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Running a manufacturing business can be stressful. Keeping up to date with orders and fulfilling them satisfactorily is vital for the success of your business. Meeting delivery deadlines can mean that you are under pressure to get your goods manufactured quickly and to meet fast turnaround times.
While meeting deadlines is essential for your business’ reputation, it should never be at the expense of health and safety. The health and safety of your employees, customers, and visitors to your business should remain your priority. Here are some suggestions to help keep your business running efficiently and safely:
High Quality Components
There are many areas whereby you can save yourself time and money with manufacturing, but components for machinery should not be one of these areas. As well as maintaining the machinery you are using you should make a good investment to start with. Purchasing the highest quality Carbide Rod created using the best materials available can not only give you peace of mind that your equipment is the safest it can be, but it will also be economical in the long run. Not only do high-quality components mean you are going to prevent breakdowns and safety concerns, but maintaining low quality components can be costly in time and money. Keeping production running safely and smoothly can be greatly improved via high quality components.
Thorough Training
Ensuring that employees are fully trained to perform their jobs may sound like an obvious requirement. However, when the pressure is on, and new staff members are recruited, it can be tempting to rush through their training so that they can get started in the job faster. This may seem like an excellent short term solution, but it could put your employees at risk. Having someone who isn’t sufficiently trained working unsupervised could result in health and safety breaches, and increase the chances of an accident occurring. Items made by a new employee may not be up to standard if they have not been trained adequately. This increases the chances of customers receiving faulty goods, which in turn represents a health and safety risk.
Meet Regulations
As well as the products that you manufacture reaching the appropriate standards, you should also ensure that the components you use to make them meet the proper regulations and safety standards. To ensure that you feel satisfied with the safety of the parts that you use, you will need them to meet the standards required for their possible uses, such as nsf61 certification.
The Importance of Maintenance
Keeping your machinery well-maintained is crucial to keep your business running smoothly, and for keeping everyone safe. Make sure that employees know how to report any issues with the equipment that they use and why it is essential that they raise any concerns. Unless they’re adequately qualified, make it clear to employees that they should not attempt to rectify problems with the machinery themselves, as this could result in an accident. Instead, the appropriate engineer should be called to fix the issue.
Getting your machines serviced regularly and keeping up with their maintenance schedule is an integral part of keeping your business up and running, and everyone on your site safe.
The Right Equipment for the Job
Employees should always be supplied with the equipment that they need to perform their jobs both effectively and safely. This means that items such as gloves, eye protection, and high visibility jackets should always be available when needed. Make sure staff are aware they need to wear this safety protection equipment when required to protect themselves from harm.
Regular, ongoing training on the importance of health and safety in the workplace and regular monitoring of your processes and procedures should also help to keep your business a safe place to be.

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