Photo by fauxels from Pexels

If you are starting a new business, you have probably researched and read just about every article on what you need to know. In business, there is a well-known phrase: it’s not what you know; it’s who you know. While you can’t make a success of a poorly planned idea just because you know the right people, you can secure your future if you have a reliable team of contacts around you. 

The first contact you need on speed dial is a good accountant. This is someone able to advise you on all of the financial aspects of your company. They should be involved with your economic forecast, run an eye over all your budgets and be there to help you understand any tax implications you have. What is essential is you have an accountant that is willing to take off his accountancy hat and talk to you honestly. A good accountant will help you save money and not be afraid of telling you if you are heading in the wrong direction. 

You should also get to know a strong PR professional—the reputation of your company matters. A strong PR will be able to prepare you for many situations from helping you out of a crisis to making the best out of going viral. The person you work with should know your company inside out. They need a strong understanding of how you want your voice to be and what you want your consumers to feel about your company. 

Legal advice is always handy, whatever end of legal proceedings you are. If you are an employer, then you need to call an employment lawyer and build a relationship. This can help you to ensure that you are getting everything right when it comes to your staff. It also assists you if you find yourself in a tricky situation as you will already have a rapport with someone. A good lawyer will never be afraid to give you the hard facts, straight. But, they should also understand any loopholes if you need them. 

You may not need any money injected into your business, but having an investor in your network is always a useful asset. There are times in every business when we need solid advice on money matters. You may even use them as a sounding board if you want to bring on some stakeholders into your company. An investor not only provides a potential source of money should you have a viable proposition, but they will also have good connections and banks or other financial institutes which will help you with loans or business finance. 

Build a strong team around you by attending networking events. A little black book in the world of business is worth as much as gold. Just remember to help them in return wherever you can, recommend them to other companies or advertise them across your social media. Keep a tight circle, and your business could grow bigger and stronger than you ever imagined. 

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