As a fresh, growing agency, you’ve probably had a few reluctant clients in the past. Many small to medium companies believe they can manage their own marketing, advertising, and PR in-house. Outsourcing, to them, seems like an expensive indulgence. Sometimes it doesn’t matter how you present yourself or your agency, you just can’t win them over. In fact, just getting the decision maker to answer the phone is the biggest part of the battle!

To win more clients, you need to find more innovative ways to engage them. A narrative can help here. Something that speaks to them because it feels familiar can be quite powerful. But how can you know what will pique their interest and engage them long enough for you to make your pitch? You too need to be carefully targeting your prospective clients.

Selecting a narrower group of leads could help you focus your attention too. Their business is just starting to boom, and the business owner is getting their first real taste of success. They have more money, but they may also have more worries and risks. Clients like this are often concerned about momentum. A boost in sales demands a bigger internal structure to handle the orders. With that investment comes the fear of a sales drop-off.

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What this perspective client needs is a way to tap into their new customer’s lives and become a regular part of it. Repeat sales, according to, cost substantially less than continually driving for new business. And it is these customers that could help your prospective client find the new customers they desire. Reviews, social media chatter and customer experiences are where your client needs to focus right now.

When you look at websites like, you can see a number of ways you can help protect and improve your client’s reputation. Your prospective client might not yet be tapping into Customer Retention Marketing. They might not have systems in place to collect and collate reviews. And if they’re not managing the chatter on social media, they can’t prevent or repair any damage from disgruntled customers. This is where you can step up with an added value service proposition.

Once you’re in your prospective client’s mindset, you can tweak your offering to include the solutions to problems they may be worrying about. You can engage your prospect with details – clarify what they’ve had fleeting thoughts about and expand upon it. Show them you have solutions. You might even be able to do this before they’re fully aware of the risk factors involved with their situation. Engage them with truths, clarification, and solutions.

You want your client to reach out by using your carefully selected media plans. Have you fully explained why? Can you quantify the benefits? Chances are your competitors have already bombarded them with literature and phone calls. They’re trying to win your prospect too. How can your approach be more engaging and more about a two-way conversation? It can be quite disheartening to hear a no from a lead. Try to engage your next prospect to make it a big yes.

Co-founder of leading disruption business and political site zenruption

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