Photo by Adeolu Eletu on Unsplash

Finances and profit margins are important for any business. Keeping on top of finances and knowing what money moves to make will mean the difference between success and failure. Sometimes you may be making mistakes you are not even aware you are making. Here are some simple tips to help you know which financial moves are right for your business. 

Streamline expenses 

One way to reduce overhead and get a handle on your finances is to streamline them. You can streamline your expenses by looking at the assets you have and liquidating any that make sense. You can also improve the way you process your business in order to be more efficient. You should also look at all your current contracts and renegotiate for lower rates or premiums where you can. 

Smart Purchases 

When you do need to make a major purchase for your business, it is important to look at all your options. Make sure you check all the places to purchase and compare options and prices. You should also look into alternate choices that will be more cost effective but fulfil your need like a portable warehouse instead of building a storage facility. 

Business and Personal Funds

It may be tempting, especially if you are just getting started to mingle your personal and business finances. This can spell disaster when it comes to legalities and taxes. Even if your business is very small, be sure to keep everything separate. This helps to keep all records neatly organized and helps you to not overspend. 

It will also help you see where you can improve your business and will make filing taxes much easier. In the case of legal issues, it also protects your personal finances from becoming tangled in the problem. 

Timing Purchases

You need a firm grasp of when your bills are due and when you have money coming in. This helps you to be able to time other purchases to align when you have some extra money instead of overdrawing your accounts. Just because the numbers work out each month, doesn’t mean that you are going to have enough all month. If most of your bills fall on the same week, then you are going to be stretched thin that week and need to put off any extra spending until your bank account has some time to recover. 


When you sort out the timeline for your expenditures and income, you should also make a budget. Knowing exactly where your money is going and why can help you see places where you can improve. It will also give you some perspective on what other purchases you can make because it gives a clearer idea of your money situation. 


You probably order inventory for your business and supplies to keep it running. It is a good idea to manage your inventory to make sure you are buying the proper amount. If you have a surplus of some items, then you can probably cut back on your spending. You may also find ways to consolidate items to save even more. 

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