Technology is always changing. It is imperative that you have the education, skills and knowledge regarding the dark web to protect yourself and your business from cybercriminals. 

It’s now more important than ever for small business owners to be savvy when it comes to their cybersecurity. Becoming lax can have a detrimental effect on both you and your customers. 

What exactly is the dark web?

The dark web is a way for people to browse whilst protecting their anonymity. Much like the internet, the dark web is a network made of websites, servers, forums and like communication tools such as private email programmes. What sets it apart from the regular internet or ‘clearnet’ is the fact that it is specifically structured to anonymise the web traffic and browsing history of the user.  As expected this cloak of anonymity allows criminals to use the platform as a way for people to access their services, and the dark web is a centre point for much criminal activity. Online forums are used to sell things from illegal weapons, drugs, counterfeit goods and stolen credit card details– all for relatively small amounts of money. 

How Does This Affect Me?

Most small business owners have no idea that the dark web exists and therefore cannot protect themselves from the threat of attack. And for those who do, it is often impossible for them to know how to navigate the difficult to access and confusing world of the darknet. 

How can I protect my company from the dark web?

The answer is to arm yourself with the most up to date and strong cyber security services.  By using these companies and tool it allows you to monitor and choose what information is accessible about your company and to who. You can be notified if you or your client’s information has been collected and notified if it’s being sold on a darknet website. It can alert you even before you notice something wrong and minimise the huge amounts of damage such a breach can have on you and your business’s credibility. 

Can I protect myself without the help of security services? 

Overall good computing attitudes can help you to avoid a cyber attack. The majority of attacks happen from general human error, which we are all guilty of. Connecting to public wifi or browsing the web without adequate anti-virus software are all things that can leave you as an open target and vulnerable to attack.  It is recommended that companies implement a well researched and thorough internet security strategy as well as providing staff with regular training and web security exercises so that everyone in the company knows how to reinforce security and the best practices to keep you company safe. 

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