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Mental health is a topic that deserves as much attention as possible. Regardless of who you are or what you do, you will likely be affected by mental health problems in some way or another. We already know the strong links between sports and your mental health, but regular people can be plagued by issues as well. 

One of the biggest concerns is that it’s hard to solve issues with your mental health. More often than not, people turn to things that almost form a crutch of sorts. This means that their solution isn’t a proper solution at all. It just exists to almost distract yourself from the problem while you either make it worse or let it fester. Sadly, alcohol is one of the most common mental health crutches. There’s an ugly link between the two, and that’s what we’ll discuss today. 

Why do people with mental health problems turn to alcohol?

We’ve all had a drink or two at some point in our lives. As such, we all know the effects that alcohol has on the body and brain. In essence, it is a drug that changes the way you feel and act. When you consume enough alcohol, you become elated and happier. You no longer care about your normal struggles – at least, not initially. As the effects wear off, you may experience a comedown of sorts. 

Nevertheless, you can start to see why people turn to alcohol when they have mental health problems. It offers them a temporary release from their issues and lets them enjoy life without worrying about those nagging pains in the back of their mind. 

What are the dangers of using alcohol as a mental health crutch?

Obviously, alcohol is not a prescribed medication that you can take to solve your problems. While it may offer temporary relief, the long-term effects are far more damaging. It’s an addictive substance, meaning the more you consume, the more your body starts to depend on it. Before you know it, you’re drinking every day to ward off the bad thoughts in your head. You drink without thinking about it, and you go about daily tasks while drunk. The next thing you know, you’re hurting other people because of this habit. You may end up in a DWI incident and find yourself in court with a criminal defense lawyer trying to keep you out of jail. Put simply, using alcohol as a solution to your problems can end up ruining your life forever. 

Furthermore, there are very strong links between alcoholism and mental health. Effectively, people who develop a dependency on alcohol will end up with more mental health issues. So, it’s not so much a solution as an accelerant of your existing problems! This leads you in a nasty spiral where you drink to escape your problems but end up compounding them and making them even worse. 

In conclusion, there’s a very ugly link between alcohol and your mental health. If you suffer from any issues, then see a medical professional or talk to your friends/family. Don’t turn to alcohol or drugs to try and escape from reality. It may feel like you get some relief, but this can quickly push your life downhill. 

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