Get those online tills ringing. Image via Unsplash
If you run an eCommerce business, you’ll already know that repeat business is the most valuable of all. On average, it costs one third of the amount to retain and even upsell an existing customer than to convert a new one. So it only makes sense to focus your energy on the customers who already know you. Online retailers have a mission to constantly optimise their revenue and boosting repeat sales fits into this marketing strategy exactly. But how to keep their baskets full?
Reward Loyalty With Discounting
The idea of special rewards and access is an alluring one to customers, and this feeling of exclusivity can be a strong motivating factor. Capture repeat business by offering exclusive access to sales before they open to everyone else and special discounts. Exclusive money off deals or gifts with purchase are really popular perks of customer loyalty. Fast fashion brands like Pretty Little Thing are especially good at this, regularly sending customers on their mailing list exclusive discount codes or early access at sales time.
Use Gamification To Influence Behaviour
The idea of gamification is to apply principles found in games – challenges, rewards etc – to your eCommerce site. As humans, our psychology is set up to chance quick rewards – as sites like know well. Create something that challenges the customer to unlock a reward. For example, you could have a spinning wheel of fortune that unlocks a different reward – percentage discount, free shipping etc – like the app Cute. This strategy can raise a customers lifetime value and keep them checking in with you often to see what’s new.
Leverage The Power of Social Proof
Peer pressure is a powerful force, and one that you can use for your business. Track purchase data and social media shares on your site for individual products and use that to target customers in the sales funnel or via email promotions. If you are confident in your product, you could even implement a reviews system, so that customers can see the previous satisfied customers. Or use a widget to showcase a social feed of images or comments from happy customers by promoting a hashtag for them to share their buys using.
Personalise And Suggest In Your Emails
Email remains a really important channel for staying in touch with your customers. Add value to your email content and make sure that you stay on recipients safe sender lists by curating products that are designed to appeal to them based on their purchase or browsing history, and couple it with personalised offers for best results. For example, accessories and add ons tend to go down very well. Use any demographic data you have to hand, such as their age and location, to personalise your offer further. Experian found in a study that personalised email content can boost transaction rates by up to six times! So it’s worth investing in a decent email marketing system to support your efforts.

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