May 4, 2018
In the past ten years, veganism has risen by 160%. Regardless of the potential for growth, this is an impressive number. Even more remarkable is the fact that 375 million people around the world consider themselves vegans or vegetarians. You may point out this is only 0.05% of the total population, yet hundreds of millions of people can’t be ignored.
Using these stats, it’s easy to say one thing – the lifestyle is popular. Sure, the vast percentage of people still eats meat, yet the tide seems to be turning. However, as this happens the spotlight falls on the life, it begs one question: is it as helpful as it advertises?
All Around The World
The west hasn’t decided to pump money into veganism and increase food supplies. Nope, the raw materials come from countries around the globe, a lot of which that are poor. Avocados are in vogue today, as are beans and lentils. Unlike a slab of meat, these ingredients come from countries such as Brazil, Kenya, and Indonesia. In short, they have to be flown thousands of miles, emitting dangerous gases along the way. Ag sprayer nozzles can help preserve them for longer, yet the damage has been done. Meat may be cruel but it doesn’t travel as far.
‘Avo Look At The Price
As relatively wealthy people, a price hike isn’t the worst thing in the world. Indeed, vegans are happy to pay over the odds to save the planet, which is commendable. Citizens from less economically developed countries aren’t on the same page. And, it seems to be them who are paying the price, literally. Kenya has had to ban exporting avocados because the stock fell dramatically and the cost rose to $25 per fruit. Vegans are happy to take advantage yet people are losing out on the other side. Some would argue this isn’t fair.
SJW stands for social justice warriors; people who fight for causes no matter how big or small. Great, this is what the world needs. As a society, we are losing touch and need to fight back against the man. Sadly, as the last paragraph points out, this isn’t always the case. Plus, there is a developing trait connected to veganism: labeling. Vegans, believing their choice is the right one, preach and make others feel uncomfortable. Worse than that, they boycott, protest and scream obscenities at suppliers and customers alike. This attitude is permeating every walk of life and is splitting societies in two.
Human beings have evolved to need protein. In fact, all animals are the same. Chimpanzees are typical herbivores, eating a diet high in vegetation and fruit, yet even they hunt other monkeys. Why? They do it because they need the meat to provide protein. Cutting out meat in all forms could be potentially harmful to health. Sure, there are other ways to source protein, yet meat is the main source. Eradicating meat altogether isn’t the issue; cutting back should be the plan.
Veganism is a worthy cause, but it’s worth remembering that it isn’t infallible.

May 1, 2018
Continual demand for low priced meat has left farmers struggling in recent years. Many are having to work long days for little pay. And, things don’t look set to improve with Trump’s trade war with China rippling into the industry. It’d be fair to say many lifelong farmers are starting to quake in their wellies.
As though politics weren’t enough to throw the industry into dispute, agricultural workers are also dealing with the changing tastes of the nation. We are, of course, talking about veganism. While this was once the reserve of the militant few, 6% of Americans now refer to themselves as vegan. And, this only looks set to increase as people become more concerned about animal welfare and environmental impact. Plus, increased access to meat and dairy alternatives makes this lifestyle more accessible than ever.
But, while some farmers are trying to push the message that meat is best, others are adopting a vegan mindest with open arms. And, it’s possible that’s the best way forward. After all, when you can’t beat the people, you have to join them. And, these farmers are certainly seeing better success than their counterparts. Only time can tell whether that success will stand last for the duration. Right now, though, it seems like every farmer could do with following in their footsteps. But how exactly are these farmers embracing the trend?
A step away from animal products
Perhaps the most obvious option is to step away from animal products. Companies like MKC can help meat farmers move towards crop production. In truth, this a more lucrative option than many farmers realize. Unlike animals, crops require little input before offering rewards. While money per product is less, production like this can drastically cut outward costs. So, many would argue it’s a worthwhile trade. What’s more, this is sure to help farms stay afloat in a world where meat eating is no longer a given. Either way, it’s fair to say that the grass is greener on the green side right now.
Better conditions for animals

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In recent years, the focus has been on cheaper meat, sometimes at the expense of conditions for animals. But, things are shifting the other way. Now, most consumers are willing to pay more for meat raised in humane conditions. As such, farmers could also benefit from focusing on better conditions, even if it does mean raising prices.
Cutting out the middle-man
Aside from just being about cutting animal products, veganism means paying attention to what you eat. And, that means watching where you buy it. As such, farms which sell products straight to customers are thriving right now. Even avid vegans may be willing to buy fresh eggs if they can see chickens in the yard. Many are also willing to eat organic meat products from farmers they trust. So, focusing on a shop space could be the last step to farming success right now. Who knows, this could even change the face of farms in our community.

Mar 14, 2018
By Nigel Hilton
The world economic forum published an article in late 2017 that stated that democracy is on the decline. Countries around the world are seeing the democratic values decline sharply, but we can’t blame that will all the issues the world is facing at the minute. But a world without democracy is not one that we want to live in. Democracy covers a wide range of categories. It is measured by the function of a government, the state of civil liberties, and political culture to name but a few. There are still some countries leading the way that have a strong democracy, Norway and Iceland are to name but a few. So considering that democracy is on the decline, we’re going to explore what a world with no democracy is, and what is being done to try and strengthen it around the world.

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Economic Growth
Democracy actually effects economic growth more than you would realise, but there have been many studies carried out that have tried to prove this different. It is in fact common belief that it has no influence over economic growth at all, but you can’t ignore the statistics. The lower the level of democracy goes in a country, the lower the level of economic growth. This is because political regimes aren’t being carried out to protect the economic growth of a country. The effects of which can be catastrophic for the economy and cost of living within that country.
Government Power
The government holds a lot of power, that’s always been the case. But the power the government has often causes so many issues in the world. There is only so much the public can do with regards to this, but the state of civil liberties does protect us somewhat. It means to government can’t change civil rights such as the ‘free exercise’ which allows people to practice their religion. What it doesn’t protect us from is the decisions being made about wars and the things that are really damaging our countries. The National Endowment for Democracy is funding non-profit organisations that are trying to change the level of government power in countries that might have a lower level of democracy, and in turn bring countries closer together. Because it isn’t just government power that democracy determines, it is just so much more than that. Countries such as North Korea have zero levels of democracy, and their ruler does in fact have full power of the decisions that will affect his nation.
Public Political Influences
The public can only have so much say in what the government does, as we’ve already said. But, the higher the influence of the public, the higher the level of democracy. It is giving the public the right to decide smaller decisions that happen within the country. Take the recent brexit of Britain. 72% of the population turned out to vote, which saw a rise in the level of democracy within a country. The less influence the public has, the more decisions that the government could make that would not go in favor of the public.

Mar 13, 2018
Gun violence has been a major controversy lately and that’s mainly because of the recent school shootings in the country. People, especially students, are now calling for the ban of firearms but just how much of a risk does gun ownership bring to the table? According to The Guardian, American civilians have at least 265 million firearms, which when distributed, makes it equivalent to having one firearm per American. If that is the case, you could assume that most people by now would know about the legal factors to consider when owning a firearm and the charges it involves. To shed light on that topic, we have rounded up the key things you need to know legally about firearm/weapon charges:
Who can own a firearm?
With over 52,026 federally licensed firearms dealer nationwide and Walmart still as the nation’s largest dealer, it becomes obvious that anyone can look into guns anytime and anywhere they wanted to. With the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Actimplementing a background check before any purchase, it requires a certain standard before you can get your hands on a firearm. Now let us dig up what exactly the main requirements are for an individual to be eligible for gun ownership:
Legal age
By federal gun laws, an individual should be of legal age, meaning at least 18 years of age, in order to be eligible for gun ownership.
The permit and license to carry firearms
Most of the states require an individual to possess a permit to carry firearms. However, some do not. In fact here is a list of some of the states where one can easily purchase a gun without a gun registration, permit, and license required to purchase firearms:
- Alaska
- Arkansas
- Colorado
- Delaware
- Florida
- Idaho
- Indiana
- Kansas
- Maine
- Wyoming
- You have renounced your US citizenship
- You reside in the US illegally
- You have been discharged dishonorably from the military
- You are a certified drug addict
- You have been convicted of domestic violence against a parent, guardian, and spouse
- You have been issued a restraining order from someone by being found guilty of stalking, harassing, and threatening the individual
- You have been diagnosed as mentally ill
- You are a fugitive
Federal laws have allowed multiple states to regulate their own laws when it comes to legally-owned firearms carried by individuals in a public setting by implementing a “Right to Carry” which falls into the following four categories:
- Anomalous Open Carry States – the local government is allowed to implement restrictive open-carry laws among its people who choose to carry their guns in public.
- Permissive Open Carry States – gun owners are allowed to carry their guns in public.
- Non-Permissive Open Carry States – the government will only allow the carrying of firearms in public for the main purpose of self-defense, hunting, and target practice.
- Licensed Open Carry States – gun owners with a permit and license are the only ones legally allowed to do openly carry their firearms in public.
Anyone under the age of 18 years old, and yet has a possession of a firearm, is considered as illegal. As given by different federal laws in each state, penalties for the convicted minor will also differ as he/she can face jail time from 90 days up to 3 years, and will also be eligible to bail out for $1000 up to $100,000.
The only exception for a minor to possess a firearm is when he/she is with parents and is carrying the gun with their permission for it to be used for hunting or target practice, otherwise, it would be considered illegal.
Illegal possession of firearms
A lack of valid ID, a lack of or expired Firearm Owner’s Identification Card, and inability to present a safety certificate upon purchase can subject you to penalties. You can pay from $1,000 up to $25,000 and can face up six months of jail time and up to five years of imprisonment.
Convicted Felons
Nearly all of the federal state laws prohibit convicted felons from possessing any weapons/firearms for the safety of the public. It may even take up to 10 years before a convicted felon can gain the right to possess any firearm, and he/she will also be facing 10 years of imprisonment if found with illegal possession of firearms.
Should a convicted felon wish to restore his/her rights to possess firearms, he/she may do so by involving executive actions such as a pardon from the governor and judicial actions such as expunging of records.
What can you do to be free of charges?
In order to fully avoid the charge with regards to possession of firearms, it is best that you follow the federal state laws and to always carry with you the certificates, permits, and IDs that will prove to any authority that you are indeed eligible to carry around firearms. Should anything be charged against you that you think it was violating your right, you may consult a lawyer who can help you sort through the legal procedure.
Many times, employees who are facing firearm/weapon charges are more likely discriminated in the workplace. Thus if you have legal concerns on workplace employment discrimination, you may click here to get more information.
Anne McGee
Anne McGee has over 20 years of experience writing about law subjects where she hopes her knowledge can help the common reader understand law topics that may be of relevance to their daily lives. If she’s not reading a good book, then chances are Anne is jogging during her free time.
Jan 19, 2018
By Nigel Hilton
Sorry to say it, but sometimes the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. Or, for the benefit of this article at least, on the other side of your town divide. You may have visited somewhere new, decided you like the place, and seen first hand how the people living there may be happier than you in your current situation. There may be less crime, for starters. People may be genuinely nice to each other in the street. Oh, and the grass may actually be cleaner because there is less pollution destroying the environment. So, should you move?
Before you make any drastic decisions, perhaps the area you live in isn’t that bad. Perhaps you are bored and in need of a change of scenery. Sometimes an extended holiday may be in order, giving you the opportunity to get away from it all for a short time. You might want to give your home a makeover too, see, giving you the chance to enjoy the house you come back to each day. Extending your social circle may help as well, meeting new people who share the same interests as you. Then there are other neighbourhoods to explore.
On the other hand…
If you are genuinely unhappy in the area where you live, then yes, perhaps it’s time to get out of there. The following reasons are perfectly valid.
Bad neighbours – We can choose the house we live in, but we can’t choose our neighbours. If they go beyond the usual noisy neighbour and are genuinely difficult to live next door too, then moving is a good option. This is also true if your neighbourhood is overrun with people you struggle with. If your local area has taken a downturn, and economic conditions have changed, you may be living alongside a range of undesirable people in place of the folks who used to live in your vicinity.
Crime – The crime rate probably went up if you have the neighbours we just mentioned! Seriously though, if you are worried about your safety, perhaps because of high burglary rates, vandalism, and violence on the streets, you should move, for your sake, and for that of your family.
Cost of living – Money is a massive cause of stress, and if you can no longer afford to live in your property, you should consider moving. There is advice in one of our previous articles on this very matter,, so follow the link. Moving to another neighbourhood in your town may be the answer, but if house prices are consistently high, and other issues prevail, it may be worth extending your search beyond the borders.
But remember…
The grass may be greener, but every town has its problems. Don’t leave expecting paradise. We were intrigued by the quaint town of Sweetgrass – see – and while living there seems undeniably attractive, it may not be right for everybody. So consider what you want from a new area before you move anywhere new. Somewhere cheaper? Better amenities? Peace and quiet? It is possible to get all of these things, but will you get perfection? No, probably not. Still, anywhere is better than the town you came from if you identified with some of the issues we raised, but don’t rush your decision until you are sure. You are trying to make life better for yourself, after all, so don’t run headlong into a place with a new set of problems.
Jan 16, 2018
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By Lina Martinez
Opinions on Trump waver from day to day. It’s not surprising: due to Trump’s relatively unpredictable nature and the consistent stream of evidence and anecdotes purporting to his controversial behaviour, actions, and comments, a staunch supporter one day could be turned away from him the next. Here are a few notable Republican figures whose loyalty to the party has waned due to its current figurehead.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Arnold Schwarzenegger is noted for being a stalwart Republican. However, approaching the Presidential election, he revealed on Twitter that for the first time since becoming an American citizen in 1983, he would not be voting for the Republican candidate for President. He noted that despite being proud to call himself a Republican, he would call himself an American first, going on to speak of how one should support their country over a party, implying that Trump would be no good for America at large.
Mike Crapo
Mike Crapo is a US Senator, representing Idaho. However, as a proud advocate of women’s rights (having campaigned for years against domestic violence), he noted that he could not support an individual who has made such consistent demeaning, disrespectful, and profane comments against women. Like Schwarzenegger, he believes that the USA requires a conservative rule. However, cannot bring himself to support Trump as a leader of the party that Crapo represents himself.
Susan Collins
Senator Susan Collins of Maine may not have publicly questioned Trump’s leadership, but she did highlight how political figures are privately discussing their doubts as to his ability when a microphone picked up her conversation with democratic senator Jack Reed at a hearing. During the conversation she questioned his mental state and overall competence. While Reed noted that he thought Trump was “crazy” she confided that she was “worried”.
John McCain
Now, John McCain’s name has been splashed across the news a whole lot due to his lack of alliance with Trump. But if you’re not quite up to scratch with Arizonan politics, let us fill you in. Despite a last minute phone call with the President himself, McCain refused to get behind Trump’s Republican healthcare bill, essentially sinking it in a vote in the early hours of the morning. The senator has been upheld as a maverick for this move. His relationship with the President is notoriously taut, as he refuses to back down and has long been open with his criticisms of the President himself, his rhetoric, and his foreign policy. Despite undergoing medical treatment, McCain is staunch in his views and has opposed Trump time and time again throughout his Presidency so far.
Perhaps never before has a President proven so controversial and largely unpopular amongst their very own party as Donald Trump has managed to become. Bear in mind that these are just a few of the Republican individuals who are in leadership positions or are prominent in the public eye who oppose his actions and comments. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of individual Republican-identifying voters who are coming to question his leadership.

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