Oct 30, 2018
As an aspiring author, one of the most important skills you’ll ever have to learn is… Finishing! Not only is writing endings a skill and its own discrete art, it’s impossible to start to promote or market a book that is unfinished. Hit up virtually any author on Twitter and ask them how many would-be authors have contacted them through some platform or another with advice about how to promote their book. Then ask them how many of those authors actually finished the book in question. The number will likely diminish. Still, getting ahead of one’s self before the tome in question is complete is just one part of the wonderful life of an author.

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Nonetheless, when that troublesome ending is written, the book has been re-drafted and edited and you’re feeling good about it, promotion can be a thorny issue, especially if you have self-published. Without the clout of a publisher behind you, getting people to invest in your book can be tricky. While it’s advisable to seek the aid of SEO Consultants, this is not always possible for those on a shoestring budget. With this in mind, here are some SEO tips for authors to help you to reach the audience who will love your book…
Always be blogging
Blogging is a powerful string to an author’s bow for a number of reasons. Firstly, blogging is a great whetstone on which to sharpen your writing talents. Secondly, it’s a great way to engage with your readers and let them peek behind the curtain of your writing process. Thirdly, it allows you a great opportunity to expand your reach through SEO. Needless to say, your blog posts don’t always have to be about the book you’re trying to promote. The judicious use of keywords can allow you and your work to get noticed in a wide range of search engine queries. When you use highly relevant keywords which are appropriate to the craft of writing, your chosen genre or literary criticism it exposes your insights and your work to a wider range or prospective readers.
Plus, if you can get them to invest in you as an author and as a person they’ll keep coming back to your work time and again.
Focus on strategy
Your website should be a platform not just to promote your work but to encourage readers to invest in your brand and your voice. If they do this, they’ll not only be more likely to read your work, they’ll also be more likely to review it on Amazon, share your content on social media and help their friends, colleagues and family members to find your work.
In order to do this, however, you need to be strategic in your approach to content creation. Don’t just write content arbitrarily. Keep abreast of trending topics. Write posts that coincide with big releases in your genre. Keep using keywords to keep your content relevant.
Reach out to other authors
Links are an important part of SEO. Internal links are great but backlinks from high authority sites are solid gold. Thus, if you can get another author to link to your content, especially one whose website gets a lot of traffic, it can be highly beneficial for your SEO.
This is why it pays to maintain good relations with fellow authors, especially those within your genre, on social media and be a participatory member of the community.

Oct 26, 2018
If you or a loved one is a committed member of the literari, there is no better time to look into book subscription boxes. The bookworm in your family might be difficult to buy for around the holidays since they’re always buying new books or cruising the local library for new releases, but you can get ahead of the curve by signing them (or yourself) up for a subscription box specifically curated by book lovers for book lovers. While you’re at it, you might treat yourself further by signing up for the best coffee subscription to pair with your new favorite novel.
Not everyone is blessed with a Powell’s right next door, and barring an opportunity to road trip and get the Oregon Coast experience, you’ll have to make do with local bookstores or online purchases. This is where subscription services are especially handy. However, not all are created equal, and certain book of the month clubs are preferable for fans of different genres. A YA fanatic and a mystery lover will undoubtedly benefit from signing up for different subscriptions. If you’re curious about becoming a member of a book subscription club, consider some of the following popular choices.
The YA genre has never been more popular. With an unbelievable wealth of subgenres ranging from indulgent boy band fiction to creepy paranormal romance to action-packed dystopia, this category is not just for kids anymore. In fact, the vast majority of YA fans are actually over the age of 18, and the premier subscription box for fans of the young adult genre is OwlCrate and its sub-company, OwlCrate Jr., for kids.
Founded in 2014 by passionate YA fans hoping to share lesser-known titles with a worldwide audience, the service has taken off in the past four years and grown into nothing short of a phenomenon. The tight-knit team of voracious readers and proud book nerds have made appearances at events including the Texas Teen Book Festival in Austin and BookCon in Chicago. Their motto is “no one is too old to read YA,” and they encourage readers to keep growing their TBR piles with carefully curated monthly selections of the best in young adult literature.
LitJoy Crate.
Though fantasy-oriented subscription company LitJoy Crate is still finding their footing, the relatively new subscription service appears to be thriving amidst a lot of competition, perhaps due to the fact that their team is especially passionate about high-quality storytelling and fine detail in literature.
LitJoy is staffed by a team of powerful modern women with an unironic love of high and low fantasy, and hope to create a safe space for escapists to indulge their wildest dreams. They enable readers to give them feedback and talk about books through their social media platforms, too, allowing the experience to feel a lot more personal.
Despite their love of the fantastical and fictional, the staff of LitJoy are firmly grounded in real-world charity. They have proudly partnered with NGOs to give back to their global community of readers and writers.
Book of the Month.
With a name as classic and forthright as Book of the Month, this service is guaranteed to offer a straightforward, no-frills opportunity to dive into the best literary offerings every month. Subscribers are certainly happy; Book of the Month is currently the top-ranked subscription service for literature lovers. Their motto (“Read. Love. Repeat.”) emphasizes the simple, traditional values that their company takes as gospel, and at affordable rates, enables virtually anyone to gain access to the best books imaginable. While primarily geared towards adults, there are plenty of books available via Book of the Month that are appropriate for teens.
This service enables book lovers to gain early access to new releases and debut novels from groundbreaking authors. Book of the Month truly opens doors that might otherwise remain closed to those outside of the literary world themselves. It’s a beautiful thing when something as simple as a monthly subscription can provide amazing opportunities to read great literary fiction, nonfiction, and memoirs before anyone else.

Aug 29, 2018
Being an author is something that the majority of us will never get to do. Unless you go down that path when you’re really young, and you really do have a passion for writing, then you just won’t have the first idea about how to get into it. But, if you’re heading towards that at the minute because it is not uncommon for people to try, then we have to admit that you would be in for a wonderful life. The life of an author is full of adventure, backstreet fame, and money that you could do anything you wanted with. We say backstreet fame because becoming an author doesn’t put you in the limelight as such. People know who you are, but because your face isn’t plastered all over social media or the news, you don’t have to deal with the scores of fans running towards you. You can enjoy your fame and fortune in relative peace. So, if you are trying to become an author, here is the wonderful life that they lead!

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The Freedom
The freedom of becoming an author is great. You don’t have to go to the office really, you can work from home, let your mind rome free, and find ways to come up with some of the greatest novels that people have ever read! We will have to admit, whilst your lifestyle might be free, your mind definitely won’t be. Just because all you will be doing is writing a few things down, it doesn’t mean that your mind is going to be put to the test all of the time. You need to create those groundbreaking novels that are going to sell out in days. Doing so is not always easy, so make sure you’re getting the perfect balance of relaxation and work, or your mind might just go into meltdown. But, you definitely will have the freedom to travel around, see family as much as you want, and to make as much money as you want. You could work on a beach in the Bahamas, and still create that sellout novel, so you really would be living the life!
The Fame
Your fame isn’t going to be as big as an actor, or even a TV stars, but is that really what you would want anyway. You might get to do a few interviews every time you release something new, but that’s only good press! Daniel Handler is just one example of a great author, who has completed many funny interviews that promote his books and other work. It’s all about getting the audience to love you, without throwing yourself into the limelight too much. The last thing you want is to be followed around the street all of the time.
The Lifestyle
The lifestyle is pretty relaxed, we will admit that. We’ve already explained what you could possibly get up to, but it doesn’t stop there. The only pressure you’re really going to feel is pressure from yourself, rather than people breathing down your neck. It is this freedom that authors love so much about their lifestyle!

Aug 24, 2018
When it comes to decorating the home, once you have gone through the jobs of painting the walls, changing all of the furniture and messing around with your technology, there will be one thing missing from the wall which you need to bring into the space. Art is a wonderful thing to finish off any room of the home and it is usually the ideal way to show off your character and your personality too. Here are some of the things you need to think about when trying to choose art for the home.,
Think color scheme
The first thing you need to comply with when it comes to artwork is, of course, the colors you already have in the room. If you have a room which is largely made up of early tones and natural colors. Placing a bright neon pink painting on the wall might look out of place. Pay attention to the colours you have on the walls and with accessories and use this to choose a piece of art which is in keeping with the tone and theme of the room.
How much space do you have?
Space is a huge factor when it comes to choosing a suitable piece of artwork for the home because the size of the piece can run the risk of either crowding the wall or being lost in a sea of blank space. Make sure you choose a piece which suits the size of the wall you have to fill and be sure that it feels in proportion to the room. You can use paper to make a replica of the size of the piece you plan to buy and place this on the wall to see if it will work.
Photographs are one of the most popular things to add to the home to make it feel warm, welcoming and homely. You can either buy art from a professional photographer such as Peter Lik and place that on the walls, or you can opt to have some of your own pieces printed and this will make your home feel full of life and love.
Prints and paintings
If you already have a lot of photographs in frames on your shelves or tables, another great idea for the home is to bring in some original artwork or prints from an artist. There are so many amazing sites out there such as Etsy which offer art from their own home and this can be a great way to bring some fun personality to your living space.
Make a collage wall
If you have a large blank wall space to work within your home, one wonderful idea which you can do is to create a collage with different frames and photos which can fill your wall with love and memories from different stages of your life. You can really make an amazing talking point every time someone visits the house, and as you make new memories you can update the photos you have the wall to reflect this.

Aug 3, 2018
It’s a debate old as time itself, we can always see when someone is unhappy in a relationship, and we wonder “why don’t they just get out of it?” But, it’s never that simple. We’ve all been in unhappy relationships, and sometimes we are able to muster the strength in which to get out of it, but why are there so many people who choose to stay?
Not Feeling Worthy
Why we choose to stay in a relationship that’s not good for us can say a lot about ourselves. Unfortunately, it can get to the point where we feel that we deserve this relationship, even if it’s mildly or extremely abusive. This is something that nobody should stand for, and remember, if you ever feel like this, and you are subject to abuse, there is always a way out. You can press charges, or you can enlist the help of lawyers, such as the Khonsari Law Group, to help you get the outcome you deserve. But because we don’t feel worthy, and we feel that we deserve what we get, this becomes a habit that can stay with us our entire lives.
Not Knowing What Else Is Out There
We can feel that this is it, as far as life is concerned. A lot of people feel like that, but nowadays, thankfully, it’s less prominent. Back in the old days, people would get married to the first person they would pretty much meet. But now, this can sometimes occur, because we have various misconceptions about what love and relationships truly are. But in this instance, it’s always best to trust our instincts. If something doesn’t feel right, especially at the early stages of a relationship, then it’s best to get out before you get in too deep.
A Sense Of Dependency
Once you’ve got in too deep, you are tied together in so many different ways. As such, you feel dependent on them to help you out, either because you are suffering financial issues, or you have a home together. And a lot of the time, we can feel that these all take priority over our own feelings of happiness. In a relationship, we can slowly lose some of our sense of self, because we feel the other person can fill in the missing gaps. And likewise, the other person may depend on you for a lot of things, and so, guilt is one of the overriding emotions if you are unable to provide them with the essentials.
People stay in unhappy and unhealthy relationships for so many reasons, but it boils down through a combination of these three factors. A lack of understanding of what is out there, combined with feelings of inadequacy, as well as being relied on or relying on the other person, can be a devastating cocktail of emotions that is difficult to get out of. Whatever the reasons to stay in a relationship, we need to ensure we get something out of it. And people that are trapped in unhealthy or abusive relationships can feel like they are giving everything over without anything in return. This is not the definition of a relationship.

Jul 4, 2018
All industries are different. Only some can be compared. Someone working in healthcare will likely have little idea of how the film industry works for example, although there may be some transferable managerial skills. This is so obvious it shouldn’t even need to be stated. However, the same alienation can take place when entering a new industry without much in the way of starting knowledge, just a dream and a willingness to be different.
Assessing ‘industry difficulty’ before you even register your firm can be a great idea. It pays to know what you’re getting into, and what an industry demands from you before you begin offering your contribution. Some might have breakable rules, some might require a very specific manner of conducting affairs in the interest of health and safety. For example, you might want to run the most unique scuba diving firm, but you’re always going to be subject to the laws, regulations and safety procedures of bringing members of the public underwater in rental gear.
Not all industries are difficult to establish yourself within, and some might need you to jump through numerous hoops before you can even proceed to earn cash flow. Here are a few tips to get you started:
Look To The Competition
Finding out the practical process of your competition can help you understand how the best do it. Modeling yourself on this can help you provide a sturdy base to your operation. For example, if you hope to run a restaurant, it might be worth learning how a kitchen operates by either working in one or conducting heavy research. Looking to those doing it better than you can help motivate you from the first instance, but also help you avoid mistakes and hit the correct notes when needed. Remember plenty of information is available out there, such as case studies and lessons learned from hundreds of years of business application. If you want to use this to your advantage, you need only search for it.
Hire Lawyers & Pore Over Requirements
Hiring lawyers and poring over the requirements of your industry can help you adapt and become aware of any immediate legal issues you might face, or any suggestions you might take for any form of smooth sailing. For example, to continue the restaurant example, familiarizing yourself with kitchen hygiene codes and the small print in your food service licensing can help you dot the I’s and cross the T’s from here on out – avoiding any nasty surprises.
Utilize Excellent Software
It’s important to utilize everything at your disposal. Software is luckily here to help you parse plenty of information at once and make wise decisions based on your variable requirements. For example, consider the oil production fields, a fiercely competitive market that can be hard to start up in. With an industry spanning, resource gathering and ideal highlighting software package offered here, you can mitigate the difficulty of entering your field no matter how well gatekept it currently is. This helps you make informed decisions and rival titans in your industry.
With these helpers, you can be sure to assess industry difficulty before you even begin registering your name.

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