Startups tend to be some of the most disruptive and innovative companies out there. Thanks to their unique ideas, small team and fewer obligations, they’re afforded a lot more freedom than most other companies. This is usually great news for whoever owns the startup, but it’s very easy for startups to fail if they’re exercising a bit too much freedom. Perhaps this is why startups have a high failure rate; maybe having too much individual control over your business can actually be limiting their success.

But that’s not the only factor that could be holding back your company. There are many ways in which a startup impedes its own growth, and in this article, we’ll be listing eight of them.

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1. Trying to create a market for something with no demand

A surprising number of startups end up trying to grow in markets that have almost no demand. Pushing your products without a good reason will usually end up slowing down your business.

2. Running out of money or failing to budget

Trying to run a business on a tight budget can be incredibly difficult. Make sure you establish a steady stream of revenue to keep your business running and budget accordingly so you don’t waste money.

3. Failing to train or hire the right team members

Hiring new recruits might be enough to keep your business running, but you also need to train them in order to grow your business. Make sure you’re encouraging existing employees to learn new skills and train new recruits so they have an easier time fitting into your workforce.

4. Falling behind the competition and failing to adapt

Analyzing the competition is a very common strategy for small businesses. You need to understand what their good points are, where you can compete with them and how to identify sections of the market that you can take advantage of.

5. Forgetting about the importance of customer service

Customers need to be treated well if you want them to return, so make sure you don’t forget about the importance of offering a good service to them to keep their business and ensure they don’t wander off to your competitor.

6. Being stubborn about hiring outsourced services and freelancers

A lot of startup owners want to save money by doing everything themselves. However, growing your business is difficult if you’re stubborn and don’t hire outsourced services or freelancers. Considering paying for small business IT services to help you manage your company more efficiently and ultimately grow it.

7. Ignoring what customers are saying

Make sure you listen to your customers and take in all of the feedback they give you. This is valuable information that you should be using to grow your business and improve on products.

8. Poor product release timing

This is perhaps one of the biggest problems that startups face. Even if your product is fantastic, you need to release it at the right time to ensure it’s not overshadowed by the competition.

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