The world is constantly changing and I don’t think there has been a better year to exemplify that than 2018. After all, the world of politics seemed to shift every few hours and there was always a big development in the world that would send Twitter into meltdown. But it’s not just politics that has been developing at great speeds throughout the year – the business world has as well.
In fact, there have been some major developments in some areas of business and a few industries have been growing non-stop over the past twelve months. Read on to find out who the big winners have been in the business world throughout 2018.
The world of engineering has done very well this year. The financial markets have had quite a good year despite the turmoil of some political situations, such as Brexit, and as a result, plenty of companies have been able to invest in construction projects. And all that construction requires some form of engineering. Of course, it’s not just engineering in the construction world that has done well. Aircraft parts and other intricate vehicle features have been in demand this year. That means more money has also been pumped into engineering to develop them as well.
This seems to have been the year in which we have all woken up to the dangers of cyber criminals. Sure, we have always been aware of viruses and hackers, but I think the past twelve months have certainly seen more people than ever before investing money into their computer’s cybersecurity. Thanks to this surge in demand, many companies within the cybersecurity sector have reported a bumper year so far, and these profits look set to continue.
Artificial Intelligence
When you look at the worldwide markets, it’s clear to see that there has been a boom in the artificial intelligence industry as well. That’s mainly because this new technology is being pioneered in Singapore, Hong Kong, and China. Plus, there’s such a huge range of new AI tech that is being developed at the minute, that there’s no wonder the industry is growing rapidly. From your Amazon Alexa to robots that are being trained to detect specific diseases, there’s just so much AI out there at the minute.
Renewable Energies
Another big trend we have seen this year as well is the switch to environmentally friendly ways of life. More and more people are now highly aware of the damage being caused by humans to the environment. As a result, a lot of the public are now being proactive in making greener life choices. One example is switching to renewable energies. Because of this, the fossil fuel industry has been hit quite hard and has suffered some financial losses. However, renewable energies are now booming and doing extremely well.
Are you surprised by some of the industries and sectors that have appeared in this list? Who knows whether they will still be on it next year when we round up 2019’s biggest industries!?

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