How to Choose a Pipe

How to Choose a Pipe


Choosing a pipe to smoke marijuana in seems like it would be a simple thing to do. And it can be — if you don’t care about getting the best possible piece. You can use everything from a soda can (gross!) to a cheap gas-station piece (low quality!) to smoke your marijuana, if you’re willing to slum it like that. But you shouldn’t, because finding the perfect marijuana pipe will really elevate your smoking experience. Your weed will go further, your smoking ritual will become more pleasant, and you’ll wonder why you didn’t invest in the right pipe for your tastes from the start.

That’s why we’re here today to talk about picking the perfect pipe. Below, we’ll lay out all of the criteria that you might want to consider. We’ll guide you through your options and help you pick out the perfect piece. Are you ready? Here’s how to choose a pipe.

How big do you want your pipe to be?

The first question that you should ask yourself when you’re shopping for a pipe is which type of pipe you want. Because there are a lot. You could get a simple bowl with or without a carb. You could get a bubbler, which is a bowl with a water element. Or you could get a bong, which has all kinds of features, including a reservoir for cooling water.

But to figure out which type of pipe you want, you need to ask some practical questions. The first of those is the one above: How big do you want your pipe to be? If you’re looking for something that you can tote around in your pocket, then no amount of features will make you want to choose a bong.

What features are you looking for?

Size isn’t everything. The second part of your decision on pipe-types is all about features.

Actually, size is a feature — it can help determine the size of your hit. But there’s much more than that to talk about here.

How do you want the marijuana smoke to feel and taste? Cooling water and ice catches can make the bong smoking experience significantly smoother than the bowl smoking one. And, of course, cooler and smoother smoke means that you can take bigger hits — an appealing thing to many marijuana users.

Consider the many features that great pipes have. A carb is a basic one, but things get pretty upscale pretty fast. Ice catches, removable slides, even percolators that diffuse the smoke into cooling water — the list goes on and on.

While we’re on the subject of features, we should consider materials, too. Pipes are frequently, but not always, made of glass. But there are other options, including cheap plastic. And then there are the fancier forms of glass, such as scientific glass (which is different from regular glass, and makes for a sturdier piece).

These features can vary within types of pipes — for instance, not all bongs have ice catches — but they’ll be particularly valuable for helping you decide which general type of piece you want. If you want water cooling, for instance, you’ll be looking at bubblers and bongs.

Budgeting for bongs

How much should you spend on your pipe? Your budget will go a long way toward determining what your options actually are.

We can’t tell you how much to spend, but we will tell you this: It’s worth investing in the brand-name stuff. Quality HISI glass will outlast cheaper alternatives and provide a better experience that keeps paying off long after you’ve absorbed the hit to your wallet. In many cases, you’ll find that you’d rather get a humbler piece from a trusted name than a more over-the-top option that lacks the durability and reliable features of a brand-name piece.

And there you have it — use your size and features preferences to narrow down the types of pipes you’re looking at, and then use a sensible budget to target the right brand-name solutions from reliable retailers. That should narrow down your options quite a bit and help you find your ideal pipe!

How to Boost Your Morning Productivity

How to Boost Your Morning Productivity

Image from: Pexels

When you’ve been in the same job and the same office for a while, you might begin to notice a few habits within yourself. Perhaps you’re at your most productive when you wake up in the morning, going for a 6 AM job and choosing that healthy green smoothie instead of a regular coffee. Or perhaps you’re like the rest of us, desperately needing that morning coffee and dreading the thought of even leaving the house this early.

With a productive morning routine, however, your day might become a lot better. It’s going to be a bit easier for your superiors to notice you as well among all of the groggy and sleepy office heads when you sit down for your first hours – and a bit of positive attention has never hurt anyone.

Here is a handful of ways to make your mornings at work a bit more productive so that you can sit down for your lunch and feel like you actually did something.

First: Get moving in the morning

While you certainly don’t have to go for that early morning jog unless you feel like it, enjoying a bit of activity will help you to feel so much more awake. It will get your appetite started as well, by the way, so that your entire body can feel like it has actually started its day instead of just suffering through it.

Do some stretches, at the very least, and try to do some light yoga or another form of exercise that doesn’t make you want to head back for the bed instead. Check out this article for some doable morning activities to get you started this week already.

Another way to feel much more awake as soon as you get up is to drink a large glass of water; this will kick-start your metabolism and you’ll suddenly feel a lot brighter without having to wait for the mandatory first hour to pass.

Next: Make your commute more pleasant

When you actually look a bit forward to your commute rather than dreading it, you’ll show up at the office in a much better mood. Update your playlist, get a new audiobook to listen to, or just pack a nice breakfast snack you can enjoy while looking at all the funny and tired faces around you.

Remember to use an app that keeps you up to date on traffic incidents as well, by the way, so that your excellent morning isn’t spoilt by something unpleasant on the way. Now you’ll even be able to plan a better route in case your usual one should have any delays.

Keep a to-do-list

Sure, it’s the oldest trick in the book but it actually works – and especially when you’re still going through those early morning hours. A list where you can tick off every task you’ve managed to complete and can enjoy the sight of actual progress will help you to keep your mind a bit more focused while it’s still kind of waking up.

Include everything you’d like to do in the morning, though, so that you have the joy of ticking off as much as possible. It just makes it a bit easier to get through the earliest part of your day – and, before you know it, it’s time for lunch.

Couch Cardio: The Health Benefits Of Watching Sports

Couch Cardio: The Health Benefits Of Watching Sports


While we all know how playing a sport has an abundance of health benefits, did you know that there are plenty of benefits by just watching sports? Now, this doesn’t give you permission to get rid of your workout routine, but amazingly, there are plenty of ways that sitting on the couch watching your favorite team can benefit all walks of life.

It’s A Way To Keep Your Mind Racing

Whether you are obsessed with the mechanics of Formula 1, or you want to learn how to bet on NFL games, sports can help you to use different parts of your brain. If you are constantly talking with your friends about how a certain play was completely wrong or you’re trying to predict the next team line-up, it can focus your brain (probably) far better than your job would!

It Can Make Us Happier

The great thing about sports is that if you have a love of it, it’s a great way for you to exercise your brain. If we learn things that we don’t want to learn, it becomes more of a task to retain the information, so by analyzing a sport, it gives us that focus, but also meaning. It’s been shown that being attached to your team can make you feel less depressed than others who don’t care about sports at all. And yes, you can be upset if your team loses, but if you pick a losing team and they surprise you one season, this can feel like all your Christmases come at once, in an emotional sense.

It’s Great For Your Social Skills

Maybe you work a job where you are by yourself, or you don’t have the opportunity to spend time with your friends as much anymore. While your partner may consider it to be pointless, you could argue that you are improving your health by watching a game with your buddies. In fact, sport has become one of the best ways to integrate socially. Watching sport has become a social experience and even if you watch just the big games, it gives you the perfect opportunity to host a social event.

It’s Great For Self-Esteem

In so many ways, cheering your team on is quite a tribal thing. If your country wins a major tournament, this self-esteem boost can last for weeks afterward. You can feel a sense of accomplishment even though all you did was cheer your team on! But this is something that needs to be spoken of when it comes to sports. Some people look at sports as a waste of time. And while it’s easy to see why it has this reputation, we have to remember that sports are a great way to improve us socially, but it can also give us inspiration. Maybe the physique of a football player can inspire us to head back to the gym. And while watching sports has gained a reputation as being the pastime of guys with beer bellies, it can still be a positive thing. So if you’ve got a partner that doesn’t understand it at all, tell them you are improving your health!

Tranquility Among The Twigs: Creating A Garden That Relaxes You

Tranquility Among The Twigs: Creating A Garden That Relaxes You


If you are looking to improve the quality of your life, you need to make your home environment the most relaxing place of all. A lot of people find their solace in other areas, physically speaking, so when they go home, they find all of their relaxations gives way to stress and anxiety. Now, there is a lot of research on how gardening is great for our mental health. And, on the face of it, a garden is colorful, awe-inspiring, and wonderfully relaxing in the summer months, so how can we create a garden that relaxes us?

Pick A Space For Yourself

If you share your garden with others, then you need to pick somewhere that’s for you and you alone. Think about what you want from your space- for example, do you want privacy? In which case, you can get a few shrubs, and position your seating accordingly so you feel secluded, so you can go into yourself.

Go For A Water Feature

A water feature doesn’t just provide a focal point for the garden, but it can be an aesthetic choice that dictates the style of the entire garden. You could build a working friendship with a topsoil, mulch and stone delivery company and gradually build a garden around this water feature. And let’s not forget, the sound of running water is one of those relaxing sensations that can help our troubles melt away.

Take The Aromatic Approach

If you are someone who is constantly pent-up, looking into aromatherapy as a way to relax is essential. And in the garden, you can pick fragrant plants to shortcut your way to calmness. Lavender, clematis, and gardenia are three sweet-smelling varieties that don’t just look beautiful, but they can help to create an undertone of relaxation. You can either purchase potted plants so you can move them around as you wish or plant them into the ground around your secluded space.

Pick Some Lighting

You don’t want harsh flood-lights in a garden space, but when the summer arrives, and it’s that time between sundown and darkness, we have to choose simple lighting. Lighting, let’s not forget, can put us in a really relaxing mood. Solar lights are a popular choice, not just because they are great for the environment and will help you save money on your electricity bill, but they can provide that subtle lighting without being too overpowering. If you want to go more modest, you can choose candles or tea lights. And let’s not forget party lights (or even leftover Christmas tree lights) can add that twinkle to the space during night-time.

It’s our right to have a garden that’s relaxing, but we all have our own opinion of what relaxation is. For some of us, gardening is a relaxing pastime, and a uniformed row of root vegetables is enough, but for others, they need more colors and vibrancy. Life is a stressful thing, so we need our home environment in some way to calm us down. What better way to do this than by having a garden full of color and relaxing sensations?

Tips for Hosting the Ultimate Kid’s Birthday Part

Tips for Hosting the Ultimate Kid’s Birthday Part

Children look forward to their birthday all year, but most don’t realize how much planning it requires on the part of their parents.

As a parent, there can be a lot of pressure to throw the perfect birthday party and making the experience as fun as possible for your child and their friends, but there doesn’t have to be. Here are some factors to consider to make the day memorable for everyone involved.


Sit down with your child before sending out any invitations and determine who they want to attend. If you’re short on money, a good rule of thumb is to invite the number of the child’s age plus one. On the other hand, if your child is in school, invitations can be tricky — it’s best to either invite less than half the class or the entire class.

When sending invitations, don’t forget to make allowances for close friends and family. Your invitation should include your child’s name, the age they’ll be turning, the party’s theme (if you set one), the location and address, date and time, and contact information for RSVPs.

Obviously, it’s important to remind guests to RSVP to the party. Don’t assume that guests will come if they haven’t RSVP’d yet, so set aside some time to call and ask whether each guest plans to attend. List a deadline for RSVPs on the invitation and begin contacting parents during the following week. Obtaining a headcount is necessary, as it helps you make sure you have enough food and cake for everyone.

Party favors

Party favors are still in trend, and kids love being able to take something home, regardless of what is actually is. After obtaining a headcount, make goody bags to hand out to each guest as they leave (this way, they won’t accidentally leave them at the party). Birthday party favors can easily be found at the dollar store. Packs of crayons or chalk, candy, and temporary tattoos are all great goody bag fillers. Before shopping for party favors, try setting a budget for yourself and sticking to it.

Plan activities for everyone

There are a ton of ideas for simple games that will keep the children occupied and having fun. Make sure to plan your activities around your child’s interests and age group. For instance, younger children love games like Simon Says and musical chairs, while older children have different tastes.

For older kids, try games like charades, trivia, or karaoke. If your party is outdoors, try to rent a hotdog cart or a bouncy house to make the party as fun and memorable as possible.

Staying budget-friendly

Your kid’s birthday only comes once a year, so why not go all out in making their party the best? Throwing the ultimate birthday party doesn’t have to break the bank, and there’s infinite inspiration for budget-friendly birthday parties online.

Invest a few extra dollars on some balloons and confetti, and set an appropriate party theme with the help of your child. Bake a cake that meets the theme — the color and flavor possibilities are endless. If you’re not great at baking, just follow a simple recipe online or use the recipe off the side of the box.

Planning the ultimate birthday party for your kid isn’t easy, but try to eliminate as much stress as possible before the party by starting early. Remember that the party is for your kid, so try to involve them in planning. All in all, your kid’s birthday party is something that they’ll remember for years to come, and the experience should be exciting for everyone involved.

Short Term Satisfaction Could Lead To Long Term Problems

Short Term Satisfaction Could Lead To Long Term Problems

In our modern day society, it can be pretty tough to say ‘no’ to short term satisfaction, and instead take action that will mean a brighter future. People tend to worry about the future all the time, but do things that don’t help – such as spending money when they know they have a big bill coming up, for example. The harsh truth is, short term satisfaction could lead to long term problems that can be hard to get out of.

Below, we’ll talk about some of the ways in which people look for short term satisfaction, how they can lead to long term issues, and what to do about them. Read on if you’d like a little guidance!


Eating Junk And Leading A Sedentary Lifestyle

Junk food is super easy to come by, and tends to be cheaper than vegetables and other healthy foods. Plus, it’s easier to put a pizza in the oven or order a takeaway than it is to prepare a fresh, healthy meal from scratch. That, paired with the fact that many people lead a sedentary lifestyle these days, means that many people are accumulating unhealthy amounts of fat. Even if they’re not gaining any weight and staying trim, that doesn’t necessarily mean a person is healthy. Our bodies regenerate often, and they use what we put into them. Exercise is good for the bones, heart, muscles, and more. If you want to live a long, healthy life with minimal health issues, then you’re going to need to start paying more attention to how you move and what you’re eating. This doesn’t mean starving yourself, only eating salads, and running until your feet are sore. Just make smarter choices and find a type of exercise you enjoy.

Drink And Drugs

It goes without saying that drink and drugs can lead you to do some stupid things that you’d need a pretty terrific defense attorney to get you out of. Some people do stupid things without, and some people act perfectly acceptable even when on illegal substances – however, there are many more issues that can crop up from over indulging in things like drink, drugs, and even smoking. What about the cost, the damage to your health, and the possibility of dependency?


Spending money you haven’t got signifies a ‘lack’ mindset. Most people have this kind of mindset. It’s the mindset of never having enough money, and wanting short term satisfaction from buying things you don’t really need with money you don’t have to impress people you don’t even care that much about. Getting into an abundance mindset can take work and months of undoing all of the things you were taught as a child, but it’s more than worth it!

Scrolling Social Media For Hours

We’re all guilty of getting stuck on social media every now and again, but people waste hours of their life scrolling. This is time you could have spent socialising face to face, reading a book, working towards your business idea, or something else. Be more mindful of how much you scroll and put your time to good use!

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