The worldwide COVID-19 lockdown has dealt a savage blow to the way in which we live our lives. It has placed a cloud of uncertainty over our futures, our livelihoods and our financial health. Yet, it also has brought its share of opportunities. None of us are missing the stressful and smog filled commute to and from work. And when we’ve overcome the learning curve, working from home can be very satisfying and actually improve our productivity. Moreover, all that time we’re no longer spending in rush hour traffic can be dedicated to creative endeavors. Many of us have fired up the laptop and opened that old manuscript, or dug the canvases and paintbrushes since the lockdown was initiated. Or maybe we’ve just dedicated more time to the creative aspects of running a business.

Image by Steve A Johnson via Pixabay

However, while creative endeavors can be extremely fun, fulfilling and rewarding, creativity is not a tap that we can just switch on and off at will. If the creative well runs dry, it can be extremely frustrating. But if you’re to get to the bottom of it, you need to identify the reason…

You’re worried or distracted

We’re all worried and distracted at the moment. Most commonly about our health and finances. And this can be a real impediment to creativity. Still, getting proactive can help to allay your fears and worries. Start looking at cheaper gas, electricity, broadband and auto insurance providers. Download a household budget template and vow to stick to it. Ensure that you’re sticking to social distancing guidelines and taking extra precautions like wearing a face mask when going outside. 

When you feel in control of the variables that sense of nagging doubt and worry will begin to abate and the creativity is more likely to flow.

Your expectations of yourself are unrealistic

You may end each day annoyed and frustrated at yourself that you didn’t complete 1000 words of your novel, or finish putting down the base colors on your painting, or decide on a final color scheme for your new logo. Still, this mentality is only going to impede your future efforts and make you feel more nervous and frustrated. We’re in the middle of a global pandemic. Adjust your expectations of yourself accordingly.

You’re making yourself more frustrated

There’s nothing more creatively frustrating than spending hours staring at a blank screen or canvas, waiting for your creative block to subside. After a while, you start to become your own biggest problem. Remember that even under lockdown you can still take a walk, get some fresh air and seek some inspiration from nature. The act of walking really is a tonic for getting the creative juices flowing.

You’re forgetting to ingest before you create

Speaking of inspiration, no great piece of art is born in a vacuum. Everyone draws inspiration from someone. So don’t expect to be able to create something amazing unless you’ve first ingested something amazing. Read a few chapters from a favorite book. Look at some paintings online, listen to some of your favorite music. 

All great creative endeavors need some sort of stimulus!

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