The idea of moving to a new office location may be a daunting one, but when your business is growing and changing, it’s a necessary activity! You want your office relocation to go smoothly, which means that you need to plan, plan, and plan some more! It’s a big job with a lot of planning involved. If you want to keep the disruption to your new office move as low as possible, you’re going to minimize your business costs and the impact on your daily activities.
When you plan well, your office move can be as easy as pie. So, let’s take a look at five top tips for a smooth office move, and we’ll keep our fingers crossed that yours goes well!
Step 1: Get The Team Involved
Whenever you move to a new office, you need to ensure that every single person is involved. You can set tasks by team, from who will hire the skip bin for the rubbish that you clear, to who will keep the business running while it all happens. Your employees should be given as much notice as possible before a big move. The last thing that you want is to have an office filled with people who have no idea what’s going on! Communication is vital, and it’s the one thing that you need for success.
Step 2: Bring In The Professionals
You could go down the road of packing the office yourself and moving it, but you have a business to run. You may well organize the skip hire and sort out the decluttering of the office, but that doesn’t mean that you can sort the actual packing of all the computers! So, bring in the professionals who are qualified and insured to do all of this for you!
Step 3: Start Early
So, your business plan predicts that this move is to happen in a year. That’s great; you have a target to follow. There is so much to consider with office relocation, and the sooner you get started, the better. It would be best if you started everything slowly, from notifying your staff to finding the premises and getting it lined up. The earlier you do this, the earlier you can let your clients know of the changes.
Step 4: In With The New
Ideally, it would be best if you had a floorplan of your new office layout so that you can preempt any issues with installing technology and locating desks. You can bring in a team to help you to plan where everything should go, and they’ll make a big difference to the way you conduct this move, too.
Step 5: Keep Communicating
Your business needs to be live as much as possible through the move, as any shutdown can have an impact on the way that you do things. So, keep communicating with your clients and any major shareholders. You need to have a team in place to keep business open if necessary, and this takes planning.

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