoenix to make your move less stressful. Finding the right movers is essential to keeping your moving exciting rather than daunting. As you prepare for you move keep some of these things in mind:
Even though you are making the right choice of hiring professional movers, do your part. Label boxes (what’s inside the box, what room it goes in and what season it’s for all add up to better arrivals). Pack fragile items with padding (Don’t leave your favorite vase or that sculpture from your grandchild for the movers to treat gently). Get rid of things you no longer want or need (take this opportunity to eliminate clutter).
Do Advanced Scouting
Find out what the traffic is like in your new location. Then, you won’t miscalculate and end up at work late the first day after your move (STRESS!). Find out where you want to grab your coffee, the route you want to drive to work or to drop the kids off at school.
The Little Things
Make sure you know where your keys are. You don’t want to show up locked out of your new home. Forward your mail (change of address form at the post office). Make sure you tell your friends and family you are moving (maybe host a housewarming party).
Moving can be exciting or stressful. How you handle to move is what makes the difference. Take the time to do the right things: hire movers, organize and take care of those pesky details. When you do, your move stays in the exciting column instead of becoming a stressful mess.

Dec 1, 2018
A quality wealth strategy will be diverse. Historically, diverse usually meant stocks, bonds and mutual funds. Today, that is still true, but many add commodities, currencies and business investments. The modern view adds stability to an investment portfolio while increasing the opportunity to hit a home run. Let’s look at a few of these methods of diversifying.
In this circumstance, it doesn’t mean building roads and bridges, but those instruments which support an investment strategy. For example, a website might be part of your business and therefore part of your business infrastructure. SEO might be a method of bringing in more attention to your business and therefore considered part of your investment infrastructure. Some people are more comfortable with tangible assets, like silver, in their portfolio. Regardless of the ups and downs of the precious metal, people feel confident in holding their investments in their hands.
Many people today buy and sell stocks, bonds, and commodities and flip them quickly. There is little love for these purchases in many cases. It is simply an attempt to buy low and sell high or at least higher in a rapid frequency. You can buy silver bullion today and sell it tomorrow if at a profit if the market moves enough. If not, you can hold the silver bars until you are confident in their value. With commodities like silver, you can own the actual metal or own the rights to the commodity through exchanges. The rights are easier and quicker to trade, but people are more trusting and confident in the actual bullion and bars.
A critical component of wealth management has nothing to do with which assets you hold, but how you manage their performance. One key to developing wealth is allowing investments to mature. Some investments might seem slow. For example, if you bought Apple stock twenty years ago, you might have enjoyed some gains, but after the iPod, iPhone, and iTunes, the stock exploded. If you were impatient with those returns, you might have cut yourself out of massive gains.
Today, investing still means what it used to, but the methods of achieving your goals have modernized. For many, modernization doesn’t mean avoiding the classic, tried and true investments, however. They still have value, and in many cases, they are comforting.

Dec 1, 2018
A beautiful home is a common dream. Most people want to live in a house that meets all of their needs, from size, aesthetics, accommodations, location, features, neighborhood, traffic, views, access, storage, parking, efficiency, and comfort. We all have different desires when it comes to these factors and therefore we benefit from the diversity of homes available. Construction companies must understand this as they develop and build. People are diverse and have varied needs and desires.
Sometimes people don’t even know what they want until they start exploring their options, like here. Once they see what’s available, they can narrow their desires. People can look online to find the options that best meet their desires for all criteria. This is why construction companies must invest in marketing strategies like SEO, seen here. SEO is a complex subject that involves many components, but it is critical to getting a website seen in search engines.
SEO stands for search engine optimization and is the method used to move a website’s presence up search engine pages. If you have a site and it can only be found on page 50 when searching for keywords in your industry, you are unlikely to be found. There is the argument that construction companies don’t rely on inbound sales in order to create their business. This might be true, but people who choose companies often search the internet to find reviews and recommendations. Therefore, having a web presence matters. ou can go DIY with your approach to SEO and look into SEMrush vs Moz to get started, or you can outsource to an SEO agency who will take the hard work off your hands. Whichever you choose, it’s important that you focus on SEO in some facet.
A website is also an opportunity to inform your potential clients of all of their options and teach them what to expect. This can help cultivate satisfaction and repeat business. A website is a great way to help your potential clients understand who you are and why you are good. You can see examples here, as to why a website can be helpful to even businesses like construction.
The combination of a website and the ability to find the site are now critical to even construction companies. SEO helps the site get found and the site can then serve to inform potential clients and educate people as to what they are choosing from. This can also become a valuable way to communicate to your clients once a project begins, using FAQs and access to your company through chat services.
The world is changing. People use the internet for everything. Therefore, you don’t want to be on the outside looking in, especially when it is your livelihood at stake. Instead of hiding from the changing landscape of business, use it to your benefit and everyone will benefit.

Dec 1, 2018
There are three constants in life: change, paradox, and humor. If things don’t change, that’s a paradox. When they do change it is often funny when you look back on it. However, as we dwell in the live unfolding of our lives, change doesn’t always feel humorous. In fact, it is stressful. In order to best deal with the stress that accompanies change, Tucson, we need to have an understanding of how to cope with change and a plan to help reduce stress.
One of the most stressful moments in our lives comes from moving. Moving encompasses many elements that cause us to feel stress. When we move we are leaving behind memories. There is stress surrounding the stuff we move: will we break or lose our things? There is stress about entering the unknown: will I like my neighbors? How will the commute be from the new location? Will I feel comfortable in the new location? These thoughts are often subconscious, but omnipresent. One of the best decisions we can make in a heightened stressful situation like moving is to hire movers.
We often try to do too much, including moving ourselves. This adds the work to all of the other stresses. When we hire movers, we allow professionals to take care of the heavy lifting and the arduous work that nobody wants to do. Movers are also, usually, bonded so that any damage done to your furniture can be recovered through a claim. This can provide peace of mind as well as the assurance that things will be done right.
Another stress that comes with moving is what will become the new local? Will you need to put your kids in a new school? Will their teachers be as good? Will the kids be friendly? Perhaps your new location will no longer be practical for the same piano lessons, soccer teams or activities. Where will you get your morning cup of coffee? Will it be as good as your current one?
Odds are, your new location will be great. But getting there stirs all of the worries imaginable. This is normal, and knowing that might help you deal with the stress. Having a plan to deal with the stress, like hiring movers and using stress reduction techniques, will also be helpful to get you to that point where you look back on it all and have a good laugh.

Dec 1, 2018
Publicity is a double-edged sword. The notoriety and recognition can be leveraged to improve credibility and marketability from the smallest fish in the sea to A-list celebrities. However, that same fame can bring shame, make people targets of smears and cause people to live without privacy.
Take for example Alex Shivraj. His name has appeared in divergent reporting over the last decade. In 2010, Alex was credited with assisting s man in becoming a successful entrepreneur even before either student had graduated. This publicity came as he, Alex Shivraj, was thanked within the body of an article by at The Medium. His reputation seemed to be on the rise and the notoriety was welcome.
Fast forward five years, however, and the same individual, Alex Shivraj of Mississauga, was the target of a prank that brought him shame and a false reputation. The Toronto Star published a false report by an intern that suggested that Alex was involved in a car-sex scandal. This was not true and the paper later retracted the story and apologized.
“A Sept. 19 article about using social media to find locations for car sex in Toronto attributed statements about finding places for car sex and other activities during his high school years to a source who identified himself to the Star through email as Alex Shivraj, 28, a Mississauga resident.
“This was a mistake. None of the statements attributed to Alex Shivraj were made by Alex Shivraj and should not have been attributed to him. Alex Shivraj did not communicate with the Star. Furthermore, at no time did the Star reach out to Alex Shivraj for comment on the article in question.
“The Star apologizes to Alex Shivraj for these errors.”
This story was poorly sourced and usual journalistic methods were ignored. The intern suggested that she learned from her mistakes, but that’s little consolation when a person’s reputation has been dragged through the mud. It is hard to get the genie back in the bottle, which tells us all how important it is to get our facts right when we are pursuing stories in the media.
The pen is mightier than that sword, but just like the sword, the pen can be useful or destructive. When we use the pen, we must use it responsibly, otherwise, the might that comes with the pen can cause unwarranted damage and cost us our credibility.

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