Our everyday life involves fashion. Despite this, talking about fashion sometimes makes people uncomfortable. This may be due to a lack of a proper definition of what fashion is.

Simply put, fashion is the style of clothing that a certain group of people wears at any given time. The fashion industry is international and highly globalized.

People all over the world have seen how fashion rapidly changes over a short period. Nowadays, the trend is to avoid fast fashion and to opt for more sustainable fashion choices in dressing up.

Fashion and Technology

These days, there have been many technological advances made to push forward the global fashion industry. These innovations have been made to adapt to the worldwide changes in the economy and lifestyles. Consumers of fashion have evolved, especially with the advent of social media. This is why the fashion industry needs to keep up with the increase and changes in consumer demand.

Fashion and technology work together. They complement each other in developing innovations in their respective fields. Here are some technological innovations that have tapped into the realm of the fashion industry in recent years.

In the fashion industry, laser cutting has been used since the nineteenth century. Through this technology, the fashion industry has produced pieces such as reinventing the World War I trench coat design. With robot vision systems, laser cutting has been optimized and become more efficient for applications such as textile cutting, allowing more opportunities for innovation and production.

Though not directly related to clothing production, artificial intelligence has been an innovation that the fashion industry has been taking advantage of. This technology has been used to enhance the customers’ shopping experience and monitor the consumers’ preferences to inform the brand of its trends and sales.

Mobile commerce is rapidly becoming the next best alternative to brick-and-mortar shops. With the convenience of mobile phones, shopping online using a smartphone has never been more enjoyable. This branch of eCommerce has allowed consumers to make quick purchases that satisfy their impulsive tendencies.

3D printing is not only for toys and components. 3D printing has also penetrated the fashion industry. Despite requiring more hours to produce, 3D printing results in less waste and is less labor-intensive than other types of manufacturing. This process might be a sustainable option depending on the materials used.

While 3D printing is making the rounds in the fashion industry, novel fabrics have also been making a mark in this field. Fabrics such as lab-grown leather might shape the future of fashion as it pushes the boundaries of technology and sustainability.

As mentioned, sustainability has also been the new buzzword these days. Slow fashion is the trend given that consumers are becoming more aware of garments’ environmental and ethical impact.

Fashion and technology are intertwined as they both pave the way for a better lifestyle for each individual. While these are some technological innovations that have made a mark in the fashion industry, sustainability remains a big concern in fashion.

Sustainable Fashion

Fast fashion might be the culprit of a percentage of the world’s garbage pile nowadays. Still, sustainable fashion lies in how the materials have been used and the ethical aspects of production.

The whole supply chain of a fashion ecosystem should be considered when checking if a piece of garment is part of the slow fashion movement. It is best to choose materials that are made to last longer to avoid the quick disposal of clothing that is easily torn or worn out.

Although choosing the slow fashion route is a responsible step, it will not be easy to take. The important thing to remember is to take it one step at a time until you build up a healthy habit and a healthy relationship with clothing.

It might be easy to disregard your purchases’ impact, but every step counts towards a better environment and workspace for everyone. Sustainability is not about achieving a zero-waste lifestyle, but it’s about being conscious of your choices to minimize unnecessary items in your life.

Fashion might make some people uncomfortable, but fashion is ingrained in our everyday lives. This global industry is woven into our daily choices, so we have to be conscious of our decisions every time we buy a piece of clothing. Sustainability in fashion can be achieved by exerting a bit of effort in researching brands and materials that dominate the market today.

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