Machine Tools Maintenance Tips To Save Your Business Money

Machine Tools Maintenance Tips To Save Your Business Money

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A machine tool is a very important and valuable piece of equipment for any business, small or large. When cared for correctly, your machine can last your business for years, but if you neglect your machine tools, then costly repairs can soon add to cost you a lot of money. If you want to make your equipment live longer and save money in the long-term, there are some maintenance tips and tricks that you can use. 

Keep Them Dry

One of the best things you can do to care for your machine tools is to work to keep them dry. Store your machines out of the elements, where they won’t be exposed to rust and other pollutants from the environment. This keeps your equipment in better working order for a longer period of time, saving you money on repairs and replacements. 

Keep Them Lubricated

While it is very important to keep the body of the machine dry, but it is equally important to keep any moving parts in the machine properly lubricated. If you use your machine tool on a daily basis, then you will need to check lubrication levels of joints, moving parts, and internal components. If moving parts aren’t properly lubricated, then friction on these parts can cause your machine tool to break down more often. If you aren’t sure what kind of lubrication you should use between maintenance visits, ask your machine tools repair company for their suggestions. 

Keep Them Sharpened

If your machine tool has components that are designed for cutting, slicing, or sharpening, then it is very important that you regularly check the machine for sharpness. Wear and tear on these sharpening elements can force your machine to work much harder, leading to unnecessary wear and tear. It can also put production at risk by producing substandard products. This is even more true if the materials that you produce are designed with strong levels of precision in mind, where accuracy is very important during the manufacturing process. 

Keep Them Clean

Keep your machine tool clean, as a machine that isn’t clean, then problems can start to occur in both the short and long term. Machines can become clogged with flammable or hazardous materials, which can pose a threat to your machinery and your workers in the short term. 

Over time, grime can keep your machinery from running at its optimal level, which can lead to expensive repairs or a shorter life span for the machine. The technicians at the repair company you use should be able to advise you on what an ideal cleaning schedule would be, based on the machine you have, your production output, and other factors that are unique to your business. 

Don’t Forget Accessories

While maintaining the machine itself is very important for the health of your equipment, it is just as important to apply the same care standards to any accessories for your machine tool as well. Machine accessories need to stored and handled with care. You also need to make sure that you only buy the correct accessories for your machine and what it needs. Incompatible accessories can end up costing you time and money, especially if using the wrong materials lead to broken machines or damage down the road. 

If you’ve made an investment in a machine tool of any kind, then you know that machinery can be a very important part of your business. Because of this importance, you need to take all the steps that you can to look after the health of any machinery you use over the course of its lifetime. If you want to learn more preventative maintenance, set up repairs, or to learn what your machine tools need, you should call your repair company and speak to one of their technicians to get advise. 

Machine tools are not cheap additions to your business, so learning to care for them properly is essential. You need to know how to care for, clean, and maintain these machine tools, or you could easily end up spending a lot of money on expensive repairs, or needing to replace your machines a lot sooner than you hoped. Book regular maintenance visits from your preferred repair company, so they can check over your machines to make sure they are being cared for correctly. These maintenance checks can also catch any potential problems and arrange to have them corrected before they develop into much larger issues, that would cost you a lot more to repair. 

Don’t Hire The Wrong Person. It Could Wreck Your Business

Don’t Hire The Wrong Person. It Could Wreck Your Business

Pexels – CC0 License

Companies need to hire people to stay in business and provide their customers with value. But finding people who genuinely share your goals, dreams, and passions is a challenge. A lot of candidates in the job market are just looking for their next paycheck. They’re not all that interested in doing quality, honest work.

Therefore, hiring managers need to focus their efforts on weeding out the rotten eggs as much as they can. Just a single employee who isn’t on your side can create a nightmare situation. 

Don’t Hire People Based On Their Potential

It’s tempting to hire somebody based on your perceptions of their “potential.” But unless they have a proven track record, it’s almost impossible to know whether they will fulfill it. Plenty of people appear as though they will be productive and innovative, but relatively few are. Instead, it can take years for them to fulfill your hopes, by which point, they might have lost you a substantial amount of money. 

Taking a punt on someone with alleged potential is a significant risk, and you should see it as such. You’re hoping for quality work while paying less than the market rate. That’s not a good idea in general. It can pay off, but rarely. 

Don’t Look For The Perfect Employee

On the flip side, only hiring perfect employees is a recipe for disaster. Companies often have a wish list of features and skills that they want their employees to have. Almost always, they’re looking for a person so accomplished they don’t actually exist in the real world. However, the hiring manager feels like they must only take on people of extraordinary quality, just in case it reflects poorly on them. 

Failing to hire at all is actually even worse than hiring someone incompetent. When you shirk this responsibility, it’s impossible to get all your work done on time. 

Background Check All Your Staff

A candidate might seem perfectly polite and pleasant on the outside. Still, they could be hiding a dark and devious background. Therefore, smart hiring managers employ private investigators to look into whether a prospective employee has a criminal record. People applying for positions in your firm probably won’t volunteer this information freely. 

Only Employ People You Need

Hiring people is expensive. For most businesses, wages are the highest cost. Any company that employs more people than it needs renders itself uncompetitive and eventually has to raise its prices to stay afloat. 

Your organizational chart might suggest that you need to fill particular positions, but ask yourself whether you really do. Often, competent employees already operating in your business can perform these extra functions as part of their regular working week. 

Choose People Who Are An Ethical Match For Your Business

Finally, try to hire people who are an ethical fit for your enterprise. Ideally, candidates should share your values and your vision and support your working practices. Ask questions in the interview to gain insights into what motivates them and use this to your advantage. 

A Numbers Game: How Proper Record-Keeping Boosts Your Business

A Numbers Game: How Proper Record-Keeping Boosts Your Business

Pixabay – CC0 Licence

Ask a hundred or so business owners why they got into the “game” and they’ll give a wide range of reasons: for some, it was the chance to turn their love of something into a living. Others will explain that they have always been skilled at selling and that starting their own business was a natural progression. There are other reasons, too, but perhaps no-one will tell you that they got into business because they love doing admin.

This, as it turns out, is perhaps something of a shame, because when you are in business, the admin is a quite dominant, ever-present part of the deal. You’ll have to keep records, refer back to things and keep in contact with others on a regular basis. Even more importantly, an understanding of the importance of record-keeping can play an immense role in your business becoming successful – and maintaining that success. As we’ll see below, there are key reasons why record-keeping is so important.

With records, you can identify patterns

One vital reason for assiduous record-keeping is that, if you keep an account of everything, you can readily refer back to it when you need to. You can see, at a glance, where the peaks and troughs have been in your business record. Therefore, you can identify when things tend to tail off for your business, and why. This can allow you to make changes which will boost your business going forward. It can also be a way to identify the impacts of significant events (like a virus pandemic) which can be useful in future processes and potential litigation.

Solid record-keeping helps you answer questions

If you keep records of all correspondence into and out of your business, then you need never be caught on the hop by a customer’s question again. With a few clicks, you’ll be able to say when an order was placed, if it was delayed (plus why it was and for how long), and handle a wealth of other queries. Because you have it in black and white, you can answer a question with confidence. 

If you don’t keep records in this way, you can find yourself stumped by a customer question and needing to foot the bill for an issue that wasn’t your fault. If that doesn’t get you asking “Where do I get better software for my scanner?”, presumably nothing will. Just keep in mind the ongoing benefits of having years’ worth of digital business memory.

You never know when you might get audited

Quite aside from the benefits to you when you keep proper records, one unbeatable reason for maintaining them is that you might, one day, get audited for tax reasons or undergo due diligence from a business looking to invest. In these circumstances, you can be asked questions and they aren’t the kind of question to which you want to be answering “I don’t know”. Having a ready reference and the ability to answer fully and accurately will be invaluable in these situations.

Admin and record-keeping might not be the exciting parts of your business – but when you do them properly, they can really help you out further down the line.

4 Valuable Ways To Secure Your Business’ Future

4 Valuable Ways To Secure Your Business’ Future

Pic Credit – CCO Licence

To make sure that your business is as secure as possible, you will often need to think about future-proofing it. That is something that all business owners do in their own way, often without really being aware of how they are doing it, and it is a hugely valuable thing which you need to try and be aware of. In this article, we are going to discuss some of the most valuable ways that you can secure your business’ future, thus keeping it safe from a range of potential pitfalls and problems. This is vital if you want it to be a major player for longer.

Protect Your Data

Data really is becoming increasingly important to protect. Given the nature of much of the data that you hold, and the fact that a lot of it will be personal or sensitive data regarding your employees and customers, you obviously need to protect it as best as you can. And when it comes to your plans for the future, product ideas and so on, the last thing you want is those to be hacked by nefarious competitors. So encrypt everything necessary, and ensure that your digital protection is up to scratch.

Insure Your Most Central People

It is often necessary to think about the worst case scenarios when you are trying to protect your business from possible problems, and one of the very worst is when someone important to the business passes away suddenly or unexpectedly. Of course, the worst part of this is that you have lost a close friend. But it’s also a problem for the company itself, and you need to find ways to protect your interests when this happens. You can do that by insuring those key people using key man life insurance, which will pay out when a key person dies.

Pic Credit – CCO Licence

Automate Your Threat Response

If you feel that you are merely constantly trying to keep up with the latest threats, digital or otherwise, you are not alone. Very often it can feel that way, and sometimes it is true that all you are really doing is desperately trying to protect your business from a range of attacks one after the other. The best threat response is an automated one, as this means you are not having to spend too much time or money on it, and that the response is going to come into play as and when you need it to anyway. Automate this stuff as much as you possibly can.

Go Paperless

There are many great benefits to going paperless in your office, and it’s a good idea to make sure that you are considering this. One of the main reasons to do it is that you are going to be so much more secure in terms of your intellectual property. It is much easier to secure digital data than paper in an office, especially at night. This is a deceptively valuable way to future-proof your business, and it’s something you should try not to overlook.

How To Turn Your Obsession With Tech Into a Business

How To Turn Your Obsession With Tech Into a Business

Photo from 

With the ever-changing world of technology, it can be a great market to get into. Everyday technology is growing and becoming better than ever. It helps us with everyday things such as searching the internet or making a phone call. 

Finding high-quality parts 

One of the most significant factors in doing successful business in technology is sourcing the right quality parts. Without them, the products could break quickly or not give the results you want to convey when using the items. This could lead to you spending more money than replacing the things and knocking your business’s reputation. Take time to invest in the parts that will work effectively for your products, such as TSMC. Although investing in these could affect the sale prices, you will have the peace of mind that the products will be reliable and could potentially transform your business. 

Get on social media. 

When done right, technology adverts can transform the overall look of your products to make them sell. Social media can be a great place to start as you do not need to spend a lot of money, to begin with, but you can promote the posts. Your posts can reach millions of potential customers with a click of a button. Posting every day can keep your viewers interested. Ensure that you engage with your audience by replying to comments and messages while getting them involved in answering questions. Linking your posts to your website can increase the number of visitors to your site. Sharing your website across the world to ensure a large number of people can hear how amazing your products are. 

Research what products you are going to sell 

Researching other products on the market in your area of interest can be inspiring. It can often give you many ideas for your future launches without the need to copy them. Look for what the market is missing as well as what your target market needs and wants. This can be done by taking note of the products and improvements that are not invented yet that could make people’s lives more comfortable, which could improve your business massively. 

Hopefully, with this guide, you will launch a successful business that could transform the technology world. While being different from the rest by using high-quality parts that you feel are the best on the market. Places such as TSMC have many great reviews that can take the weight off your shoulders. You are launching a reliable product that will improve your potential customers’ quality of life. Ensure that you are present on social media because this can be a great source of advertisement which can allow your business to reach millions of readers. Social media is great as people can comment, like, and share on your posts to spread your products’ knowledge even further without you having to press extra buttons or add more money into the kitty. If your posts are constant and high quality, then often your customers will do this for you. 

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