The Benefits of Running a Green Business in 2020

The Benefits of Running a Green Business in 2020


Green businesses and companies with an eco-friendly ideology are on the rise. Consumers are changing their habits and opting for more sustainable businesses. Going green is therefore not only better for the environment but good for business as well. There are many financial benefits as well as profits. These include tax reductions, sponsorship, and subsidies. Here are some of the advantages of going green this year.

What makes your business green?

Sustainable production is a key feature of an eco-conscious business. Where do your materials come from? Are they ethically sourced, or cruelty-free? Consider all the areas, transport, production emissions, and Farming Technology. Analyze your business under sustainability criteria and check what improvements can be made. 

The benefits of going green

As environmental concerns become more mainstream, green-driven consumers signal future priorities for everyone. Therefore making eco-friendly changes to your operation could be a smart decision, now more than ever. Here are some benefits of setting up an environmentally friendly business this year.

  • Attract new customers

21st-century consumers are becoming increasingly informed and aware of the environmental impacts businesses have and it is affecting how they choose to consume. It’s a good idea to add a new green angle to your brand image and marketing in order to attract new customers. 

  • Financial benefits 

There are different types of financing available such as subsidies and grants. Tax breaks, rebates, and other financial incentives are being offered to the companies that make the decision to go green. 

  • Longevity

Sustainability is an approach to increasing your company’s longevity. Look to the long-term to build a business that can last in the future. Your business will more likely have a place on the market in the future is you make the changes now to be more sustainable.

  • Employee satisfaction

More employees are also more interested in working for an eco-conscious company. 

By “going green” and making your business more sustainable you will be able to reap some of these benefits. Here are some tips on how to run as a sustainable business. 

Recycle as much as possible

It’s becoming increasingly expensive for businesses to dump their waste in landfills due to tighter restrictions. Now is a good time to be vigilant about waste and reorganize your recycling program. This will not only help to reduce your business’s environmental impact, but it will also save you money. Recycling companies charge less because they can recover costs by selling useful materials. 

Reach out locally

In order to keep your business sustainable, it’s best to think locally. Collaborate with other local businesses, and stay loyal. Long-distance travel and transportation will only cause your emissions to skyrocket so explain how you’re reducing your carbon footprint. Select locally sourced suppliers, for example, and create an eco-ad campaign that benefits both of you. Focus part of your marketing at least on the local community. This could involve a local blog or taking part in promotional events.

Work with non-profits

Get your company aligned with environmental initiatives and non-profit organizations. Volunteer for charities that your business can relate to and make sure you publish your efforts. Make the most of creative technology like video content or podcasts and develop your website even further. Social media is also a great tool. Post on Instagram and other platforms, and get employees motivated to take part as well. Think of creative yet eco-friendly ideas to get your logo out there, like quirky, custom made t-shirts for your team to wear.  

Consider getting certified

Companies that make a large social contribution can qualify to become a registered B Corp. This will do wonders for your reputation, even if it seems a while off yet. If you’re wondering how to become certified, do your research. Find an eco-label in your field and look up the certification requirements, for more information on how to get certified click here

Be transparent with customers

Always be honest about your business. Prove to your customers that you’re trustworthy by communicating the benefits of buying your eco-friendly products from their perspective, rather than yours. Make sure you make the right choices for your customers. Are your materials healthier, or longer-lasting? Stay honest and transparent about the nature of your business.

In 2020 the more your business is marketed as sustainable the better. Many studies have shown that companies that support a more environmentally friendly ideal are more successful because of it. Other companies will also be more likely to work with you as you will help to promote their image as well.

A Short Guide To Green Business

A Short Guide To Green Business

It is becoming more important than ever that we all do our part for the planet, and it is so pressing that we can no longer really afford not to do this. If you are aware of this and you want to make sure that you are doing your part, then a good place to start is always going to be with your business. Businesses in general can be very wasteful, and there is much that they have to answer for when it comes to the way they can treat the planet a lot of the time. But if you have a business of your own then you will know at least that one of the things you can do is to make sure that you are running it as environmentally friendly as possible. The more businesses do this, the better a chance the world has of survival, so it’s something we should certainly think about. In this article, we will look at some of the ways in which you can ensure that you run your business as green as possible.

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The Paperless Dream

The idea of a paperless office may still be just something of a dream, but it is a dream which we can still try to work towards as best as we can, and doing so is bound to mean that we are going to experience some significant shifts towards it in our lifetime at least. In general, the less paper you use, the better, but it can be very challenging to make sure that you are doing this in a normal everyday office. Fortunately, there are plenty of things you can do to try and make it a little easier, and it is worth thinking about some of the issues that you might need to face in order to make sure that using paper less is a lot simpler to do.

For a start, you should aim to do everything that you possibly can on computer. These days, you should be able to find pretty decent software solutions for most tasks, and it is often just a matter of trial and error and a little patience in trying to find the right one. Don’t go thinking that you will always have to pay out, either: generally you can also find very good open-source and free versions of the more proprietary software, which are always good to have and mean you can keep an eye on your money at the same time.

Beyond that, using less paper also means that the paper you do use is recycled, which should be an absolute must these days. You can create your own recycled paper by using scrap paper that would otherwise be thrown away, or ensuring that any paper products you do buy are certified as being forest-friendly, meaning that the company in question plants new trees to make up for the paper being used. The less paper we all use, the more trees we have, and the more oxygen there is for us to breathe.

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Water, Water Everywhere

Water might just about be our most precious resource on the planet, yet we so often treat it as though it is completely expendable and replaceable. Part of this might come from a misunderstanding about the water cycle. Yes, it is true that there is a water cycle and that every drop down the drain ultimately becomes rain clouds again, but the less water we waste, the less that has to go through that cycle, which inevitably drains the planet’s resources in doing so. It is much better to not use that much water in the first place, as this puts less pressure on the planet more generally. But using less water is one of those things that, despite everyone knowing it is a good idea, people often find difficult to do. Let’s look at some of the things your business can do to make this aspect of being green a little easier for everyone.

For a start, make sure that you are collecting and conserving rainwater for your usage. It is a simple matter to do this, and it’s something that any business can do if they hope to use less water on the whole. If you use some Tuffa Tanks or the like, you can simply set them up to collect rainwater, which you can then use for whatever purposes you need it for. If it is to drink or wash up or whatever, then you will need to purify it too, but that is easy to do these days too. This is a great way to conserve water, and will make a profound difference to the kind of impact your business is having on the world.

Another way is to simply encourage people in your business to be more mindful of the water that they do use. Whenever they go to the tap, they should be thinking about how much water they are using, and whether it is a little too much. You should not underestimate the power of a well-placed sign here, as that could really make all the difference in the world.

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Encouraging Better Travel

A scheme which is becoming particularly popular amongst businesses everywhere these days is for the company to encourage its employees to find greener ways to travel to work. If you really want to do your part, this is something that you can absolutely think about doing. You can set up a simple program whereby those who show that they cycle or walk to work are able to receive a dividend in their pay, for example. Or you might just want to offer to buy your employees a bicycle instead. However you do it, this is something that can add up to make a really profound difference to the world.

All of the above will help your business to be a little greener, and it is all stuff that you should consider as soon as you possibly can. You’ll find that you are happy to do your part.

Helping Your Business Go Green

Helping Your Business Go Green

Photo by Patricia Valério on Unsplash

We all know that taking steps towards going green can help the environment, but still many companies struggle to make the change. Part of it is not knowing how to implement meaningful change, but some of it is worry about profit margins and the bottom line. 

Making business changes that hurt the sustainability of your business is not a smart move, but going green doesn’t mean losing your profit margin. Here are some ways you can be more environmentally friendly while actually saving money for your business. 

Go Paperless

One of the easiest ways to get started if you don’t know where to begin is to make less paper purchases. You can start going paperless by using Cloud networks and scan the important documents you need. Having these available on the Cloud for all employees means less copies are made and it is an easier and safer way to store documents. You are not only helping the environment, but you are streamlining your efficiency and reducing your overhead costs. 

Reusable Items

Another easy way to implement some environmentally friendly options for your business is to use more reusable products instead of disposable ones. Using these reusable items will prevent the disposable counterparts from ending up in landfills or as litter, but there are also benefits for your business. You can use insulated bags or shopping totes with your logo on it to promote your business. Customers will likely use these options if they are made available to them. 

Water Dispensing Systems

Bottled water is a huge source of waste that ends up polluting the planet. Many businesses will offer customers bottled water while they are at their building, but this is not the most effective way of providing a service. 

Installing a water filtration and dispensing system to be used by customers and employees is a better way to provide water while still helping the environment. While there will be some upfront cost associated with installing this system, in the long run you will save money not having to buy endless supplies of bottled water to have on hand all the time. 

Utility Costs

One big expense for businesses is the cost of utilities for the building. Renewable energy is a great way to cut costs, but is not always available for all businesses to implement. Smaller steps you can take towards lowering your utility usage is to install energy-efficient fixtures with LED light bulbs. These bulbs may last up to twenty years, so less cost for you. They also use less energy, so a win for Mother Nature also. 

Tax Credit

Not only will becoming more environmentally friendly help the world, but it can often be used as tax credit. You can take tax credits for energy efficiency, reduced emissions, solar energy, and other ways to go green. Doing this can save you money when it comes to your taxes. 


Going green is also a great way to attract potential investors. A good investment is a company that works to reduce their overhead and cares about giving back. Going green shows investors that you are committed to both your own business, but also the world as a whole.  

Why Going Green Makes Perfect Business Sense

Why Going Green Makes Perfect Business Sense


You shouldn’t need a reason to go green.

There are media reports aplenty on the damage being caused to the environment, so as a citizen of our beloved planet, it is your ethical responsibility to do your bit to protect the world we live in.

Still, if you are dragging your feet regards better green practices, know that by doing so, you will also benefit your business. While you shouldn’t need an incentive to be eco-minded, knowing that it makes perfect business sense might be the kick up the backside you need.

Going green will reduce company costs

Are you looking to maximise your business profits? Going green will help you to do so. By forming green habits, such as turning off appliances when they are not in use, you will save on your electricity bills. By digitizing your files with PaperSave, you will reduce paper and printing costs. By purchasing energy-efficient equipment, such as Energy-Star labelled printers and computers, you will cut down your utility bills. And by doing each of these things, you will then have a greater capacity to save money and spend more on items your business needs.

Going green will improve your reputation

A business can live or die based on its reputation, so if you want to avoid allegations of bad practice, be they slanderous or otherwise, know that by going green, you will turn the tide of public favor towards you. After all, would you do business with a company that was behaving unethically? We are imagining not, so consider your local community. By doing such things as using sustainable materials in your packaging and eliminating the waste you send to landfills, the public and your local media will have less reason to slam you. As a result of this, you might have more customers coming your way, especially when your nearest rivals are failing to show their green credentials.

Going green will improve employee morale

A happy employee is a productive employee, so by applying green principles to your business, you will impress those members of your staff who are keen to do their bit for the environment. And by using green initiatives, such as allowing for telecommuting, you will both cut down the commuter traffic on the roads, and improve your employee’s morale further by giving them the opportunity to work from home. It’s also worth noting that by going green, you are more likely to attract the best hires from the millennial workforce, as according to this engagement study, 64% of millennials take into account a company’s environmental commitments when they are deciding on where to work. Not only will this benefit your business, but it will give you a further foothold over your competitors in the cutthroat business world you operate in.

So, if you haven’t fully gone green within your business yet, perhaps now is the time to do so. With a reduction in business costs, an improved reputation, and happier and more productive employees, the benefits to your business are clear. It makes perfect business sense, and alongside the world-saving benefits too, you would be foolish not to take action soon.

Keeping Your Business In The Green

Keeping Your Business In The Green

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Keeping your business afloat can be difficult; you’re going to have to avoid debts and spending money where you don’t need to, if you find yourself running out of money then it could spell doom for your company so you need to know how to make sure that your business has a good financial standing, but how do you do it? Well, read on to find out!

Get Investors

Investors are one of the best ways to fuel your business, and whilst it’s mainly aimed at startup businesses it still applies to big ones too. Investors are either companies or people, who will approach your business with an investment deal. This could be anything as there are no strict guidelines with investment, but it’s going to result in your company being given money in exchange for a promise. This can excellent for your business as it can give you the money that you need to stay out of any financial woes. You can get into contact with investors here, and it’s well worth doing, especially if you’re a startup business because if someone invests in you then you’ve got the money to be successful!

Have A Good Credit Score

Part of being in business is taking out loans and dealing with other companies, but how do they judge whether or not they want to deal with you? Well, like every person, companies too have credit scores. They are a numerical representation of how good you are at paying back money, and it’s inevitable that some businesses are still going to have poor ones because they’ve needed to borrow lots of money to get them off the ground. This is where sites like come into play. These sites are able to improve your business’s credit score, giving you a better chance of getting a business loan or setting up trade agreements with other companies.

Office Space

This is the silent killer of businesses and you need to be made aware of it. Your single biggest outgoing until your business becomes huge is going to be your office space rent. This is going to cost a lot of money and it can utterly destroy your business’s finances if you’re paying too much. The danger comes in when you’re not using the space that you have; you’re going to be over paying for the office space that you’re not using, which means that your outgoings are going to be higher and you’re going to be literally wasting money on space you don’t need! When you’re looking for an office space use websites like as they can find you an office space that is exactly what you want, so don’t settle for anything less!

Do all of these things and you simply cannot go wrong. Get a good credit score so other businesses will be more willing to deal with you, get investors on board to keep your cash flow up and make sure your office space is right for you so you’re not overpaying for it!

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