Moving to a new country is exciting. It’s also challenging, nerve-wracking and sometimes a little terrifying. It can be your chance to meet new people, to learn new things, to expand your business and seek new opportunities. For many, it’s the chance for a clean start somewhere totally new.

In today’s world, where the internet and our growing use of social media, internet banking, online business and video calling mean that the world is smaller than ever, there’s little to stop you. We can keep in touch with our family and friends more easily, and a move abroad doesn’t have to turn our whole lives upside down.

One of the main reasons that people move is for work. But, it’s not the only reason. Many people have a desire to live in a different country, but work is what holds them back. The idea of trying to find a job in a different country, where the language, culture and business customs are completely different can be daunting. However, it’s by no means impossible. Here’s a look at some options and tips that could help you.

Keep Your Current Job

The world is smaller than ever, and more of us than ever are working from home, at least some of the time. If you are happy with your current job, why not speak to your manager about the possibility of working remotely? It might not be possible to maintain your current role, but you could take on work for your company as a freelancer or a consultant, working remotely from wherever you are in the world. It might even be possible to start a branch of your firm in your new location if you show that you are willing to put the work in.

This might all seem rather unlikely, but, what have you got to lose from asking? At the very least it shows that you are loyal and committed to your post.

Startup On Your Own


If the idea of finding a job fills you with dread, another option is starting up on your own. If you can afford it, investing in real estate can be a great way to make money wherever you are. Read more about how Singapore is transforming its real estate to take a look at some of the advantages.

If you speak some of the language and have connections, starting a business with direct contact with clients and customers is possible, especially if you’ve got experience back home. If not, starting an online business is a fantastic idea, and it doesn’t really matter where you are.

Think about your current skills, experience, and knowledge. Could you use them to start your own business? Either online or in a brick and mortar base? Alternatively, you could sell your skills as a freelancer. Online you could freelance in a number of ways. You could try writing, social media management, web design, graphic design or editing. Offline, you could be a photographer, tutor or baker. Freelancing is a great way to make money, and even if you don’t make much to start with, it can give you some breathing space while you find a full-time position.

Learn Some Language

Whatever you want to do with your new life, language skills are essential. If you’re going to present yourself as a professional, being able to speak to people is a must, and even if the population largely speaks your own language, learning theirs shows that you are serious and respectful of your new home.

Becoming fluent takes time, but it will happen the more you practice and listen to other people. To start with, focus on the basics. Perfect the polite niceties of day to day life, as well as any language specific to your industry or field of interest. Make sure that you can read and write as well as speak and listen.

Sell Your Skills

Your CV isn’t just a place to list your experience. It’s also your chance to sell yourself and your skills. If you hope to find work in another area than your previous experience, then your key skills will be a big help. Think about any transferable skills that you’ve acquired, such as organisation and time management. But, also the skills that you have used to uproot your life. This shows that you are passionate and adventurous. That you are willing to take risks and that you are able to take on a big project successfully.

Get Out There


If you want to find work, you need to put yourself out there. Introduce yourself, speak with people, make friends and connections, attend events and meetings, and use social media to your advantage. It’s harder putting yourself out there in a new country, but you need to bite the bullet if you want to find work.

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