Mar 5, 2021
5 Essential Items When Playing Winter Weather Sports
Spring is just around the corner, but the persistent cold has given people a few extra weeks for indulging in their favorite winter sport. Some people may prefer to stay indoors and watch a “Friends” Christmas episode. But more adventurous souls are using the chill of the polar vortex to bust out their skis and skates and shred some snow.
As fun as spending hours and hours on end on the snow or on ice can be, you have to be aware of the common injuries enthusiasts of cold weather sports routinely encounter. You should also know what gear you must always carry with you when you play winter sports.
Common Injuries in Cold Weather Sports
Snow and ice are two very treacherous aspects of nature. They limit visibility, restrict movement and impose deadly conditions on the human body, especially after prolonged periods. It’s no wonder they cause a lot of injuries. People routinely slip, fall and hurt themselves when doing normal things in winter weather, and the risks increase greatly when you’re playing a sport. Here are some of the more common injuries winter sports enthusiasts are likely to encounter.
- This condition is caused by the freezing of blood vessels in the extremities, such as fingers, toes, ears and lips. The frozen blood vessels prevent circulation to these areas, causing cellular death. The danger of frostbite is how it can sneak up on people due to the loss of sensation. If discovered too late, it can lead to amputation or disfigurement.
- Ice and snow decrease surface traction, meaning its incredible easy for someone to slip and strike their head on icy surfaces. This can lead to a concussion, which is when the brain impacts the skull due to blunt force. Mild concussion can lead to confusion and loss of coordination while serious concussions can lead to memory loss and even death.
- The slippery surfaces caused by snow and ice are also responsible for injuries to the limbs. If you slip and don’t hit your head, you’re most likely to catch the fall with your shoulder or fall badly on your feet. This can pop the joint in question out of their socket, dislocating it quite painfully.
- Sprains and Fractures. Worse, a bad fall due to a skiing mishap or a skating accident can break the bone or tear your ligaments. These are known as sprains and fractures. They can take weeks, if not months, to heal and seriously impede your mobility.
Essential Winter Sports Gear
The injuries listed above can be prevented and their damaged reduced with the appropriate gear. Cold weather sports are especially notorious for their tricky surfaces and you should never venture out in the winter without the right equipment.
The combination of adverse conditions, freezing temperatures and slippery surfaces make it essential that you carry most of the items in the list below.
The Right Clothes
Winter clothes aren’t just for decoration or fashion. They’re essential in preventing your core temperature form plummeting and stopping your extremities from suffering from frostbite. A kid’s ski jacket by Spyder will help a child stay warm and stave off the expects of hypothermia while playing outside on the snow. Beanies, sweaters and scarves all play the important role of keeping you warm while out in the winter.
Concussions can be very nasty injuries and the only way you can prevent them is by not falling over. Failing that, you should mitigate the impact of such a fall with an appropriately shock-proof helmet. If you’re using an older helmet, check them for any chipping or cracks before using as this type of damage will reduce its protective capability.
Ice is slippery and a bad fall can pop your knee right out of its socket or cause abrasions on your legs. This injury can be prevented if your wear kneepads. This gear is more commonly used when skating or playing hockey, as the icy surfaces make for increased slipperiness and a painful place to impact.
Never underestimate the importance of good thermal socks. Just like how your scarves and hats stop your ears and face from freezing in the cold weather, great socks are essential in making sure your toes don’t succumb to frostbite. Unlike your fingers and face, you’re not going to directly observe your toes, meaning you may not know that they’re turning blue already. This makes great socks an investment that could just save your toes.
Goggles in winter sports do more than just protect your eye from potential irritants like grit or pine needles. They can prevent you from going blind entirely. Snow is ferociously white, and this reflective surface makes it ideal for creating blinding sun glares. Prolonged exposure to these intense ultraviolet lights can permanently damage your retinas. Goggles with tint are there for essential when spending hours outdoors in the snow and ice.
Winter weather sports are fun and increase your physical fitness. But without proper protection and gear, they’re more liable to cause you serious bodily harm. Equip yourself with the best protective clothing possible to ensure you don’t hurt yourself while shredding the snow and marking the ice.
Mar 4, 2021
Coping Mechanisms to Grow a Business During a Pandemic
Seemingly overnight, the normal course of our lives changed dramatically. Businesses, schools, and public facilities shut down, while companies fortunate to remain open had to transition their employees to a work-from-home setup. Covid-19 brought a complete shift in our lives, where adjustments are necessary.
Indeed, the pandemic has significantly changed the way we live and work. It is tough to do business in an uncertain environment while in the midst of a global crisis. Many companies have already closed down, while many are still facing financial struggles and an uncertain future.
While it has been a tough time for the business world, there are ways to ensure your business’s growth and establish the resilience of operations and cash flow. This can be done by knowing how to handle your connections, such as employees, customers, and suppliers. Below are some ideas that can get you creative and step up your efforts without risking too much for your business.
Supply chain operations met the biggest impact from the pandemic, leading to supply shocks and acute shortages in many businesses. If you have suppliers overseas and disruptions in deliveries, it’s time to reach out to suppliers.
Get in touch with suppliers to ensure the timely delivery of supplies. This way, you can easily manage customer expectations and cash flow plans. Also, negotiate with the supplier about deferred payment terms for payables. Extend courtesy to suppliers by sending them advanced notice if you cannot pay them immediately.
To ensure health practices, spend money to protect your supplies and resources. If you have delivery vehicles, make sure to protect any consumable from contamination. The best way to maximize delivery trucks is to install truck curtains to ensure the safety of your products. You can search online for suppliers that offer customized curtain siders for delivery vehicles.
It is important to note that Covid-19 is a worldwide health problem that requires a human response. You have to start with your people by ensuring their health and security.
Ever since establishments begin to shut down, companies are under scrutiny because of how they treat their staff in terms of delayed salaries and unpaid leaves. Meanwhile, companies like Airbnb have been implementing a cost-cutting restructure to support their staff.
Keep in mind that the way your business responds to the crisis makes a great impact on the consumer. Any reputational damage can be long-lasting and significant. In tough financial situations, offer support as much as you can by ensuring jobs and cutting additional slack. Not only it serves as a reputational boost, but it can also repay you by increasing customers and staff loyalty.
In terms of health, take time to implement the best health practices to keep employees in a sound state. If your business requires a continuous operation, follow health and safety practices to prevent transmission among employees. You can also allow employees to work remotely so they can stay with their families and minimize contact. You might want to learn how to delegate tasks effectively while using online communication channels.
For quarantined employees, create a contingency plan if some of them can no longer come to work. You can also form different work teams to reduce the risk of having the entire crew put into isolation. As much as possible, reduce any emotional or financial distress to your employees. Be sensitive if any of them go through personal circumstances and offer support the best way you can. These efforts can go a long way by building employee loyalty.
Moving your business online helps keep the customer flow and sales coming in without risking any people by physically reopening a business. While this move is only possible for some businesses than others, having the right plan in place will ensure the success of your business while operating in the virtual space.
Retailers may consider expanding or setting up an e-commerce platform. If you offer coaching services, you can move your business online by offering virtual classes. You can also offer products in digital forms, such as e-books. Simultaneously, step up your digital marketing efforts by updating your website and promoting your business on social media. But you have to be creative as possible to pique the interests of your customers.
As you change the way you do business, you will notice a corresponding effect on the cash flow. You can start by reaching out to customers by informing them you will continue doing business with them. You can make phone calls by providing updates about orders and new payment terms. Also, make follow-ups and encourage them to be open if they are experiencing difficulty.
Next, propose additional services by asking if they need other products or services they cannot find in other businesses. Treat this as an opportunity to explore more options that will bring in additional cash for your company.
With the rapid shifts in the business industry, companies need to learn how to be creative and flexible in growing their business. But before thinking about your sales, it is important to prioritize and foster your connections first, starting from your employees, customers, and suppliers. After all, your business is nothing without these people.
Feb 25, 2021
Products You Can Sell Online
The e-commerce industry continues to grow each year. Last year alone, it grew by around 32 percent compared to the year before, which is the fastest so far in the past decade. The pandemic may have helped this growth as stores started selling online due to the authorities’ restrictions.
With this, you may be interested in setting up your e-commerce business. Here are some business ideas you may want to consider when you dive into the e-commerce industry.
Setting Up an E-commerce Store
But before offering anything, you should set up an e-commerce store where you’ll sell the products. You have several e-commerce platforms to choose from depending on your coding knowledge and skills. Among the more popular options are Shopify, WooCommerce, Wix, and BigCommerce.
Some of these platforms require some coding knowledge, while others are user-friendly that you only need a domain name and website hosting. Basic designs on the website are already suitable for you to sell products online. But you can also enhance their look by hiring professionals to do it for you.
For instance, you can work with an agency that creates stores using web development tools from Shopify. These agencies can enhance the look of your website and make it user-friendly. Additionally, they can also make your e-commerce stand out in the market.
When you’ve set up your e-commerce site, it’s time to select the products to sell online. Here are some product ideas you can consider.
Second-Hand Products
Selling second-hand but good-quality products will always have a place in the market. People are always on the lookout for bargains, and they normally buy used-but-not-abused products in the market. With this, you can start checking your cabinets for any items that you can sell online. These items can include clothing, furniture, and jewelry.
After selling what you have at home, you can also visit any open thrift shops to source your products. Just make sure the thrift shop doesn’t have a website, or else you’ll be competing with the place where you’re sourcing your items. Additionally, the price should be reasonable enough to entice visitors to buy your products.
Educational Content
If you’re a teacher, you can create a course that you can sell online. Since many schools worldwide have implemented remote learning arrangements, you can offer courses that may help learners while they’re taking lessons online. The content may range from elementary-level lessons to university courses.
Feb 19, 2021
Should You Borrow Money to Travel?
Frequent travelers usually save up or use their credit cards to finance their trips. Some also take out a loan, specifically a travel loan, a.k.a. tourist loan. Borrowing money for a trip may not sound the most sensible, but if you use your credit card to book flights and shop abroad, aren’t you technically doing the same?
People who are highly deliberate with their finances may disapprove of going into debt in order to travel. However, there could be some perks to getting a travel loan. If you found a good lender, you can negotiate your terms so that you can still stick to your monthly budget while making your repayments. Plus, travel loans aren’t as big as home loans or car loans. You won’t be borrowing hundreds of thousands, so it’s easy to repay over a short period.
Potential Challenges to Borrowing Money for Travel
Travel is neither a tangible nor an appreciating asset. It is a luxury that loses value upon consumption. As such, it’s worthless to anyone but you.
Ask yourself what the trip means to you before borrowing money. Determine if the memories you’ll make will last a lifetime. If you’ll be sacrificing a part of your monthly income for repaying the loan, then your travel should be worth it. Depending on how much you borrow, you could be repaying the loan for years.
For example, if you borrow $10,000 for a month-long trip all over Asia, and the loan’s interest is at 15%, your monthly payment for 5 years will be $237.90. Your interest payments would add up to $4,273.96, making your total repayment $14,273.96. That’s a hefty amount of money for a depreciating asset. But if the travel’s value if beyond monetary for you, then paying over $200 every month for 5 years shouldn’t be an issue. You can negotiate for a more flexible term anyway, such as 10 years. But your interest payments will blow up more over that period.
The Good Side of Borrowing Money for Travel
Debts have such a bad reputation when it is used for anything other than homes, businesses, or cars. Some people even disdain travelers who use borrowed money for their trips. But a travel loan has more positive qualities than one realizes.
Travel loans allow for more financial flexibility. You can borrow more than what you need so that you’ll have room to enjoy your travel more. Say, your California itinerary didn’t include a tour to the Disneyland Resort initially, but upon setting foot in the state, you realized that it would be a bummer to miss it. But because you borrowed more than what you need, you can still buy tickets to the Disneyland Resort and enjoy a guiltless, spontaneous activity.
In addition, having extra money is useful in case of emergencies. Some trips result in unexpected food poisoning or injuries. Though an ER visit is the last thing in your mind while planning a trip, it’s better to be prepared for it than experience it empty-handed. If not a medical-related incident, emergencies can be extra baggage fees, hotel services, or unplanned activities.
Furthermore, travel loans give you more financial advantage than credit cards. Using a credit card tempts you to spend more because you’re not seeing your money get wiped out. Paying with cash, on the contrary, encourages you to stick to your budget. A travel loan’s fixed interest rate is lower than a credit card’s, too.
How to Qualify for a Travel Loan
There are many lenders offering travel loans. Each lender and loan offer different perks. But the qualifications are more or less the same for everyone. The terms, however, may differ depending on the location. In the Philippines, for example, a standard travel loan program has a term of 1 day up to 365 days, a principal amount of Php 1,000 to Php 35,000, and a fixed interest rate, calculated after application.
But as with any loan, you need a good credit score to be approved. A major credit scoring company will assess your financial records to see if you fit the risk profile. If you have no other debts, your chances of getting approved increases.
Here are the requirements for applying, assuming that you’re borrowing in the Philippines:
- Must be at least 18 years old at the time of application formalization
- A Philippine or U.S. citizen
- A permanent source of income
Having no credit score or history won’t automatically result in a denial. But for lenders to ensure that you’ll repay, they may ask for collateral, such as your car or another one of your properties.
Considering the amazing perks of a travel loan, being short on cash is no longer a hindrance to exploring the world. As long as you are a responsible spender, then borrowing money for travel won’t jeopardize your financial stability.
Feb 18, 2021
6 Types of Expenses Involved when Starting a Business
Everyone dreams of becoming their own boss and finally call the shots. The best and sometimes the only way to do so is by starting your own business. According to the Small Business Administration, approximately 627,000 new companies open their doors each year, ushered in by aspiring entrepreneurs.
However, starting a new business is very difficult, as any entrepreneur will tell you. One of the largest hurdles is amassing enough capital to do so. Prospective businessowners often turn to bank loans and other organizations for financial assistance in this matter. But what exactly are the costs involved when opening a new business? Here are 6 types of expenses associated with opening new startups.
Costs Involved with Starting a New Business
Everything costs money, even establishing your own company. But just like investments and life insurance, the money you spend on opening a new business can flourish and secure your financial stability in the future. When planning to start a company of your own, you should be aware of the six most common types of expenses involved.
Here’s a comprehensive rundown of these costs.
- Insurance
Your business will need to have its own insurance policy, completely separate from your personal insurance in most cases. This is to protect it in case your company is broken into by criminals, catches fire or some other negative incident. Aside from insuring the business itself, you may be required to provide your employees with their own insurance policies. These protect workers and gives a modicum of financial assistance should anything untoward happen to them on the job. Premiums on these policies vary with each company and your provider.
2. Permits and Licenses
Whether you’re opening a new bar or selling natural preservatives for cosmetics, you will need to secure business licenses from local or even national authorities. For example, if you’re opening a bar you will need to a liquor license as well as a business permit. These are often affordable, although this depends on local legislation. The more areas of industry your business covers, the more licenses you’ll need. This does not include voluntary certifications thatboost your company’s reputation.
3. Real Estate Costs
There are many differences between starting your business and setting up an online store. One stark difference is that almost all startups will require an office space, especially if you have more than a handful of employees. This means you’ll either have to rent an office or purchase a building for your new enterprise to occupy. This tends to be the most expensive part of opening a new business and can comprise the largest portion of your business’s overhead afterward.
4. Technological Costs
This covers costs such as computers, internet services, mobile devices and other electronics. Nowadays, every business needs at least one computer, even if its solely to track your expenses and client information. Depending on the industry of your startup, your technological costs can skyrocket. For example, a boutique bakery will have drastically lower technological expenses than a software development firm.
5. Equipment Expenses
Not every device or piece of hardware you’ll buy for your new business falls into the technological category. Your desks, ergonomic chairs and carpeting are all part of what’s known as your equipment expense. This also covers specialized forms of equipment. Continuing the example above, a bakery will need plenty of ovens, stand mixers and possibly even a walk-in refrigerator. Don’t be tempted to scrimp on this part of your startup costs. A comfortable workplace with the right chairs and desks can mean the difference between a profitable first year of business.
6. Debts and Obligations
Finally, there are the costs your business will incur before it ever opens. The primary examples of these types of costs include any bank loans you may have had to take out just to finance any of the other aforementioned costs. Another type of financial obligation you’ll have to pay off sooner or later includes returning investment costs to all backers who helped fund your business. This does not count any personal cost you may have accrued financing the enterprise. For example, if you took out a mortgage on your house to buy equipment, that’s a personal cost and shouldn’t be part of your company’s obligations.
Starting a new business is a challenging and complex process. Understanding every aspect of this process is important in ensuring you know what you’re getting into when you want to become your own boss. Knowing the costs involved is essential in preparing yourself and your affairs properly for becoming an entrepreneur.
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