Photo by Nastuh Abootalebi on Unsplash
If you’re considering moving to new business premises but you don’t know where to start, you have definitely come to the right place. With so many different things to consider it is important you’re doing as much research as you possibly can to ensure you move to the best possible location for your business. As it’s such a big decision, you need to be sure from the start that you’ve made the right one. With that in mind, here are 6 things to consider for your new business premises:
– Is It Within Your Budget?
The first thing you need to work out is whether or not the premises you’re buying is within your budget. This means not only considering the monthly rent on the space but all the cost of moving. You’ll need to think about the cost of removal men, the deposit and any renovations that may need to be done beforehand. As moving is an expensive thing to undergo, you need to be sure you’re not going to go over budget.
– Is It Safe? Will You Need Security?
Another important thing to be sure of is whether or not the place is safe. This means not only checking the safety of the building itself, but also checking whether or not it is safe inside. If you’re worried, consider hiring someone to come and do an evaluation before you purchase. Whilst it will cost you to do and you can’t guarantee you’ll be purchasing the property afterwards, it’s better to be safe than sorry. For more information when it comes to checking the safety of a building, you can visit this site here.
– How Much Space Do You Have? How Many Staff Members Do You Need To Fit Comfortably?
Another thing you need to consider when finding your ideal business premises is whether or not you have enough space for everyone there. If you’re moving to a new place you’re probably moving because you need more space, so this should be one of your main priorities. When you view somewhere for consideration, make sure you’re taking measurements and thinking about what your potential floorplan could be in order to be sure everything will fit. For a guide to creating an office floorplan, you can visit this site here.
– How Are You Going To Decorate?
Once you have agreed to move into your new space, you need to figure out how you’re going to decorate it. Whilst some people may opt to keep it how it is, others prefer to make it more personal and on brand. If this is you, make sure you’re considering your agreement with your landlord, as often you may find you’re not able to make any major changes. If you want to have complete creative control over how you decorate, you might want to consider buying office space instead.
– Do You Need To Install A Bike Or Smoking Shelter?
Another thing you may need to consider is whether or not you need to install a bike or smoking shelter. If you’re renting your office space as part of a bigger building you may find they already have one, however, if not, you should consider installing your own for staff to store their bikes and take a smoke break. For more information when it comes to smoking shelters, you can visit this site here.
– Do You Have Everything In Place Ready To Move?
Finally, you need to consider whether you have everything in place to move. This means ensuring you have booked removal men, making sure you have packed everything up ready to go, letting your staff and clients know about the closure of your business for a few days and having all the correct paperwork signed. There are so many things to think about, ensuring all of these things are in place well before the move is the best way to avoid any issues.
Are you moving to a new office soon? How can you be sure you’re moving to the right place for you? Let me know in the comments section below.

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