Does The Meeting Room Even Matter These Days?

Does The Meeting Room Even Matter These Days?

You have to take your hat off to small businesses. They are the number one leaders when it comes to innovation. They will make-do with whatever they can and get by. It’s incredible to see firsthand, their resolve is unfractured no matter how many difficulties they face. They have taken every challenge the world has thrown at them and that includes the ‘looking professional’ side too. Meeting rooms are critical to any business. Large businesses especially need them to have high-level discussions about the future and what kind of directions they should be following as overall circumstances shift. They are used for many other things too which is why emphasis is put on having boardroom meeting rooms that offer everything the most modern companies need when it comes to high-rise design. But small businesses anywhere, make big decisions in living rooms and garages. So does the meeting room matter these days?

More than a meeting room

Meeting rooms are not wholly accurate to their title. They are rooms with large tables and chairs where leaders in any business can meet in quiet and discuss their issues. However, these rooms are far more than just meeting rooms. This is where heads of departments can have secret discussions `about internal affairs with auditors and even members of the media. Hence, the meeting room is not squarely closed off to people from outside the business. A meeting room can also be used as a first aid area where people can be treated for injuries and other conditions. Meeting rooms are often used as interview rooms too. Candidates wishing to join the ranks can be given short tests to do and left on their own to complete them in silence. As you can see meeting rooms don’t have to be for employee meetings only. They are very useful in other capacities also.

Wasting empty space

For the most part, meeting rooms are kept empty. They are of course given special privilege and only certain people are allowed inside them. It would be bizarre if these rooms were kept open to the wider number of employees. They hold a lot of power in the world of business as they should. However they’re not very economical. Thus, it’s wise for small businesses to consider Virtual Headquarters where they have their own receptionist service that answers the phone and takes messages for them and also, provides meeting rooms whenever they need them. It’s also a virtual address so you can tell clients to contact you via the number and address. You look larger than you actually are and some communication is taken out of your hands so it frees up your schedule. 

Final verdict

Physical meetings rooms are no longer needed if you’re a small business. You can hire meetings rooms when you need them but to buy a building or office space with meetings room is not really crucial to your everyday business activity. 

You can hire a virtual HQ where you can have messages forwarded to you, but you may also bring clients to the real-world addresses to use the meeting rooms they have. 

Key Places Your Business Could Be Losing Money

Key Places Your Business Could Be Losing Money

When making money is the aim in business, anything that costs you and affects your profits is a huge problem. If you’ve noticed you’re not earning as much as you used to then there are a few issues that may need to be resolved. Here are some ideas. 

Low productivity

The most obvious way your company could be losing money is simply because of low productivity. When you’re paying workers to do a job and that job isn’t getting done efficiently, it’s as good as burning money. There are lots of reasons why this can happen so be sure to look into it. Is it due to low worker morale? Is it a result of poor equipment or a badly laid out workplace? Aim to fix problems and motivate workers so that your productivity levels increase. 

Lack of marketing

If you’re not marketing your business in the right way then you’re not going to make enough sales. The world of business is cut throat, it’s not enough to sell good products or services and hope people stumble across them. You need to be getting the word out there to the right customers. Marketing is complex, if you’re not an expert then consider hiring a marketing agency who will have the experience and expertise. Pushing your business in the right way and using effective advertising can quickly turn your situation around and you’ll start earning profit again. 


Theft from your business can seriously cut into profits. If you have a retail store this could be criminals stealing items or even breaking in at night and taking large amounts of stock. If you have an office based business, it could be theft of computers, printers, even data. Theft could come from criminals outside of your company, or theft and fraud could be committed by your own staff members. Running background checks is essential when you’re in the recruiting and hiring process, make sure employees don’t have a hidden past which could mean they’re a liability to your company. 

Other expenses

Things like insurance claims can be really costly to a business, it’s important to make sure you have the right insurance to protect you in case legal action is taken against you or you could end up seriously out of pocket. Another thing that can be costly is parking tickets, look into a ticket fighter website if this is a problem for you. If you have salespeople then accidentally parking in the wrong place could lead to fines and tickets brought against your business. In some cases you won’t need to pay them so check first and find out what your rights are. 

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