There are many businesses out there that produce a lot of waste, even when they don’t realise it. Most of the time, those same businesses are producing more waste now than they were two years ago. Reducing business waste is a must for every single business in every single industry – why? Costs, mostly!

A business that is dealing with waste also deals with higher costs and longer downtime. It’s important that your business demonstrates good industry leadership and social responsibility. Waste is a cultural thing with most businesses in the bigger industries dealing with more waste than others.  Reducing waste is an absolute must for a business and if you want to ensure that you reduce your consumption and your waste you need the tips below:

Close-Up Photo of Plastic Bottle

Image Source: Pexels

  1. Composting. It’s not just something for the home, but composting is the biggest help you could give your business. Organic waste is a big piece of the waste puzzle and with the right composting program, you can ensure that you reduce waste removal fees and reduce landfill, too.
  2. Management Systems. If your business is in the oil and gas industry, you may benefit from management systems like PetroBase Pro. You need to streamline the way that you do things in your business and this is the best way to do it. 
  3. Facility Auditing. Look at how you do things in your facility and evaluate your supply chain. Look at the consumables that you are stocking and check out how you do things right now. Make sure that you engineer your facility so that things move forward without interruption. Business interruptions are going to be a big cause of waste.
  4. Reduce Your Packaging. If you are manufacturing products, look at how much waste you are causing by overuse of packaging. If you can eliminate single-use plastics and swap to cardboard, you are going to reduce the amount of packaging used. This will save you the money you’ve wasted, too.
  5. Add Glasses. If you stock vending machines with bottled water for your staff, or you buy in bulk and stock in the refrigerator, it’s time to swap from bottled water to glasses and a few filtering jugs! You can give your staff fresh water, but why waste packaging? Not only that, but you’ll spend far more on bottled water than you would on tap water.
  6. Swap To Digital. Technology can offer your business a lot of ways to reduce waste and the first thing to do is to go paperless. You can swap everything to online invoicing and online paperwork and this way, you can get rid of half of the paperwork at least! The amount of money you spend each year on storage will be reduced, too, which is the perfect reason to swap to digital tech over paper. You can save 30% and more in ten years and that’s something to be proud of as a business.

Waste in your business can be reduced – and you can start right now.

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